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North American Cultures BADM 633 - Intl.Biz Cultures.

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1 North American Cultures BADM 633 - Intl.Biz Cultures

2 Recent Headlines Recent Headlines Inflation Virtually Flat Inflation Virtually Flat A key gauge of U.S. inflation has fallen to its lowest level since record-keeping began in 1957, underscoring the continued weakness in the economy. California Bond Woe Bodes Ill for States America's strapped states and cities took another hit Wednesday, with California seeing tepid demand for its latest bond sale and other governments pulling about $700 million worth of borrowing deals this week as investors continued stepping away from the municipal bond market. EU Plan for Ireland Takes Shape Seven weeks after Irish officials declared they had a handle on the country's banking crisis, an international panel is putting the country's financial sector under the microscope—and will find that things have gotten worse. European officials are pressing to recapitalize Ireland's wounded banks with money from an international bailout fund, indicating that the contours of an aid package to the country are taking shape even as Dublin insisted it didn't need help. Beijing Escalates Inflation Battle China said it is ready to clamp price controls on daily necessities to bring down inflation, dusting China said it is ready to clamp price controls on daily necessities to bring down inflation, dusting off a measure from socialist central planning in a new sign of alarm by Chinese leaders who have been striving to cool economic growth through more conventional means such as hiking interest rates. off a measure from socialist central planning in a new sign of alarm by Chinese leaders who have been striving to cool economic growth through more conventional means such as hiking interest rates. Train Makers Rail Against China’s Designs Chinese rail companies that learned their trade from the likes of Kawasaki and Siemens are now vying against their former partners in the burgeoning global market for super-fast train systems.

3 Emerging Wild Card: Inflation Price pressures in emerging markets could force central banks to tighten aggressively, roiling assets and currencies While many investors have been fixated on the European debt crisis, concerns have been quietly building about the potential for inflation problems in emerging markets. The fear isn't that emerging-market countries will return to the kind of hyper- inflation that was so damaging in the past. Rather, the worry is that high food and energy prices, combined with capacity con- straints and the Fed’s easing move in the U.S., will force emerging-market central banks to raise interest rates more aggressively than is currently expected. That's especially the case in some Asian countries, which are seen as having kept interest rates inappropriately high.

4 Population, Land Mass and GDP Population 1. 1.China1.3 B 2. 2.India1.2 B EU 501 MM 3. USA311 MM 4. Indonesia 238 MM 5. Brazil186 MM GDP EC $16.4 T EC $16.4 T 1. USA $14.1 T 2. Japan $ 5.1 T 3. PRC $ 5.0 T 4. Germany $ 3.3 T 5T Frnc/UK $ 2.7 T 8. California $ 1.8 T California 9. Brazil $ 1.6 T 10T. India/ Russia $ 1.2 T Russia $ 1.2 T WORLD $ 58 T Land Mass (sq. miles) 1. Russia 6.6 MM 2. Canada 3.9 MM 3T USA/China 3.7 MM 5. Brazil 3.0 MM

5 Topography

6 Ecological Regions

7 Climates

8 Natural Hazards

9 Land Use

10 The Original 13

11 States – Year of Admission to Union 1. 1.D ELAWARE F RIDAY, D ECEMBER 7, 1787 2. 2.P ENNSYLVANIA W EDNESDAY, D ECEMBER 12, 1787 3. 3.N EW J ERSEY T UESDAY, D ECEMBER 18, 1787 4. 4.G EORGIA W EDNESDAY, J ANUARY 2, 1788 5. 5.C ONNECTICUT W EDNESDAY, J ANUARY 9, 1788 6. 6.M ASSACHUSETTS W EDNESDAY, F EBRUARY 6, 1788 7. 7.M ARYLAND M ONDAY, A PRIL 28, 1788 8. 8.S OUTH C AROLINA F RIDAY, M AY 23, 1788 9. 9.N EW H AMPSHIRE S ATURDAY, J UNE 21, 1788 10. 10.V IRGINIA W EDNESDAY, J UNE 25, 1788 11. 11.N EW Y ORK S ATURDAY, J ULY 26, 1788 12. 12.N ORTH C AROLINA S ATURDAY, N OVEMBER 21, 1789 13. 13.R HODE I SLAND S ATURDAY, M AY 29, 1790 14. 14.V ERMONT F RIDAY, M ARCH 4, 1791 15. 15.K ENTUCKY F RIDAY, J UNE 1, 1792 16. 16.T ENNESSEE W EDNESDAY, J UNE 1, 1796 17. 17.O HIO T UESDAY, M ARCH 1, 1803* 18. 18.L OUISIANA T HURSDAY, A PRIL 30, 1812 19. 19.I NDIANA W EDNESDAY, D ECEMBER 11, 1816 20. 20.M ISSISSIPPI W EDNESDAY, D ECEMBER 10, 1817 21. 21.I LLINOIS T HURSDAY, D ECEMBER 3, 1818 22. 22.A LABAMA T UESDAY, D ECEMBER 14, 1819 23. 23.M AINE W EDNESDAY, M ARCH 15, 1820 24. 24.M ISSOURI F RIDAY, A UGUST 10, 1821 25. 25.A RKANSAS W EDNESDAY, J UNE 15, 1836 26. 26.M ICHIGAN T HURSDAY, J ANUARY 26, 1837 27. 27.F LORIDA M ONDAY, M ARCH 3, 1845 28. 28.T EXAS M ONDAY, D ECEMBER 29, 1845 29. 29.I OWA M ONDAY, D ECEMBER 28, 1846 30. 30.W ISCONSIN M ONDAY, M AY 29, 1848 31. 31.C ALIFORNIA M ONDAY, S EPTEMBER 9, 1850 32. 32.M INNESOTA T UESDAY, M AY 11, 1858 33. 33.O REGON M ONDAY, F EBRUARY 14, 1859 34. 34.K ANSAS T UESDAY, J ANUARY 29, 1861 35. 35.W EST V IRGINIA S ATURDAY, J UNE 20, 1863 36. 36.N EVADA M ONDAY, O CTOBER 31, 1864 37. 37.N EBRASKA F RIDAY, M ARCH 1, 1867 38. 38.C OLORADO T UESDAY, A UGUST 1, 1876 39. 39.N ORTH D AKOTA S ATURDAY, N OVEMBER 2, 1889 40. 40.S OUTH D AKOTA S ATURDAY, N OVEMBER 2, 1889 41. 41.M ONTANA F RIDAY, N OVEMBER 8, 1889 42. 42.W ASHINGTON M ONDAY, N OVEMBER 11, 1889 43. 43.I DAHO T HURSDAY, J ULY 3, 1890 44. 44.W YOMING T HURSDAY, J ULY 10, 1890 45. 45.U TAH S ATURDAY, J ANUARY 4, 1896 46. 46.O KLAHOMA S ATURDAY, N OVEMBER 16, 1907 47. 47.N EW M EXICO S ATURDAY, J ANUARY 6, 1912 48. 48.A RIZONA W EDNESDAY, F EBRUARY 14, 1912 49. 49.A LASKA S ATURDAY, J ANUARY 3, 1959 50. 50.H AWAII F RIDAY, A UGUST 21, 1959

12 Fifty States

13 Migration Patterns

14 Historical Countries of Origin (Immigrants)   Canada – English, Scottish, French & Chinese (BC)   NE & Eastern US – –English, some Welsh & French (Early) – –Irish, Southern and Central European (1850-1920) – –European Jews (post Tsars and right before WWII)   Mid-Atlantic/South – English, Scots-Irish & Welsh   Lower Midwest – US, Southern and Western Europeans   Upper Midwest – US, West & Northern Europeans   Plains & Rocky Mountains – US and Many Europeans   Florida and Southwest – Hispanics and US (Yankees!)   Northwest – US and Chinese

15 Chapter 4Copyright (c) 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.15 Low context High context Contextual Background of Various Countries Japanese Arabian Latin American Spanish Italian English (UK) French English (US) Scandinavian German Swiss EXPLICIT IMPLICIT

16 Chapter 4Copyright (c) 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.16 Cross-Cultural Comparisons

17 Chapter 4Copyright (c) 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.17 Cross-Cultural Comparisons

18 Predominant Religions

19 Racial and Ethnic Concentrations in the United States

20 Population Density

21 Population – States, DC & Possessions Rank State Population California: 36,132,147 # 1 California: 36,132,147 California # 2 Texas: 22,859,968 # 2 Texas: 22,859,968 Texas # 3 New York: 19,254,630 # 3 New York: 19,254,630 New YorkNew York # 4 Florida: 17,789,864 # 4 Florida: 17,789,864 Florida # 5 Illinois: 12,763,371 # 5 Illinois: 12,763,371 Illinois # 6 Pennsylvania: 12,429,616 # 6 Pennsylvania: 12,429,616 Pennsylvania # 7 Ohio: 11,464,042 # 7 Ohio: 11,464,042 Ohio # 8 Michigan: 10,120,860 # 8 Michigan: 10,120,860 Michigan # 9 Georgia: 9,072,576 # 9 Georgia: 9,072,576 Georgia # 10 New Jersey: 8,717,925 # 10 New Jersey: 8,717,925 New JerseyNew Jersey # 11 North Carolina: 8,683,242 # 11 North Carolina: 8,683,242 North CarolinaNorth Carolina # 12 Virginia: 7,567,465 # 12 Virginia: 7,567,465 Virginia # 13 Massachusetts: 6,398,743 # 13 Massachusetts: 6,398,743 Massachusetts # 14 Washington: 6,287,759 # 14 Washington: 6,287,759 Washington # 15 Indiana: 6,271,973 # 15 Indiana: 6,271,973 Indiana # 16 Tennessee: 5,962,959 # 16 Tennessee: 5,962,959 Tennessee # 17 Arizona: 5,939,292 # 17 Arizona: 5,939,292 Arizona # 18 Missouri: 5,800,310 # 18 Missouri: 5,800,310 Missouri # 19 Maryland: 5,600,388 # 19 Maryland: 5,600,388 Maryland # 20 Wisconsin: 5,536,201 # 20 Wisconsin: 5,536,201 Wisconsin # 21 Minnesota: 5,132,799 # 21 Minnesota: 5,132,799 Minnesota # 22 Colorado: 4,665,177 # 22 Colorado: 4,665,177 Colorado # 23 Alabama: 4,557,808 # 23 Alabama: 4,557,808 Alabama # 24 Louisiana: 4,523,628 # 24 Louisiana: 4,523,628 Louisiana # 25 South Carolina: 4,255,083 # 25 South Carolina: 4,255,083 South CarolinaSouth Carolina # 26 Kentucky: 4,173,405 # 26 Kentucky: 4,173,405 Kentucky # 27 Puerto Rico: 3,912,054 # 27 Puerto Rico: 3,912,054 Rank State Population # 28 Oregon: 3,641,056 Oregon # 29 Oklahoma: 3,547,884 Oklahoma # 30 Connecticut: 3,510,297 Connecticut # 32 Mississippi:2,921,088 Mississippi # 33 Arkansas: 2,779,154 Arkansas # 34 Kansas: 2,744,687 Kansas # 35 Utah: 2,469,585 Utah # 36 Nevada: 2,414,807 Nevada # 37 New Mexico: 1,928,384 New Mexico # 38 West Virginia: 1,816,856 West Virginia # 39 Nebraska: 1,758,787 Nebraska # 40 Idaho: 1,429,096 Idaho # 41 Maine: 1,321,505 Maine # 42 New Hampshire: 1,309,940 New Hampshire # 43 Hawaii: 1,275,194 Hawaii # 44 Rhode Island: 1,076,189 Rhode Island # 45 Montana: 935,670 Montana # 46 Delaware: 843,524 Delaware # 47 South Dakota: 775,933 South Dakota # 48 Alaska: 663,661 Alaska # 49 North Dakota: 636,677 North Dakota # 50 Vermont: 623,050 Vermont # 51 District of Columbia: 550,521 # 52 Wyoming: 509,294 Wyoming # 53 Guam: 168,564 # 54 US Virgin Islands: 108,708 # 55 Northern Mariana Islands: 80,362 # 56 American Samoa: 57,881 Total: 300,737,973 Total: 300,737,973


23 Per Capita Income Wealthiest 1.Connecticut – $28,766 1T (Dist of Columbia – $28,659) 3.New Jersey – $27,006 4.Massachusetts – $25,952 5.Maryland – $25,614 6.Colorado – $24,049 7.Virginia – $23,975 8.New Hampshire – $23,844 9.New York – $23,389 10.Delaware – $23,305 11.Minnesota – $23,198 Least Wealthy Least Wealthy 41.Kentucky – $18,093 42.Idaho – $17,841 43.North Dakota – $17,769 44.Oklahoma – $17,646 45.South Dakota – $17,562 46.New Mexico – $17,261 47.Montana – $17,151 48.Louisiana – $16,912 49.Arkansas – $16,904 50.West Virginia – $16,477 51.Mississippi – $15,853

24 Health Healthiest 1.Vermont 2.Hawaii 3.New Hampshire 4.Minnesota 5.Utah Unhealthiest 50. Louisiana 49. Mississippi 48. South Carolina 47. Tennessee 46. Texas.

25 25 Slide 7-47

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