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In partnership with Tarrant County College and Embry Riddle Aeronautical University, Northwest ISD will provide students with a premiere educational experience.

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Presentation on theme: "In partnership with Tarrant County College and Embry Riddle Aeronautical University, Northwest ISD will provide students with a premiere educational experience."— Presentation transcript:

1 In partnership with Tarrant County College and Embry Riddle Aeronautical University, Northwest ISD will provide students with a premiere educational experience that seeks entry level certifications along with dual enrollment opportunities for aeronautics and aviation sciences.

2  Aeronautics- the science or practice of travel through the air. (theory of flight)  Aviation-the operation of heavier- than-air aircraft and airplane manufacturing, development, and design  Aviation science-refers to the large field surrounding aircraft operations and support systems. In addition to flight operations, it includes aircraft maintenance, air traffic control, airport and airline management.

3  Partnerships TCC- Junior and Senior year Embry Riddle University-Sophomore thru Senior year

4  Aircraft Maintenance Program Highlights  2-year A.A.S. degree or certificate of completion in 4 areas of specialization  Largest aviation education facility in Texas  $3 million in training equipment  Outstanding Faculty, including 5 FAA-designated Mechanics Examiners  Professional Pilot Program Highlights  2-year program  Professional pilot-centered training  American Eagle Pipeline Participant through our partner, US Aviation Academy  Guaranteed interview with US Aviation Academy for Certified Flight Instructor (CFI) position following completion of CFI Program  Restricted Airline Transport Pilot Certificate (ATP) qualified (pending approval)  Cessna, Piper and Schweizer Aircraft  Self-Examining Authority  Price competitive

5  Embry-Riddle continues to be the most highly regarded institution dedicated to the field. It is the nation’s largest, oldest, and most comprehensive aeronautical university.  Diverse programs span associates through doctorate, and are offered in a range of learning environments from on-site at one of two residential campuses, in classrooms near you, and even online.  Using the state-of-the-art technology housed in our labs, students and faculty at Embry-Riddle conduct approximately $17 million worth of applied research per year.  Embry-Riddle students come from all 50 states and 98 nations.  Statistical data from the most recent Alumni Survey show that 93% of Embry-Riddle graduates from the Daytona Beach and Prescott campuses are either employed or have continued their education within one year of graduation.  The major airlines hire more alumni from Embry-Riddle than from any other collegiate aviation program.  Embry-Riddle is the nation's largest supplier of air traffic controllers with bachelor degrees to the FAA.  Six Embry-Riddle alumni are current or former astronauts: Daniel Burbank (Worldwide Campus, Langley AFB, Va.); B. Alvin Drew (Worldwide Campus, Las Vegas, Nev.); Ronald Garan Jr. (Worldwide Campus, Las Vegas, Nev.); Susan Kilrain (Daytona Beach Campus); Nicole Stott (Daytona Beach Campus); and Terry Virts Jr. (Worldwide Campus, Spangdahlem, Germany).

6  Topics Covered over the year include:  College methods for high school students  Special Topics in Research  Aviation/Aerospace Special topics-History, Evolution, Industry, Careers, Principles of flight, Principles of Navigation, Principles weather and Flight  Aviation Human Factors, Safety & Intelligence, Unmanned Aircraft Systems, Space Systems and Design  Introduction to Airport/Airline operations, governmental regulations, fueling the supply chain  History of Engineering: Engineering our world

7 Grade Level9 th Grade10 th Grade11 th Grade12 th GradeHours Program of Study TCC Aviation Maintenance/ Power Plant Certificate Introductory Course Architectural Graphics & Design Aviation Science (F-3) Shop Practices (F-3) PowerPlant Elec (F-3) Weight & Balance (F-3) 24 Hours Basic Electricity (S-3) Ground Ops (S-3) Reciprocating Eng. (S-3) Federal Aviation Reg. (S-3) TCC Pilot Program Introductory Course Engineering Graphics Aviation Science (F-3) Shop Practices (F-3) Private Pilot Ground School/ Introduction to Aviation (F-7) 27 Hours Basic Electricity (S-3) Ground Ops (S-3) Air Navigation/Aviation Meteorology (S-6) Summer-(S-2) (50 Hrs. Flight) Embry Riddle Pre-Aeronautics Program of Study Introductory Course Intro Aero Science Intro to Space FlightIntro to Flight Physiology 18 Hours Intro to FlightTransportation ScienceUAS Intro Course

8 Yearly Cost9 th Grade10 th Grade11 th Grade12 th GradeTotal Credit Hours TCC Aviation Maintenance/ Power Plant Certificate 00 $660-12 hours Tarrant County Resident $1320 $2064 $1032-12 hours Out of County Resident TCC Pilot Program 00 $660-12 hours Tarrant County Resident $715-13 hours Tarrant County Resident $1375 $2150 $1032-12 hours Out of County Resident $1118-13 hours Out of County Resident Embry Riddle Pre-Aeronautics Program of Study 0 $930- 6 hours $1680-6 hours $930- 6 hours $1680-6 hours $930- 6 hours $1680-6 hours $2790 $5040 Cost options for ERU vary based on faculty Students Enrolled in Pilot Program will complete additional 2 Credit hours in the Summer plus 50 hours of flight time- Estimated Cost $9,000. Additions to the Embry Riddle program are in progress pending SACS review. Aviation Tool Kits for TCC Maintenance & Power Plant program $800-$1200 (Quality)

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