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An Introduction To CLR Integration in SQL Server 2005 (Yukon) Dr Greg Low.

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1 An Introduction To CLR Integration in SQL Server 2005 (Yukon) Dr Greg Low

2 Who Am I? Director of White Bear Consulting Director of Lowell Computing Microsoft MVP for.NET INETA User Group Relations Chair for Asia-Pacific President of Qld MSDN User Group President of Qld SQL Server User Group

3 What we will cover: Why have CLR Integration? (Is T-SQL Dead?) Dealing with Assemblies Example Assemblies Scalar-Valued Functions Table-Valued Functions Stored Procedures Triggers User-defined Data Types User-defined Aggregates Management Issues Conclusion

4 Versions Used This material is based on the Beta 1 Refresh of Whidbey (September CTP) and Beta 2 of SQL Server 2005 (Yukon). Source material for the CLR examples is summarised and updated from the MSDN article: Overview of.NET Programming Features in SQL Server "Yukon" Beta 1 /library/en- us/dnsql90/html/sql_ovyukonnetprogfeatures.asp

5 Is T-SQL Dead? T-SQL remains the language of choice for data- intensive operations But, there are many things it’s not great at doing… Splitting Strings T-SQL Style Splitting Strings T-SQL Style Splitting Strings VB Style Splitting Strings VB Style Check Constraint Check Constraint Validating Email Address Format Validating Email Address Format

6 T-SQL vs Managed Code T-SQL best for data access with minimal procedural logic Managed code best for CPU intensive operations or complex logic (or accessing base class library) Decision is needed regarding client vs server regarding use of processing power.

7 CLR Integration Basics CLR integrated into the database SQL Server acts as the host for the CLR Any.NET language ok (VB & C# most common) Stored Procedures, Triggers & User-Defined Functions can now be in assemblies Two new object types: User-defined type (no longer just a sub-type) User-defined aggregate

8 Why Have CLR Integration? Why CLR? Type safety, garbage collection, rich class library, exception handling, thread management Loaded on first execution of a.NET assembly User-defined types (classes) and aggregates Common IDE environment Higher performance in some situations Rich programming model Arrays, collections, loops, encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism, etc..NET code access security model

9 Why CLR Integration (continued) Namespaces help organise code assets Managed code better for number-crunching tasks (plus string handling, regular expressions, file access, cryptography, etc.) Classes that don't make sense (eg WinForms) are not available

10 Dealing With Assemblies What is an assembly? Only DLLs can be registered Register via CREATE ASSEMBLY statement: CREATE ASSEMBLY MyCLR FROM 'C:\MyApp\MyCLR.DLL' Unregister via DROP ASSEMBLY statement: DROP ASSEMBLY MyCLR

11 Dealing With Assemblies (cont) Data and code (ie assemblies) owned by a user are isolated from those owned by another user unless access is granted. Permission can be given to create an assembly. The owner can then assign permission to reference the assembly. Calling chains (assembly calls assembly) can be an issue. Must be in same database and with appropriate permissions.

12 Dealing With Assemblies (cont) 3 security levels for assemblies (can be specified during CREATE as WITH PERMISSION_SET = SAFE|EXTERNAL ACCESS|UNSAFE) Default is SAFE EXTERNAL ACCESS allows network, registry, file system, environment variables UNSAFE is unrestricted (eg Win32 API)

13 Example Assemblies Scalar-valued User-defined Functions, Table- valued User-defined Functions, User-Defined Procedures and User-defined Triggers Inproc Provider is contained in System.Data.SqlServer (similar to System.Data.SqlClient but optimised for working with data inside the SQL Server process) Requires a reference to sqlaccess.dll 3 new objects: SqlContext, SqlPipe and SqlTriggerContext

14 Scalar-Valued Functions Demo Notes: DataAccessKind.None allows higher optimisation Microsoft.VisualStudio.DataTools.SqlAttributes reference is required for previous beta T-SQL assembly name must match the dll name (maybe…) T-SQL function name does not have to match the target method's name VB namespace makes the syntax more challenging

15 Further Function Example Much more reasonable use of CLR integration Consider what would be involved in T-SQL to accomplish the same

16 Table-Valued Functions UDF that returns a table Data is returned through an ISqlReader Declarations are similar to Scalar CREATE FUNCTION SomeFunction RETURNS @SomeTable TABLE (AColumn INT,AnotherColumn VARCHAR(35)) EXTERNAL NAME SomeAssembly.SomeNamespaceOrClass.SomeFunction

17 Stored Procedures Can return tabular results and messages, invoke DDL and DML and return parameters. SqlPipe object is used to return tabular results and messages SqlPipe has an overloaded Send() method SqlPipe sp = SqlContect.GetPipe(); SqlDataReader SomeReader = cmSQL.ExecuteReader(); sp.Send(SomeReader);

18 Stored Procedures (cont) [SQLProcedure] attribute on method Register by: CREATE PROCEDURE MyProc AS EXTERNAL NAME MyAssembly.MyNamespaceOrClass.MyP roc

19 Triggers Similar to previous code using SqlPipe but access to INSERTED and DELETED tables as in T-SQL triggers. Dim TriggerContext As SqlTriggerContext = SqlContext.GetTriggerContext() Dim TriggerPipe As SqlPipe = SqlContext.GetPipe() If TriggerContext.TriggerAction = TriggerAction.Insert Then … Register via: CREATE TRIGGER MyTrigger ON MyTable FOR INSERT AS EXTERNAL NAME SomeAssembly.SomeNamespace.MyTrigger

20 User-Defined Data Types Now possible to build a CLR-based class and use it in a CREATE TYPE statement. Rules apply: Must be Serializable Must Have SqlUserDefinedTypeAttribute Should implement INullable (ie should be NULL aware) Must have a public constructor with no arguments Should support conversion to/from a string via ToString() and Parse()

21 User-Defined Types Example SqlUserDefinedTypeAttribute properties: MaxByteSize (maximum size in bytes) IsFixedLength (are all instances the same length) IsByteOrdered (can binary representation be used in comparisons) Format (Native, UserDefined, SerializedDataWithMetaData)

22 User-Defined Aggregate Example Totally new object type for SQL Server Four methods required: Init()Accumulate()Merge()Terminate()SqlUserDefinedAggregateAttribute IsInvariantToDuplicates (MAX & MIN vs SUM) IsInvariantToNulls (MIN & SUM vs COUNT) IsInvariantToOrder

23 Management & Design Issues How does an assembly get to the server? (file system vs streaming) CLR versioning issues (& publishing policy) Normalisation ????

24 Conclusions Stunning new set of capabilities Many DBA's very scared… Lots of design decisions to be considered

25 For More Information SQL Server DBA’s Guide To The.NET Framework And CLR Integration (coming soon). Send an email to for prerelease info Overview of.NET Programming Features in SQL Server "Yukon" Beta 1 MSDN Library /library/en- us/dnsql90/html/sql_ovyukonnetprogfeatures.asp

26 Thanks for listening!

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