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Lesson plans developed in Poland as an example of educational materials for e-learning at schools Agnieszka Kowalcze Environmental Information Centre GRID-Warsaw.

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson plans developed in Poland as an example of educational materials for e-learning at schools Agnieszka Kowalcze Environmental Information Centre GRID-Warsaw."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson plans developed in Poland as an example of educational materials for e-learning at schools Agnieszka Kowalcze Environmental Information Centre GRID-Warsaw Agnieszka Kowalcze Environmental Information Centre GRID-Warsaw

2 e-Learning in Science and Environmental Education Internet-based learning methodology has become widespread in modern schools Teachers, in their attempt to make their classes more attractive, varied, and up-to-date, more and more frequently use educational materials derived from the Internet Internet-based learning methodology has become widespread in modern schools Teachers, in their attempt to make their classes more attractive, varied, and up-to-date, more and more frequently use educational materials derived from the Internet

3 Internet resources

4 e-Learning in Science and Environmental Education

5 Preparation of lessons plans The presented lesson plans vary in their subject matter but what makes them connected with one another is the GLOBE Program

6 Preparation of lessons plans Each lesson plan consists of three distinct parts: introduction student worksheet teacher’s notes Each lesson plan consists of three distinct parts: introduction student worksheet teacher’s notes

7 The Introduction Topic introduction The aim of work Materials needed What to Do Topic introduction The aim of work Materials needed What to Do Detailed layout of the Polish lesson plan is structured as follows:

8 The aim of work Goals should be stated as lucidly as possible

9 What to Do Task-by-task description of students’ work; Detailed description of how to work with GLOBE data

10 Student worksheet Part of the lesson plan directly used by the students Students fill out the worksheet with data Worksheet opens in a word processesing program e.g. MS Word Part of the lesson plan directly used by the students Students fill out the worksheet with data Worksheet opens in a word processesing program e.g. MS Word

11 Teacher’s notes Teacher’s notes make up the „teachers-only” section of the lesson plan.

12 Teacher’s notes This part contains didactic and methodological information concerning: subject age of students relevance and connection with the subject curriculum educational goals and learning objectives detailed plan of how to conduct the activity, including its expected duration time teaching aids and materials necessary to complete the activity

13 Opinions of Polish pilot school teachers about lesson plans on biology Teachers reviewing the lesson plans were making sure that: the lesson plans were in line with the curriculum of a given subject goals were clearly stated age level was properly defined all activities were properly planned considering the duration of the lesson unit

14 Opinions of Polish pilot school teachers about lesson plans on biology Teachers’ comments: proposed themes are not typical lesson plans that meet didactic requirements in Poland they can supplement the curriculum but they cannot be used in lieu of regular class activities they can be easily and effectively used as elements of educational activities at school, especially during extra- curricular activities or as homework their value increases due to the fact that all themes are based on the GLOBE Program and on data gathered by students and teachers

15 Opinions of Polish pilot school teachers about lesson plans on biology Benefits for students: using Internet resources promotes skills and experience in collecting, selecting, processing and making proper use of web-based information development and strengthening interests in biology combining acquired knowledge with practical skills and abilities excellent possibility to improve English

16 Conclusions Lesson plans developed within the e-LSEE project are a good example of educational materials that can: be employed by teachers preparing classes with the use of web-based (Internet) teaching aids serve the interested students in their self- learning efforts

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