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ESE Advisory Sharing The Commitment September 23, 2014.

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1 ESE Advisory Sharing The Commitment September 23, 2014

2 Collier County Public Schools | DOE ESE Parent Survey Surveys received District Overall Results (State) – 72.7% (75.6%) of preschool parents reported positively on the 25-item survey – 83.4% (74.5%) of K-12 parents reported positively on the 25-item survey StatewideLevelDistrictLevel% response greater than average statewide 3,163PreK66PreK.27% increase 20,531K-12897K-12.17% increase

3 Collier County Public Schools | What did we learn from the PK survey? Top 4 items 96.8% - Staff respected their cultural heritage 95.4% - Staff are available to speak with me 92.3% - My child’s evaluation was written in terms that were easy to understand 92.3% - Staff ensure that I have fully understood my rights related to Preschool Special Education

4 Collier County Public Schools | What did we learn from the K-12 survey? Top 4 items 93.6% - I was offered special education assistance so that I could participate in IEP meeting 93.5% - I have been asked for my opinion about how well special education services are meeting my child’s needs 93.2% - Staff ensure that I have fully understood the Procedural Safeguards 93.2% - All of my concerns and recommendations were documented on the IEP

5 Collier County Public Schools | What did we learn from the PK survey? Preschool areas of improvement/lowest 4 items: 67.2% parents reported PK staff connected families with one another for mutual support 71.0% reported that they were offered training about preschool special education 74.2% reported that supports were offered to participate in trainings/workshops 76.2% parents reported that PK staff provided them with information on how to obtain other services

6 Collier County Public Schools | What did we learn from the K-12 survey? Areas of improvement/lowest 4 items: 57.9% of parents reported that they were offered special assistance (such as childcare) so that they could participate in the IEP 61% reported that the school offers a variety of ways to communicate with teachers 64% reported they were given information about organizations that offer support 68.7% reported that the school provides information on agencies that can assist in transition from school

7 Collier County Public Schools | What is Collier doing to promote parent involvement? Pairs Compare: generate a list of answers. Pairs pair and compare their answers with another pair. 1. Rally/Table: shoulder partners Tally/Table answers. They keep it a secret from the other pair. 2. Time is called. 3. Pairs pair to Round/Robin their answers. 4. As a team, generate new answers and develop 1 team solution to promote better parent involvement in the activities that Collier does


9 Collier County Public Schools | Who meets 1003.572, F.S., definition of private instructional personnel? Certified under s. 393.17, F.S., or licensed under chapter 490 or chapter 491, F.S. for applied behavior analysis services Licensed speech-language pathologists Licensed occupational and physical therapists Licensed Psychologists Licensed Clinical Social Workers

10 Collier County Public Schools | What does parent need to do to have on-site private instructional personnel provide services? Parent makes request to school principal and/or intervention support specialist InSS obtains parent signature on a Release Exchange of Information permitting student information sharing between parties, and a signature on the Parental Affirmation of Understanding

11 Collier County Public Schools | What does the Private Instructional Personnel need to do to provide service at the school? Must complete a Private Instructional Personnel Affirmation of Understanding for Collaboration Provide a copy of Professional Licensure and Certificate of Liability Insurance District verifies completion of documents and notifies school when to proceed with planning the time and place for the services Private personnel must satisfy the district’s Fast Pass system upon arrival, each day, at the school

12 Collier County Public Schools | Sharing The Commitment Conference Save the Date Sharing the Commitment Conference Gulf Coast High School Saturday, October 25, 2014 8:00am - 1:30pm Online Registration will open on September 25, 2014 Http:// Http://


14 Collier County Public Schools | Special Diploma SB850 repeals special diploma law (s.1003.438, F.S.) effective July 1, 2015 Repeal of the law does not apply to SWDs with an IEP in effect the day the bill became law on July 20, 2014, if IEP contains a statement of intent to receive a special diploma Students in grades 10-11-12 on special diploma may change diploma option; must be approved by parent; subject to independent review; once change is made it cannot be reversed

15 Collier County Public Schools | SB 850 – Graduation Pathways Applicable for students entering grade 9 in 2014-2015 Requirement to declare an “intent” to receive a standard diploma or a certificate of completion

16 Collier County Public Schools | SB 850 – Graduation Pathways For students who take the FAA, standard diploma options include- – Combination of course substitutions, assessments, industry certifications, or occupational completion points that meet criteria for State Board Rule – A portfolio of quantifiable evidence documenting mastery of academic standards through “rigorous metrics” established in rule

17 Collier County Public Schools | SB 850 – Graduation Pathways For any SWD when the IEP team determines that mastery of academic and employment competencies is most appropriate – Completion of minimum requirements including course credits prescribed in State Board Rule – Achievement of all annual goals and competencies for academic and employment, industry certification, or occupational completion points in the student’s transition plan, verified by the IEP team – Successful employment 1 semester and payment of minimum wage; student, parent, teacher and employer must sign the transition plan

18 Collier County Public Schools | SB 850 – Graduation Pathways Students who meet standard high school diploma requirements may defer the receipt of the diploma if – IEP plan includes special education, transition planning, transition services or related services through age 21 – Student is enrolled in specific courses Waiver of statewide standardized assessment results by the IEP team must be approved by the parent and is subject to independent review

19 Collier County Public Schools | Collier Restraint Data Reduced its restraint incidents in 2013-2014 State 8,964 incidents involving 3479 students – Collier- 31 incidents involving 20 students

20 Collier County Public Schools | Collier Restraint Data


22 Collier County Public Schools | What is FDOE’s PLSA Program? Designed to provide the option for a parent to better meet the individual needs of his/her eligible SWD State approved non-profit Scholarship Funding Organization (SFO) to administer the PLSA program – A.A.A. Scholarship Foundation-FL – Step Up For Students Parents must apply to an eligible non-profit SFO; for more information visit SFO websiteSFO website

23 Collier County Public Schools | PLSA - Status As of September 4, 2014 – 2,078 applications received in state with 720 students confirmed as eligible by administering SFO – Collier provided verification to FDOE for 6 applications; none were enrolled in public school The Scholarship Funding Organization is responsible for verifying that a child is eligible to participate in this program

24 Collier County Public Schools | Personal Learning Scholarship Accounts Student must be resident of state Eligible to enroll in public school K-12 Has a disability stipulated in Law Is subject of an IEP written in accordance with rule OR has received a diagnosis of eligible disability by a physician licensed under chapter 458 or chapter 459 or a licensed psychologist

25 Collier County Public Schools | Disabilities Defined Autism as defined in s.393.063(3), F.S.Prader-Willi Syndrome as defined s. 393.063 (25), F.S. Cerebral Palsy as defined in s. 393.063(4), F.S. Spina Bifida as defined in s. 393.063(36), F.S. Down Syndrome as defined in s. 393.063 13), F.S. Kindergarten student who is “at-risk” as defined in s.393.063(20), F.S. Intellectual Disability as defined in s. 393.063(21), F.S. Williams Syndrome

26 Collier County Public Schools | What can the scholarship funds be used for? Instructional materials Curriculum Specialized services by an approved provider Enrollment in, or tuition or fees associated with enrollment in, an eligible private school, an eligible postsecondary educational institution, a private tutoring program, a virtual program Fees for nationally standardized achievement tests Contributions to the Florida Prepaid College Program A child cannot receive a PLSA and attend public school at the same time A child can receive a PLSA and receive their education through a home education program

27 Collier County Public Schools | Test Accommodations/Assessments All determinations regarding participation and need for accommodations must be document in student’s IEP IEP test accommodations apply to all district assessments, EOCs, and state tests Accommodations are organized in five categories: presentation, responding, scheduling, setting and assistive technology Florida Guidelines for Accommodations Three major accommodations were clarified for principals and school staff on July 30, 2014 (next slides)

28 Collier County Public Schools | 1. Extended Time Must align with the accommodation used regularly in the student’s classroom instruction and assessment activities Is not unlimited time IEP team decisions to extend time should be based on the need for extended time during similar tasks in the classroom A recommended practice is to not exceed the doubling of time that is provided to all students

29 Collier County Public Schools | 2. Alternate Settings Includes individual or small group The size of the small group is comparable to the normal instruction group indicated on the student’s IEP

30 Collier County Public Schools | 3. Specialized Presentation Formats Includes oral presentation of directions of assessment If the district/state assessment manual allows all students to have directions read, and the SWD has a plan with no other test accommodations indicated, then the student does not need to be removed from the classroom

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