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Reading Recovery® Orchard Hill Elementary School Montgomery Township Schools September, 2005 Presented by Kathleen Scotti & Kathy Grover.

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1 Reading Recovery® Orchard Hill Elementary School Montgomery Township Schools September, 2005 Presented by Kathleen Scotti & Kathy Grover

2 Program Objectives The objective of Reading Recovery lessons is to promote accelerated learning so that students catch up to their peers, close the achievement gap as quickly as possible, and continue to learn independently.

3 What is Reading Recovery?  A highly effective short-term intervention for low-achieving first graders  A supplement to good classroom teaching  Individual students receive a half-hour lesson each day for 12 to 20 weeks  Taught by a specially trained Reading Recovery teacher

4 How are students selected? Reading Recovery serves the lowest achieving first graders – those students who are not catching on to the complex set of concepts that make reading and writing possible.

5 Observation Survey Reading Recovery teachers are trained to administer An Observation Survey of Early Literacy Achievement to assess each child's strengths and confusions. letter identification word identification concepts about print writing vocabulary hearing and recording sounds text reading

6 What is involved in the training of a Reading Recovery teacher?  Year long apprenticeship model  1 week assessment workshop in late summer  2 three-hour graduate courses through Rutgers University each week while implementing the program in the school  School visits by teacher leader  Behind the glass demonstrations of lesson

7 How is Reading Recovery a service model for schools? Teacher-leaders provide continued professional development after the training year, including continuing contact meetings, workshops, and school visits. Rutgers University hosts a Reading Recover/Early Literacy conference each year for Reading Recovery teachers, classroom teachers, and administrators. No fees for on-going professional development or on-site support are assessed, other than tuition during training year.

8 What are the components of a Reading Recovery lesson? Reading familiar stories Rereading a story while a running record is taken Working with letters and/or words using magnetic letters Writing a story Assembling a cut-up story Reading a new book

9 How do the lessons promote reading achievement? Children learn effective problem-solving strategies based on: Phonemic awareness Phonics and spelling Vocabulary and background knowledge Comprehension Fluency Motivation

10 How many children are served in Reading Recovery each year? In the Montgomery Township model, Reading Recovery is a half-day program Reading Recovery teachers serve approximately 4-8 Reading Recovery students per year During the second half of the day, the Reading Recovery teacher works with selected first grade readers in literacy support groups

11 Do Reading Recovery children become successful readers? Each year, data are collected by the National Data Evaluation Center as part of on-going research. Over the 20 years of Reading Recovery in North America, over one million students have received Reading Recovery services. 81% of students who completed the full 12-20 week series of lessons, and 59% of all students who have completed any lessons, performed within the average range of their classmates on reading and writing tasks

12 Reading Recovery …a second chance When children enter school they have had very different preschool experiences. Some children readily participate in the new classroom reading and writing experiences, but some children find it difficult or confusing. The child having difficulty may become more and more frustrated. So before a child is allowed to become too overwhelmed and frustrated with reading and writing a “second chance” is provided with the Reading Recovery program.

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