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 Location  Place  Region  Human-Environment Interaction  Movement.

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2  Location  Place  Region  Human-Environment Interaction  Movement

3  Absolute location allows us to pinpoint the exact location of any point on the surface of the earth using latitude and longitude or a grid system

4  Relative location refers to the way a place is perceived and how that place relates to other places.  Can be measured in terms of time--  “twenty minutes away”  Important for decision-making.

5 Alaska is closer to Russia than it is to the “lower 48,” but that is not how we perceive it.

6 Absolute Location Relative Location

7 Our perceptions are based on relative location.

8  Physical Characteristics of Place:

9  Topography  Climate  Vegetation

10  Human Characteristics of Place:

11  Agriculture  Architecture  Religion  Economics

12  The region is the basic unit of geographic study  Criteria for defining regions depends on the geographer’s purpose.  One place can be part of several different regions. Texas, US, and World culture regions

13  Formal regions are based on some common feature. The Corn Belt Political entities Where Islam dominates

14  Functional regions are created by movement. Austin metropolitan area Eanes attendance area Amazon River Basin

15  Perceptual regions exist in people’s minds.

16  Humans adapt to their physical environment. clothing styles Building materials

17 Humans modify their environment. Terracing for rice farming Open-pit mine

18 Human interaction with the environment can have important consequences.

19  Physical processes, people, goods, and ideas move across the earth’s surface.  The geographer is concerned with the effects of this movement.


21  They give us a “geographic lens” through which to view the world.  Throughout the year, we will be using these themes to view different parts of the world and their cultures.

22  You will be given a current news article by the teacher.  Tonight, you need to read this article and annotate it anywhere you find examples of the five themes.  For example,  “The tropical storm began in the Gulf of Mexico as a hurricane but was downgraded when it hit the coast.” (MOVEMENT)  “The climate on Mars is very similar to deserts on Earth.” (PLACE)

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