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Database Developers Forum – APEX
APEX Experience from the Accelerators Controls and Operations Data Management in the Beams Department Database Developers Forum – APEX Antonio Romero Marin, Aurelien Fernandes, Jose Rolland Lopez De Coca, Nikolay Tsvetkov, Zereyakob Makonnen, Zory Zaharieva BE-CO
Contents Introduction to the Controls environment and some of the services using APEX Interesting features for developers APEX_COMMON Framework Plugins & custom components, look and feel features, etc. Best Practices Conclusion 2 Z.Zaharieva Controls Configuration Service - LS1 Plans EDMS doc:
Introduction to the Accelerators Data Management
Complex and challenging area Federation of various databases, e.g. Accelerators Controls Configuration Diagnostics and Monitoring (DIAMON) Alarms (LASER) Accelerators Entities and Signals Naming Logging and Measurements, etc. Strategy Relational DB technology – Oracle DBs for all technical data Data-driven applications and APIs - Oracle technology stack Reliable database services and user interfaces (24/7/365) On-line usage of database services for the accelerators Control and Operation
APEX Development throughout the years
Starting with HTMLDB beginning of 2005, HTMLDB v.1.6 Need for rapid application development (Agile programming) fast prototyping and short time to production deployment quickly respond to new user requirements Ready to use templates, widgets and page components professional look-and-feel with minimum effort on design – concentrate on the application itself The nature of the interfaces to be implemented web-interfaces, database-centric APEX supports client-side scripting for more dynamic / interactive / feature-rich interfaces
First Trials of APEX Data browsing interfaces and portal for the Accelerators Entities and Signals Naming Database The Naming DB – dictionary for the accelerators complexes Equipment types Equipment positions in the accelerators Settings and observables (signals) Read-only interfaces to the data LHC Equipment catalogue SPS equipment catalogue PS equipment and layout components catalogue Signals Simple Extraction Interface Signals Experts Extraction Interface Naming Domain Portal
Accelerators Naming DB Interfaces
Data-browsing Interfaces (window-on-data) – development from scratch low level of complexity no transactions some business logic to get the data out user authentication and simple user authorization easy extraction of data into XML/CSV files
Portal Pages and News feeds
Simple portal pages Access to other related interfaces, documentation, help pages Dynamically constructed using data stored in tables News, RSS feeds, News Archive, etc.
History Log Browsers History logging in our dbs
All data modifications are recorded (to know who did what and when) History Log Browser objectives Access the history log for any table in the database for which history is enabled Provide simple search capabilities for the history logs Provide a summary for the changes of a given record based on the PK Completely dynamic configuration List of tables, list of columns per table, primary keys for tables (USER_ tables) Dynamic PL/SQL embedded in APEX regions Portable solution Deployed to several of the databases, which are using the same mechanism for keeping history without any changes to the interface components
History Log Browsers
Controls Configuration Service
The heart of the Controls System – the basis for the Configuration Management of all Controls System components in the entire accelerator complex Provides data for all configuration items and their relationships, required for the correct functioning of the Controls System All controls devices (>105,000) and parameters (> 2,000,000) Hardware and software configuration of all Front-End Computers (>3,500), Drivers generation The Accelerators Timing System, Operators Consoles, etc. Service with 30 years of history Supporting the requirements of the entire accelerator complex – LHC, SPS and PS complex
Controls Configuration Data Browser
An existing PL/SQL OWA application with ~ 100 reports existing PL/SQL code base in the CCDB a complete re-engineering of the application was undertaken in 2006 possibility to reuse some of the PL/SQL code ‘thick’ database layer – PL/SQL packages in the database The first big scale data browsing application to use APEX Nowadays >220 reports used by a user community of >300 people - thanks to the ease of APEX reports development Introduction of APEX user interactive reports set of OWA PL/SQL reports with PL/SQL code base in the database
Alarms (LASER) Database
LASER (Alarms) - capturing, storing and notification of anomalies for the whole accelerator chain and technical infrastructure Alarms DB - 3 different database areas Pre-defined alarm definitions User configurations for the alarms displays Time-stamped run-time alarms events First APEX data editing interfaces fast development evolution of APEX suite of Data Management Tools (7 Editors) developed from scratch give users the possibility to explore their data and maintain it
Controls Configuration Data Editors
Data-manipulation interfaces complexity of the applications due to transaction management complex business logic to handle modifications of the data stringent data access rights – e.g. specific authorization modules, virtual private db, etc. Existing web-deployed, rich clients, using Oracle ADF Renovation of the existing interfaces and providing new ones with APEX since beginning of 2011
Controls Configuration Data Editors
The first relatively big scale and complex editing applications to be developed / migrated to APEX So far - 15 Data Editors (> 100 forms), ~ 250 user community 4 editors remaining to be renovated
Internal developers applications
Due to the ease of development, the developers are using APEX to create applications for managing some of the developers specific processes Admin Editor for Service Interventions DB Schema Change Management Editor APEX _COMMON Metadata Editor
APEX in the Controls Environment nowadays
Specific reporting tools used for CCS, Laser, Diamon, Accelerators Naming, Measurements > 300 reports Generic reporting modules and applications for managing the developers tasks History Browser; Schema Change Management; Admin Interventions Config, etc. Portals and news pages with RSS feeds Data editors used for CCS, Laser, Diamon, Layout, R2E, SM18 Data Analysis > 25 editors (> 200 editing forms)
Using APEX for the accelerators data management
Flexible environment for development Allows you to do a lot of things It is up to the developers to provide a structured approach to application design Complete integration with our databases (Oracle, PL/SQL) Provides a lot of features and components ‘out of the box’ Fast and easy development We can do even better Custom libraries and components Best practices, guidelines and coding standards Speed and Scalability
APEX_COMMON framework
APEX built-in tabular forms APEX manual tabular forms APEX_COMMON framework Examples and demo Evolution of the framework 18 Z.Zaharieva Controls Configuration Service - LS1 Plans EDMS doc:
Tabular forms – what is it?
Grid to edit multiple rows or records at once
Built-in tabular forms in APEX
Very easy creation with APEX wizard Provide built-in functionality for insert/update/delete Other built-in features (validations, partial refresh, CSV export…)
Limitations of the APEX built-in tabular forms
Really easy to create, but there are important limitations Just ONE tabular form per page No Parent-Child tabular forms Conditional rendering is not possible Does not keep changes across page submits
APEX manual tabular forms
APEX report using the APEX_ITEM package Usually using also APEX collections temporary storage of data within a user session Require more work than normal tabular forms but overcomes the built-in tabular form limitations It also adds new features and possibilities e.g. use of interactive reports
Manual tabular forms – workflow processing
Steps to process a manual tabular form - using collections Create and load data into collection from the table Create query using APEX_ITEM package Update the collection Commit changes in the DB Client-side Report on Collection 2 3 Server-side APEX Collection Page Rendering Page Processing 1 4 Tables
APEX manual tabular forms – creation process
You have to define many components for each collection APEX global processes, JavaScript functions, PLSQL procedures, etc. … Error prone Collection columns names like c002, page item names like f01 If you want to use AJAX it adds more complexity Difficult to maintain the page and to follow its evolution, specially when there are multiple developers
Our environment Large number of applications and pages
Need of rapid development Many parent-child tabular forms in the same application page Custom logic that APEX standard components do not cover e.g. conditional item rendering So we created APEX_COMMON to make those tasks easier
What is APEX_COMMON? A framework to ease the development of manual tabular forms Creation Manipulation Maintenance Modify behaviour of multiple pages in a systematic and fast way Reusability of components Set of generic components (JavaScript libraries, PL\SQL packages, APEX processes, etc.) Generates code for the manual tabular form Use standard APEX libraries
APEX_COMMON Architecture Overview
APEX Application Database User Schema APEX_COMMON JavaScript API APEX_COMMON metadata AJAX On Demand processes and POST submits APEX_COMMON PL/SQL API
Architecture and Components
DB side Metadata in tables for the manual tabular form definitions APEX_COMMON PL/SQL package create collections manipulate collections commit changes in DB target tables Global APEX Application processes Interfacing with the db
Architecture and Components
Client side Global APEX dynamic actions (functions) Global JavaScript library Generic functions to interact with the data (upload data from page to collections, duplicate rows in tabular form…). Other generic features (highlight rows) APEX Application APEX_COMMON JavaScript API
Declare tabular forms definitions Automatic code generation -Create objects using APEX framework in desired page. -Copy and paste code from APEX_COMMONS CCDB Tool.
Examples and DEMO Delete ”setup in APEX page” part??
Controls Configuration Hardware Editor
Front-End Computer configuration form (Crates and Modules) multiple child forms Dynamic field types (e.g. field editable or not depending on value of other column)
Controls Configuration Hardware Editor
Hardware Type Properties custom logic
Controls Devices Editor
Virtual Classes form 3 level parent-child forms
Demo Create a manual tabular form 1. Without APEX_COMMONS
Evolution of the APEX_COMMON
During the last 9 months since the creation of the APEX COMMON Optimizing performance when using collections and large data sets save only the changes in the collections Management of APEX collection 18 => 48 columns per manual tabular form Shared code in Page 0 Highlighting, Check all, Duplicate, Add Row…
Features under development – part1
Editable Interactive Report All common dynamic actions in Page 0 (e.g. load collection, update collection) => Less code in the pages
Features under development – part2
Summarize user actions before commit More auto generation => Fill information from database dictionary Capture page exit event and warning user about pending modification Optimization of server calls => JSON manipulation in PL/SQL and JavaScript
APEX_COMMON Summary Multiple Tabular Form per page
APEX 5.0 will NOT have support for multiple tabular forms APEX 5.1 will introduce a new region type that allows it It is in the statement of direction but… will it really be there? Low cost of code evolution and maintenance (code standardization) Easy to introduce custom logic in the pages It is a portable solution – you can use it APEX_COMMON Wiki tutorial
Interesting Features for APEX Developers
Cascading LOVs in tabular form Plugins Advanced manual tabular form with dynamic number of columns Bulk data loading features 40 Z.Zaharieva Controls Configuration Service - LS1 Plans EDMS doc:
Custom made components for APEX
What do we gain from them? make the application more user friendly prevent the users of making mistakes Why is it interesting to present them today? they are not built-in APEX components could be useful for other APEX developers
Cascading LOVs in tabular form
What does it mean cascading List Of Values? the selection of the second LOV depends on the first one
Cascading LOVs in tabular form
How does it look in our data editors?
Cascading LOVs in tabular form
How do we do it ? JavaScript jQuery JSON OnDemand PL/SQL process Find the Wiki page on the following link:
Plugins – usage and observations about them
The most interesting and often used ones Custom pop-up plugins for selection Save before exit plugin Advantages of the custom pop-up plugins possibility of quick search in multiple columns shows structured data based on a custom SQL query possibility of multiple columns update doesn’t open new browser window Find “Custom Pop-up plugin for selection” Wiki page
Custom pop-up plugin for data selection
APEX provided one
Custom selection pop-up
Save before exit plugin
Transactional model in our data editors auto-commit is not an option the user decides when to commit or rollback the changes Why do we need to check for changes? prevent losing data modifications ignore changes in the search region Find “Save Before Exit” Wiki page Discuss to combine with the next slide
Save before exit plugin
Save before exit
Save before exit
Advanced manual tabular form with dynamic number of columns
What was the challenge? columns generated dynamically based on data stored in a table How do we do it? build SQL dynamically using pivot in order to transform data stored into table rows and map them to columns use “Generic Column Names” tabular form option save the data in the DB using unpivot
Dynamically generated columns in a tabular form
Table2 LogicalEvents – stored in rows and presented in columns. Devices from the same class have the same number of LogicalEvents Table1 Devices – names of devices stored in rows Table3 Event Configuration – data stored in rows, based on the device and LogicalEvent
Bulk data loading features
What is bulk data loading? Who benefits from providing this functionality? users are able to import big sets of data using CSV files support team reduces the number of requests We improved the standard APEX component to provide more structured information to add different highlighting for all the actions to show result details for all updated and inserted rows Find the Wiki page on the following link
Bulk data loading features
Bulk data loading features
Bulk data loading features
Bulk data loading features
Interesting Features for APEX Developers
From static to dynamic contents Look and feel features Collaborative development Functional testing The good, the bad and the ugly Best Practices 59 Z.Zaharieva Controls Configuration Service - LS1 Plans EDMS doc:
How to move from static to dynamic contents(1)
Explain how in Oracle Apex a page is processed.
How to move from static to dynamic contents(2)
Dynamic Action Region refresh, Set value, Show, Hide, Clear Handling of evens Click/doubleClick Load/Unload page KeyPress/MouseButtonPress Change … Report partial refresh (Page Partial Refresh - PPR) Report partial page refresh aka PPR is the Apex feature that allows a user to refresh only the portion of page containing the report whenever a pagination or column sort link is clicked. This effect is achieved by means of built-in AJAX code.
How to move from static to dynamic contents(3)
JQuery (APEX > 4.0) Standard APEX API Dynamic call to application process // create ondemand request var req = new apex.ajax.ondemand(‘apex_application_process_name',function() { if(p.readyState == 1||p.readyState == 2||p.readyState == 3) { //process has not yet finish… } else if(p.readyState == 4) {//process has finish….. } else {return false;} }); // send arrays (tabular form columns) req.ajax.AddArrayItems(apex.jQuery('[name=f03]'),1); // submit the ajax process req._get(); Region refresh $('#report_static_id').trigger('apexrefresh'); Set and get Item value $s(‘P2_ITEM_ID’,4) , $v(‘P2_ITEM_ID’) For the most advanced people or those that have knowledge in Jquery.
Look and feel features(1)
How to keep the Tabular form features and reduce the number of columns for very large tables/forms show the data in a different way The Tabular form allow user updating data in bulk this is the only APEX component that allow to do that. It’s a pity and a waste of time not to use the functionality of this components just because the user would like to see the data in a different way or because the number of columns is to big to fit in one page.
Look and feel features(1)
Look and feel features(2)
Space optimization on a page Space optimization. Some time I’ve the feeling that Apex tries to use as much space as it can. If you look at report on the left you will see that the first column is taking all the space without leaving much to the second one. Configuring properly the CSS is possible to overcome this problem and gain some space.
Collaborative development useful features
Use of a base Application Authentication Scheme Authorization Scheme Theme Navigation bar Plugins Process for common management of objects JS files, Images, workspace theme Page Lock feature Because our service is providing different applications to the Controls Configurations community we decided to use a base Application as a template to start any development of new application. One person is in change to keep the base application in sync with the latest version of the different components used. Page lock features :As our team provide support for the existing application can happen that an urgent bug fix could be overwritten by another developer that is working on the same page.
Functional testing for web interface
Investigated into testing framework Watir WebDriver It uses Selenium WebDriver Higher level API than Selenium WebDriver Used by industry leading companies Open source Integration with Bamboo (standard BE-CO Continuous integration testing framework) ( ) For the testing of our web interface after some investigation on different product we choose Watir. Badboy: but was standalone product and not possible to integrate with other system. Jmeter: Can be used for performance tests. It does not take into account different web browsers behaviors + visualization issues. We already have a set of class written in Rudy used for the prototyping of the first tests. Watir web Drive is a wrapper of Selenium WebDrive that allow testing of web interfaces. Selenium WebDrive : is a set of different software tools each with a different approach to supporting test automation. The entire suite of tools results in a rich set of testing functions specifically geared to the needs of testing of web applications of all types. These operations are highly flexible, allowing many options for locating UI elements and comparing expected test results against actual application behavior. One of Selenium’s key features is the support for executing one’s tests on multiple browser platforms. One of the interesting things is that is simple to use because it offer a high level API . You can create modular test creating modules that can be called form different set of tests. It offer the possibility to automate the testing of the interfaces integrating it with Bamboo using Ruby plugin.
The good, the bad and the ugly
Advisor Utilities-> Advisor Advisor does not check the application process Passing parameter via URL (:) must be encoded before sending it Two tabs browser problems no standard solution provided in APEX yet for this known web applications issue not possible do define the scope of page item Best practices: Use aliases for APPLICATION and PAGES it will easy the maintenance of the links used to navigate between pages, specially if you have interconnected application. Reduce at the minimum the code: Move the logic into packages. This will easy the maintenance task because will not require the deployment of the all application unless the changes affect the interface. I’ve add a link of a presentation form Steven Feuerstein which is very interesting where it gives his advices and recommendations about this topic.
Some Best Practices Use aliases at application / page level
Making the application portable Use of APEX-provided substitution strings - &APP_ID., &APP_ALIAS., etc. Custom-defined substitution strings – application definition level Reduce at the minimum the code in the APEX pages Move the PL/SQL code into DB packages. Best Practices For PL/SQL Development in Oracle Application Express (Steven Feuerstein) Best practices: Use aliases for APPLICATION and PAGES it will easy the maintenance of the links used to navigate between pages, specially if you have interconnected application. Reduce at the minimum the code: Move the logic into packages. This will easy the maintenance task because will not require the deployment of the all application unless the changes affect the interface. I’ve add a link of a presentation form Steven Feuerstein which is very interesting where it gives his advices and recommendations about this topic.
Contents Introduction to the Controls Environment and services using APEX APEX Commons Framework Interesting features for developers Plugins & custom components, look and feel features, etc. Best Practices Conclusion 70 Z.Zaharieva Controls Configuration Service - LS1 Plans EDMS doc:
Using APEX for the accelerators complex
APEX has evolved a lot during the last 9 years since we started using it in the domain of the Accelerators Data Management Could be used from small to relatively large/complex applications Has proven itself able to fulfill the stringent application needs of the accelerators data management 2014 2005
Using APEX for the accelerators complex
Quality assurance rules and guidelines in order to ensure scalability APEX guidelines – workspace structure, version control, naming conventions, etc. PL/SQL and SQL guidelines coding standards and best practices Providing common components – customized objects and additional facilities for even faster development Uniformity within the applications Faster development Easy maintenance
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