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JeopardyJeopardy Guerra Fria. JeopardyJeopardy Foreign Policy Home Front Cold War Culture and Poverty Cold War Turns Hot 10 15 20 25 30 35.

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Presentation on theme: "JeopardyJeopardy Guerra Fria. JeopardyJeopardy Foreign Policy Home Front Cold War Culture and Poverty Cold War Turns Hot 10 15 20 25 30 35."— Presentation transcript:

1 JeopardyJeopardy Guerra Fria

2 JeopardyJeopardy Foreign Policy Home Front Cold War Culture and Poverty Cold War Turns Hot 10 15 20 25 30 35

3 Foreign Policy The purpose of the meetings at Yalta and Potsdam Discuss the fate of post-WWII Europe

4 Foreign Policy Soviet goals at the Potsdam Conference Establishing friendly Communist states to promote Soviet interests

5 Foreign Policy What does the “Iron Curtain” refer to? Growing Soviet domination of Eastern Europe

6 Foreign Policy What did the Marshall Plan do Offered US economic aid to any country to spread democracy

7 Foreign Policy What was the Warsaw Pact founded in response to NATO

8 Foreign Policy U.S. response to the Berlin Blockade of 1948 Airlift food and supplies into Berlin

9 Home Front This congressional organization was created to investigate Communist subversives House Un- American Activities Committee

10 Home Front These two American citizens were convicted of giving nuclear secrets to the Soviets Ethel and Julius Rosenberg

11 Home Front Effects of the GI Bill of Rights Helped millions of veterans attend college and get job training

12 Home Front Describe the tactic of “McCarthyism” used by Senator Joseph McCarthy Used fear to publically accuse Americans of Communist activities without any real evidence

13 Home Front The role of women in society in the 1950s Pushed back into lower paying jobs or back into the home to raise children

14 Home Front Similarities between Red Scare after WWI and Cold War after WWII Fear of Communism leads to repression of civil liberties

15 Cold War Culture and Poverty Describe the “baby boom” Great increase in birth rate that results from the end of World War II

16 Cold War Culture and Poverty What is Levittown First planned suburban community

17 Cold War Culture and Poverty Attempt by Congress to limit the power of labor unions Taft-Hartley Act

18 Cold War Culture and Poverty What is Planned Obsolescence Make goods/technology seem out of date so people buy more stuff

19 Cold War Culture and Poverty These people rejected all forms of convention (jobs, hygiene, religion) Beatniks, Beat Movement

20 Cold War Culture and Poverty Describe the changes in the U.S. economy post-WWII Moves away from manufacturing/ production, and towards technology and service

21 Cold War Turns Hot The United States got involved in the Korean War because of this Cold War strategy Containment

22 Cold War Turns Hot The outcome of the Korean War North and South Korea remained divided into two countries

23 Cold War Turns Hot Strategy to be prepared to go to war, even be on the edge of war, without actually going to war Brinkmanship

24 Cold War Turns Hot How did Hydrogen Bomb help lead to the idea of Mutual Assured Destruction (MAD)? Bigger nuclear weapons means world will now be destroyed in nuclear war

25 Cold War Turns Hot CIA-led coup in this country kicked out this leader to support the United Fruit Company Guatemala, Arbenz

26 Cold War Turns Hot What regions are in the First, Second, and Third Worlds? First = U.S and allies Second – USSR and allies Third: neutral developing nations

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