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Revision  1. I find soap operas ______(interest).  2. I am ___ __ (interest) in sports programmes because they can make me _______(excite)  3.I feel.

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Presentation on theme: "Revision  1. I find soap operas ______(interest).  2. I am ___ __ (interest) in sports programmes because they can make me _______(excite)  3.I feel."— Presentation transcript:


2 Revision  1. I find soap operas ______(interest).  2. I am ___ __ (interest) in sports programmes because they can make me _______(excite)  3.I feel very _____because the film that I am seeing is very ______.( boring/ bored)  4.I think a shepherd’s life is quite _____(relax).  5.Gail was lying in the sun looking very _____(relax). interesting interested  1. I find soap operas ______(interest).  2. I am ___ __ (interest) in sports programmes because they can make me _______(excite)  3.I feel very _____because the film that I am seeing is very ______.( boring/ bored)  4.I think a shepherd’s life is quite _____(relax).  5.Gail was lying in the sun looking very _____(relax). excited bored boring relaxing relaxed

3 -ing/-ed adjectives  interesting/interested exciting/excited  boring/ bored relaxing/relaxed  worrying /worried surprising/surprised  tiring/tired challenging/challenged -ing adj. Often describe things  -ed adj. Often describe people’s feeling Eg: Teaching young children is a challenging job. I am surprised to learn that I have passed the test.

4  1. If you don’t do any sports you will get _____and _____(lazy).  2.Once we study in the Senior high school, we will be _______and ______(busy) lazier busier 类似的词: lazy, busy, easy, happy, healthy, heavy

5 Lesson 1 A Perfect Day?

6 What kind of lifestyles do you think these two men have? boring, busy, dangerous, active, easy, lazy, exciting, free, interesting, peaceful, relaxing, stressful Key words Brian Bob

7 -What does a couch potato refer to? - A couch potato is someone who watches too much television. “ 沙发马铃薯 ” 。懒人 指浪费太多时间看电视的人。

8 A person who works very hard and finds it difficult to stop working and do other things. He is a workaholic. 工作狂 工作迷 醉心于 工作的人

9 Brian A couch potato

10 Cartoons

11 TV series

12 films/movies

13 sports programmes

14 game shows

15 the news talk show

16 How to relax yourself? What are your favourite kinds of TV programme?

17 TV Spider gram: what are your favorite programs, why? TV Programs Sports programmes news Soap opera documentariescartoonsGame showfilmsTalk show Music programs

18 Brian Read and underline the TV programmes that Brian usually watches. the children’s programmes, old movies, the news, TV series, sports, a play

19 Read the text again and answer these questions: 1.Is Brian a lazy person ? Can you find two examples of his lazy behaviour? 2. What do you think “You’ve got the world at your feet” means?

20 Yes, Brian is lazy. For example, he watches the children’s programs until about half-past ten. Then he gets up. He doesn’t work but his wife works and she makes his meals. 1. Is Brian a lazy person ? Can you find two examples of his lazy behavior?

21 2. What do you think “You’ve got the world at your feet” means? It is used in a humorous way. It means this person feels he has a successful life because he can watch anything he likes on TV.

22 Bob A workaholic

23 take up; at home in the morning during the day in the office at home in the evening go to the office first; get home late; wake up, go off take Workaholic- a busy life jump out of bed, get changed be filled with bring back; have no time with family; complain about

24 Ask at least 2 questions according to the passage A Workaholic  Eg: It takes me less than fifteen minutes to wash, get changed, have breakfast, leave home and get on bus.  How long does it take the writer to wash, get changed, have breakfast, leave home and get on bus?

25 1.How does Bob spend his morning and evening? 2.What takes up a large part of the writer’s day? 3.When does the writer get home? 4.When does the writer get to bed? 5. Why does Bob’s family complain? 6. Why does Bob work so hard?

26 Voice your opinion  Are Brain and Bob’s lifestyles healthy? What can they do to improve their lifestyles? Brian Bob

27 Mr Biakey and Mr Black Mr Biakey is a person who likes ______TV too much. From ______ till ______ he does nothing _____ watch TV. I don’t think it’s ______ to live in his way. If he ______ doing so, he will get ______and ______. And ______ in bed or ______ in a sofa all day does him a lot of ______. He will get ______ and ______ and ______ to fall ill.. Mr Black is a ______ person who ______ himself to his work. He ______ hard as soon as he gets up ______ late into the night. He often feels very ______and he lacks ______ Working without proper ______or exercise does great ______to people’s ______. I think both of them should ______ their lifestyle and begin a ______ life.

28 Mr Biakey and Mr Black Mr Biakey is a person who likes ______TV too much. From ______ till ______ he does nothing _____ watch TV. I don’t think it’s ______ to live in his way. If he ______ doing so, he will get ______and ______. And ______ in bed or ______ in a sofa all day does him a lot of ______. He will get ______ and ______ and ______ to fall ill.. watching morning night but good keeps lazier lying sitting harm fatter easier do sb. harm, do sb. good

29 Mr Biakey and Mr Black Mr Black is a ______ person who ______ himself to his work. He ______ hard as soon as he gets up ______ late into the night. He often feels very ______and he lacks ______.Working without proper ______or exercise does great ______to people’s ______. I think both of them should ______ their lifestyle and begin a ______ life. diligent /hard-working devotes works until tiredexercises harm health change healthy rest

30 Assignment English Weekly A2 Language focus, Text &test

31 Language points A Couch Potato  1. 打开  关掉  转台  2. 下楼  3. 围成一圈 ( 在圆 圈内, 毫无进展 )  4. 遥控 1.switch on=turn on switch off=turn off switch over=change 2.go downstairs a circle 4.remote control  1. 打开  关掉  转台  2. 下楼  3. 围成一圈 ( 在圆 圈内, 毫无进展 )  4. 遥控 1.switch on=turn on switch off=turn off switch over=change 2.go downstairs a circle 4.remote control

32 (1)switch on= ? 把开关打开;接通 例子:首先你要接通机器电源。 First you should switch the machine on. (2)switch off= ? 把 … 关掉,关上 例子:他把电视关了. He switched the TV off (3)switch over = ? 转换频道,转变 ; 交换位置 例子:你先开车, 然后我们换着开 You drive first and then we can switch over. turn on turn off change

33 I often _____________ the TV to watch MTV, but my brother always _________________ to the football games. I don’t generally enjoy sports programs, so whenever he does that, I _______ the TV _____ and go to bed. But when I do that, my brother often ___________ it ______ again! switch on; switch off; switch over switch on switches over switch switches on off

34  1.( 铃,爆竹)响  2. 换衣服  3. 占据(时间 / 空 间)  4. 充满 1.go off 2.get changed 3.take up filled with =be full of

35 5.complain about sth complain to sb about sth = complain about sth to sb 6.get bored get bored with sth 5. 抱怨某事 向某人抱怨某事 6. 感到厌倦的 对某事厌烦

36 Meetings and phone calls take up a large part of the day. This table takes up too much room. 这个桌子太占地方了。 take up= ? use up ( time/room ) 占据(时间 / 空间)

37 Doing housework takes up a large part of the day. Watching TV takes up too much time of the day. What takes up a large part of the day? Doing housework takes up a large part of the day. Watch TV, too much time of the day Do housework; a large part of the day

38 take up 开始做某项工作 / 学习某个学科 ; 发 展某种爱好 如: ( 1 ) A few years later I dropped medicine and took up physics. ( 2 ) He took up a job as a doctor last year. ( 3 ) Mike took up writing when he was in college 开始做某项工作 发展某种爱好 开始学习某个学科

39 fill vt 使充满;注入 ①花园里开满鲜花。 Flowers filled the garden. ② fill A (容器 / 日子) with B The doctor filled the bottle with some medicine. 医生往瓶里装入一些药物。 ③ A be filled with B A 里充满了 B The bottle is filled with some medicine

40 Ex7 P9 Use the following phrasal verbs in the correct form to complete the sentences below. switch on, switch off, switch over, take up, fill with, complain about, bring back 1. As the mother of four children, my days are _________ cooking and cleaning! filled with

41 2. Doing research and writing reports ______ a large part of my day. 3. I don’t enjoy watching TV with my brother as he always ____________ to the programmes that he wants to watch. 4. Please ________ the TV when you go to bed. take up switches over switch off

42 5. ________ the light. It’s really dark in here! 6. I try to do the homework that I __________ from school as soon as I get home. 7. Mona is never happy. Listen, she’s now ________________ her lunch! Switch on bring back complaining about

43 English Weekly  A4 同步练习 Unit 1 Lesson 1

44 Unit 1 Lesson 1 I. 1. midnight2. urgent3. complained 4. personal5. cartoons6. document 7. peaceful8. bored II. 1. in 2. without3. on4. with 5. with 6. about / of7. up8. off 9. at 10. up 11. from 12. through III. 1. make some money2. switch on 3. works as4. bring back5. is asleep A4版A4版

45 IV. 1. go downstairs 2. took up; just for fun 3. must be ready for 4. It took; less than 5. does he6. answer this email 7. didn’t; until 8. the first to come and the last to leave 9. While Mr. White was ill 10. besides this dog

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