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SCAN SCAN System for Convection Analysis and Nowcasting Operational Use Refresher Tom Filiaggi & Lingyan Xin

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Presentation on theme: "SCAN SCAN System for Convection Analysis and Nowcasting Operational Use Refresher Tom Filiaggi & Lingyan Xin"— Presentation transcript:

1 SCAN SCAN System for Convection Analysis and Nowcasting Operational Use Refresher Tom Filiaggi & Lingyan Xin Decision Assistance Branch Meteorological Development Laboratory August, 2009 SCAN: 4 th Regional Severe Storms / Radar and Hydrology Conference Overview, August 2009

2 Agenda  Graphical Elements  Main Display: Cell Table, Icon graphic  Including Alarm functions  QPF displays  SCAN CWA Threat Index  SCAN Data Monitoring System (DMS)  ‘Recently’ Fielded Functionality  Unwarned Storm Cell  DMD Display and enhanced Time-Height  Service Backup enhancement  MDA: Mesocyclone Detection Algorithm  Time of Arrival Tool  Hail Diagnostics (ie: VIL Density) SCAN: 4 th Regional Severe Storms / Radar and Hydrology Conference Overview, August 2009

3 Agenda  Basics of SCAN  High-level Flow  Graphical Elements  Main Display: Cell Table, Icon graphic  Including Alarm functions  QPF displays  SCAN CWA Threat Index  SCAN Data Monitoring System (DMS)  ‘Recently’ Fielded Functionality  Unwarned Storm Cell  DMD Display and enhanced Time-Height  Service Backup enhancement  MDA: Mesocyclone Detection Algorithm  Time of Arrival Tool  Hail Diagnostics (ie: VIL Density) SCAN: 4 th Regional Severe Storms / Radar and Hydrology Conference Overview, August 2009

4 Data needed by SCAN NameIdentifierProduct NumberImportance to SCAN processor Composite Reflectivity CZ37Vital Vertical Integrated Liquid VIL57Vital Base Reflectivity (0.5 degree) Z19Vital Storm Track and Identification STI58Suggested MesocycloneMD141Strongly Suggested Tornado Vortex Signature TVS61Strongly Suggested SCAN: 4 th Regional Severe Storms / Radar and Hydrology Conference Overview, August 2009

5 Data needed by SCAN (con’t)  Lightning Data from National Lightning Detection Network (NLDN)  Numerical Model Data - FSL LAPS hourly model data SCAN: 4 th Regional Severe Storms / Radar and Hydrology Conference Overview, August 2009

6 SCAN Flow Chart Layout Radar Server ScanProcessor Radar RPG (Z (base), CZ, VIL, STI, M, TVS) D2D SCAN Depictable Graphic Display NotificationServer SCAN Extension Table Display Storm Cell, Site Threat Message, QPF, Meso, TVS file creations SCAN Configuration files Lightning Data LAPS Model Data SCAN: 4 th Regional Severe Storms / Radar and Hydrology Conference Overview, August 2009

7 SCAN Menu Contents  Storm Cells / Site Storm Threat Tabular data from Cells, Mesos, TVSs Graphic Icon D2D image  Storm DMD Icons & Table Tabular data and graphic Icons for DMDs  QPF from... Probabilistic and categorical contours  SCAN CWA Threat Index (SCTI) Color grid with arbitrary rules  Hail Diagnostics Several forms to choose from  Precipitation Rate Straight conversion of DHR radar product to rain rate (via Z/R) SCAN: 4 th Regional Severe Storms / Radar and Hydrology Conference Overview, August 2009

8 Graphical Elements Main Display  Storm Cell Table, including: Storm Cell Trends Color Thresholds Alarms  D2D graphic, including: Storm Cell Icons Local Site Threat Icons  Storm Cell Monitor SCAN: 4 th Regional Severe Storms / Radar and Hydrology Conference Overview, August 2009

9 Graphical Storm Cell Icons

10 Configuration Elements

11 Tabular Storm Cell Presentation

12 Rate of Change and Absolute Alarms

13 Storm Cell Attribute Time Trends

14 Severe Weather Monitor

15 Local Site Threats

16 Storm Cell Identification Display (SCID) Window  Launched from the Configurations menu  Controls zoom factor of inspected cell  Modify how D2D displays storm cells SCAN: 4 th Regional Severe Storms / Radar and Hydrology Conference Overview, August 2009


18 The Attribute Color Threshold (ACT) Window  Controls color coding of trends, table body cells  Launched in two ways: From the Configurations menu, box colors submenu Right-clicking on a storm attribute label SCAN: 4 th Regional Severe Storms / Radar and Hydrology Conference Overview, August 2009

19 Alarm Functions  Alarm information window Alerts user to temporal increases in an attribute that exceed a user set threshold Left-click invokes trend and zoom  Rate of Change Alarm and Absolute Alarm Threshold Window Modify the thresholds needed to set off alarms In the Configurations menu SCAN: 4 th Regional Severe Storms / Radar and Hydrology Conference Overview, August 2009

20 Alarm Functions (cont’d)  New Alarm Time Setup Window Sets time thresholds for new alarms  Alarm controls accessed through the Configurations menu  Message sent through Guardian SCAN: 4 th Regional Severe Storms / Radar and Hydrology Conference Overview, August 2009

21 1 Hour QPF: Probabilistic & Categorical  Categorical Contours up to 0.7 inches  Probabilistic Probability contours for various thresholds of accumulation SCAN: 4 th Regional Severe Storms / Radar and Hydrology Conference Overview, August 2009

22 SCAN CWA Threat Index  Arbitrary Thresholds Utilizing TVS, Meso, and Storm Cell traits  Colored Grid Traffic light Sampled text SCAN: 4 th Regional Severe Storms / Radar and Hydrology Conference Overview, August 2009

23 SCAN Data Monitoring System  Monitor the status of SCAN data inputs residing on your Data Server  Use display workstation Netscape browser SCAN: 4 th Regional Severe Storms / Radar and Hydrology Conference Overview, August 2009

24 Recently Fielded Functionality Unwarned Storm Cell  User-defined Thresholds  Checks storm cell locations against existing warnings  Changes Storm Cell ID foreground color in the SCAN Storm Cell Table OB3/8.1 SCAN: 4 th Regional Severe Storms / Radar and Hydrology Conference Overview, August 2009

25 Recently Fielded Functionality Digital Meso Detection (DMD)  Similar to Storm Cell Table (Table, Trends, Display icons)  Time-Height Trends!  Rapid Update (every elevation scan in about 20 seconds)  Time Height Trend Enhancement (OB7) OB4 SCAN: 4 th Regional Severe Storms / Radar and Hydrology Conference Overview, August 2009

26 Recently Fielded Functionality  Service Backup (OB5)  Text file definition in conjunction with SBN radar product receipt (CZ, Z, VIL): /data/fxa/tstorm/scanBackupRadarList.txt  Use of MDA (OB6)  Mesocyclone Detection Algorithm (MDA) output from ORPG used in place of old Meso algorithm Meso tracking now possible (like storm cells) SCAN: 4 th Regional Severe Storms / Radar and Hydrology Conference Overview, August 2009

27 Recently Fielded Functionality Time of Arrival  Tool much like Speed/Distance  Point, Line, and Poly-line modes, and circular front  Local and UTC time OB6 SCAN: 4 th Regional Severe Storms / Radar and Hydrology Conference Overview, August 2009

28 Recently Fielded Functionality Hail Diagnostics  VIL Density – (VIL / Echo Top x 1000)  Experimental product to detect severe hail  Enhanced 1km VIL Density that dilates echo tops OB6 SCAN: 4 th Regional Severe Storms / Radar and Hydrology Conference Overview, August 2009

29 - - - Summary - - - SCAN’s value is expected to vary, depending on:  Convective Scenario  Forecaster’s needs and expectations  Elements utilized  Forecaster’s Familiarity with SCAN’s functions  Forecaster’s Familiarity with Radar Meteorology Therefore, NWS forecasters should:  Use SCAN for what it is good for (which is subjective).  Do not expect SCAN to tell you when to Warn and when not to Warn.  Focus on the human requirement in Decision Making. Let SCAN automate the things that are automate-able.  Use SCAN as a Decision Assistance Tool SCAN: 4 th Regional Severe Storms / Radar and Hydrology Conference Overview, August 2009

30 SCAN Website  Additional Information can be found on the SCAN website:  SCAN: 4 th Regional Severe Storms / Radar and Hydrology Conference Overview, August 2009

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