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Balancing Research & Privacy E. C. Hedberg Arizona State University & NORC at the University of Chicago.

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Presentation on theme: "Balancing Research & Privacy E. C. Hedberg Arizona State University & NORC at the University of Chicago."— Presentation transcript:

1 Balancing Research & Privacy E. C. Hedberg Arizona State University & NORC at the University of Chicago

2 Today Topics for conversation – Why is external research important – Data products typically produced – What is disclosure? – Methods to avoid disclosure (aggregate tables) – Methods to avoid disclosure (individual level data) Research results about a common disclosure method Pilot work on creation of synthetic data

3 Access Current state of researcher access: It is very hard to get access to SLDS data In the 8 years of working in this area, I have had access to 16 states Very rare to have this level of access

4 Privacy Researchers, Educators, and Parents, are increasingly concerned about what student data elements are recorded and who has access to them FERPA regulations set a high bar for the release of information – Must remove personally identifiable information (PII) But what constitutes PII? – Privacy Technical Assistance Center (PTAC) offers some advice

5 FERPA Section 34 CFR § 99.31(b)(1)

6 Search “student data” in news

7 PTAC Advice

8 Access There area a wide variety of interpretations to FERPA – Some states allow data use through the audit and evaluation exception – Some states don’t allow researchers access at all


10 Research A valid question is: “why allow research with state longitudinal data systems (SLDS) at all?”

11 Research Premise: Good policy is based on the best available evidence as to: 1.Facts on the ground 2.The mechanisms of achievement 3.The results of previous policies If we want to enact good policy, we need to (at least) know these three things

12 Research SLDS data provide a good source, and sometimes the only source, of evidence to support positions The budgets for national surveys of education achievement are declining – Research about current mechanisms is more difficult States such as Arizona usually make up a small portion of those surveys due to sampling plans

13 Research The only way to evaluate facts on the ground in Arizona is with Arizona data The only way to evaluate Arizona policies is with Arizona data Data from a sample of districts is not necessarily representative. A complex, representative, sample can be just as expensive as the SLDS

14 Research Finally, there is return on investment Nationally, over 600 million federal dollars have been invested in SLDS Who is going to analyze all this data? Much of it can be analyzed by the state… … but it is also efficient and prudent to partner with trained researchers.

15 Research Ecosystem Arizona SLDS provides a key resource to support policy investigation to improve education for Arizona residents Arizona can partner with ASU and UofA researchers Researchers, in turn, get credit for their work, get tenure, and provide return on investment for Arizona

16 Research Ecosystem However, this ecosystem is based on a risky exchange of information Private data, protected by FERPA, is the key resource. The safest thing to do is to not collect it: but that cripples the ability of Arizona to use evidence to support policies

17 Key Question How can we balance research and privacy?

18 Types of data products The research ecosystem is supported by several types of data products

19 Types of Data Products Aggregated Tables Individual level data for research Also: Research centers (e.g., Texas; Web based interfaces to analyze data on a server (e.g. Rhode Island;

20 Disclosure Risk So, what are we worried about? We are concerned that an “intruder” will be able to identify individuals and obtain sensitive information (score, income level, etc.) about them. – Identification through the use of published tables – Identification through access of individual level data

21 Disclosure Risk In survey research, the bar is if someone knows that a person is in the sample, can they be identified. In administrative data, since (almost) all are in the data, the bar is far lower for risk


23 Aggregate Tables Descriptive tables indicating counts or other statistics broken down by other nominal characteristics Each table needs to balance disclosure risk with data utility

24 Example Random sample from ECLS Reading level by poverty by gender…by race

25 Problem?



28 Conceptual Diagram Taken from Duncan, G. T., Fienberg, S. E., Krishnan, R., Padman, R., & Roehrig, S. F. (2001). Disclosure limitation methods and information loss for tabular data. Confidentiality, Disclosure and Data Access: Theory and Practical Applications for Statistical Agencies, 135-166.

29 Options One option is to enact cell suppression – If a cell in a table is based on n or less observations, the cell is suppressed This is easy to implement, but has problems – It is often possible to reproduce the cell count using other cells and marginal totals – Enacting complementary suppression to avoid such tactics is often complicated and removes more data

30 Alternatives to Cell Suppression Rounding – All cells in a table are rounded to mask true values – Problems: Can destroy even more information than cell suppression Hard to define the rounding rules Tables may be inconsistent

31 Overall Data products such as aggregate tables should be vetted by a specialist data auditor – Pre-specified level of risk discussed – Procedures such as linear programming are used to analyze cells to quantify risk. – Problems: Is is an expensive position or service


33 Rounding, Perturbing One option is to limit small cells by rounding covariates to larger units so that large tables that identify individuals is not possible – Problems: Destroys data May limit analyses

34 Micro-aggregation Individuals are grouped based on nominal groups or through a cluster analysis Mean scores are assigned to each group Groups are analyzed using weights See, e.g., – Sande, G. (2001). Methods for Data Directed Microaggregation in One Dimension. Proceedings of New Techniques and Technologies for Statistics/Exchange of Technology and Know-how, 18-22. – Domingo-Ferrer, J., & Mateo-Sanz, J. M. (2002). Practical data-oriented microaggregation for statistical disclosure control. Knowledge and Data Engineering, IEEE Transactions on, 14(1), 189-201.


36 Data Redaction One common safeguard to securing privacy is to redact data of unique individuals This strategy is harmful to the analysis, however

37 Data Redaction Common practice is to redact “small cells” from data before giving it to researchers For each demographic combination within a district:school:grade: – if 5 or less students have that combination (gender, disability status, race/ethnicity, English learner, poverty status) test scores removed from data This presents major problems for even basic analyses

38 Data Redaction Test 6 States agreed to participate in a study about consequences of data redaction – Names withheld for presentation Original data provided that was not redacted Analyses performed using original data Redaction rules applied Reanalysis and comparison of results Math and Reading, grades 3-8 analyzed

39 5 th Graders

40 5 th grade redaction rates

41 Redaction process can remove up to 35 percent of the data! For minority groups, much of the data can be removed.

42 Data redaction Consequences Mean differences are exaggerated Intraclass correlations increase The cause is the removal of heterogeneous schools

43 Bias in mean differences



46 GroupCorrelation Black0.45 Hispanic0.50 Poor0.65 The level of bias in the mean estimate from the redacted sample is positively correlated with the rate of redaction of that particular group Unit of analysis: state-subject-grade combinations Bias is related to the level of redaction


48 Bias in design parameters

49 Alternatives to Data Redaction Hedges and Hedberg have three active grants looking at alternative methodologies to data redaction – Spencer Foundation Pilot grant – IES Methodology grant – NSF Education and Human Resources grant The spencer grant is completing now, IES and NSF are in data gathering stages

50 Pilot test of synthetic data Data from the State of Arkansas, 2010 Examine 5 th grade literacy scores Use data with pretests for 4 th and 3 rd grade.

51 Pilot test of synthetic data Micro-data with sensitive columns (i.e., test scores) Replace sensitive columns with synthetic data that preserves the variation and co-variation with covariates Uses a model based approach similar to imputation to produce synthetic test scores

52 Two different tries Simple model Race, gender and teacher effects Fast to implement Complex model Race, gender, teacher, district effects Pretests Race by teacher and district effects Gender by teacher and district effects

53 Results of Pilot

54 Simple model based synthetic data estimates the mean

55 Results of Pilot

56 Simple model based synthetic data doesn’t do so well on the variance: gross underestimation

57 Results of Pilot

58 Complex model based synthetic data does OK on estimating the mean

59 Results of Pilot

60 But the complex model based synthetic data over-estimates the variance


62 Results of Pilot


64 Simple model based synthetic data underestimates the standard error of the Black/White Difference

65 Results of Pilot


67 Complex model based synthetic data overestimates the standard error

68 Pilot test of synthetic data These are not the only options for models Also, there are some technical details about the simulation procedures that we are glossing over; we have more options here as well

69 Alternatives to Data Redaction We are examining two other alternatives to data redaction – Masking, perturbing, and coarsening the data – NORC’s X-ID system of micro grouping (micro- aggregation;


71 Thank you! E. C. Hedberg 773 909 6801

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