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Quick start guide to using SCARF. Go to SCARF website

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Presentation on theme: "Quick start guide to using SCARF. Go to SCARF website"— Presentation transcript:

1 Quick start guide to using SCARF

2 Go to SCARF website

3 The curriculum maps can be accessed on this page before logging in (NB The curriculum maps can also be accessed once you have logged in to SCARF)

4 The curriculum maps show the links between the Coram Life Education sessions, PSHE, National Curriculum and the SCARF resources.

5 Log in using your email and password

6 Lesson plans and associated files can be found via the ‘Lesson plan search’ or ‘View by age group’ sections

7 To use the ‘view by age group’ method, click on the down arrow to select the age group programme you want to look at

8 Once you have selected the age group click ‘View Lesson Plans’ and it will take you to a page with all the relevant lesson plans

9 Click ‘View details’ to see all the associated files for that Lesson Plan (some just have the lesson plan but some will also have video / audio links, photos or PowerPoint presentations) In this example there is a lesson plan and also a link to three video clips and a PowerPoint presentation.

10 Please note that because the video / audio clips are hosted via YouTube you may need to check that your school IT settings allow access to YouTube and change the settings if necessary. Please note that children do not need to access YouTube for any of the lessons. The clips are all used by the teacher as part of the lesson.

11 Lesson plans can also be found by using the ‘Lesson Plan Search’. Type a keyword into the text box and click ‘Search Lesson Plans’

12 All the lesson plans that have that keyword in the description will show up in the search. This example shows the result of searching the keyword ‘assertiveness’

13 Back on the main SCARF page there are also links to the ‘Teaching and Learning’ resources – films (demonstrating Life Education teaching strategies), Assessment for Learning sheets etc

14 Those are the basics. If you have any queries or comments please contact us via

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