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Edmonton Publics Schools and NAIT. The Skill Centre Approach is a collaborative effort to create an innovative research-based framework to establish a.

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Presentation on theme: "Edmonton Publics Schools and NAIT. The Skill Centre Approach is a collaborative effort to create an innovative research-based framework to establish a."— Presentation transcript:

1 Edmonton Publics Schools and NAIT

2 The Skill Centre Approach is a collaborative effort to create an innovative research-based framework to establish a workable model for the evaluation, implementation, growth, and sustainability of current and future K – 12 system Career and Technical Education in Alberta. The approach is strategically designed to be flexible and adaptable to other educational settings and jurisdictions in the province. (Pan Provincial Model)

3 Through defining the program, teacher qualifications, and resources, a model will be developed that will result in post-secondary recognition of high school learning in career and technical education. “ Recognition” is an option that a student may choose to exercise has described advantages for any student does not disadvantage the student does not require entrance into a post-sec program to exercise, and does not require additional examinations

4 From the Project Proposal to Advanced Education and in alignment with the following:  NAIT Academic Plan  Edmonton Public Schools Three-Year Plan  Government of Alberta (Learning Commission, 2003) Building on a history of transition programs  C++ Programming (including IB and AP)  Alberta Tech Prep’s 94 Articulation Agreements  Local 488 “Running Start” program  Current and previous examples (local, Ontario, Australia, etc.)

5 Secondary Courses Post-Secondary Courses Upgrading Not sure Incorrect fit Transition

6 Secondary Post Secondary  Blended Model  NAIT curriculum input  Recognition of pre-training EPS NAIT CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT EPS Teacher Training

7 Planning a Trip

8 Planning a Future

9  Aerospace and Aviation  Culinary Arts  Engineering Tech Added  Foundations of Health Sciences

10 Business (needs name)  School of Business Communication Technology (Graphic Communication Production)  School of Applied Media and Information Technology School of Information Communication and Engineering Technologies Design Studies (Building Information Modeling)  Safety  Occupational Health and Safety

11 High School “Mechanics” Program Post-Secondary Recognition 15 CTS modules (at least 5 at 3000 level) plus 5 work experience credits NAIT Related Programs Avionics Aircraft Skin and Structural Repairs Industry standards Aviation Maintenance Orientation Program (CAMC) NAIT Sub-related Programs Electricity Electronics Carpentry Cabinetmaking Sheet Metal Machining Credentials First Aid Safestart


13  NAIT’s Advisory Committees  Apprenticeship and Industry Training (AIT)  Sector Councils  Developed Contacts (including other post- sec, ATA, Faculty of Ed, businesses, industries, unions, etc.)  Vendors SafeStart Amatrol Med Tech

14 Post Secondary Data Collection Secondary Data Collection Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12 PS Yr 1 PS Yr 2 Post-project Report Pre-project Research COMPLETED 20092014

15  Work experience programs begin (Year 2)  First group transitioning to NAIT  First group transitioning to apprenticeship  Testing multiple activity programs for Health Sciences  Implementing safety program for Skill Centre teachers and students (SafeStart)  Better defining programming (including communication to junior high students)  Determine impact of LDC moratorium


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