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BYU INDEPENDENT STUDY PILOT ONLINE TESTING. PILOT SCOPE BYU Independent Study at high level Overview of BYU Online Online testing pilot within BYU online.

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Presentation on theme: "BYU INDEPENDENT STUDY PILOT ONLINE TESTING. PILOT SCOPE BYU Independent Study at high level Overview of BYU Online Online testing pilot within BYU online."— Presentation transcript:


2 PILOT SCOPE BYU Independent Study at high level Overview of BYU Online Online testing pilot within BYU online pilot Six BYU Online courses have online exams Number of Students = 169 We will administer 441 online exams this semester We administered 148 in Sept-Oct 2013

3 WHY Benefits from Online Testing: Highly convenient for students Day-continuing student study anywhere Private location of their choice Decrease costs No Printing, Mailing, scantrons, scantron equipment No testing facility costs No testing center student fees

4 HOW Student schedules appointment with scheduling tool Enter proctored environment ID student, proctor instructions, record student, record students screen Take over students computer Enter password for their exam Proctor exam May be other students that come into the room When finished, student notifies proctor and submits

5 LESSONS LEARNED Student experience/feedback? Our experience/feedback Challenges Various technical difficulties; every issue is new/different Student’s internet connection Student’s firewalls

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