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Key Points Chapter Four Shrum and Glisan Special Methods of Instruction I Summer 2012 GRAD 210 Dr. Bowles, Instructor.

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1 Key Points Chapter Four Shrum and Glisan Special Methods of Instruction I Summer 2012 GRAD 210 Dr. Bowles, Instructor

2 Why learn another language early? Provides ▫increased time for learning ▫opportunity to attain a functional level of proficiency

3 Optimal Age Critical Period Hypothesis: Lenneberg, 1967  Between age 2 and puberty  Acquisition is predisposed due to brain malleability and unicameral nature of brain  Associative memory is stronger  Brain capacity is greater  Pronunciation and accent are more native-like  Higher level of competence in syntax, morphology, and grammar

4 Optimal Age Windows of Opportunity Hypothesis: Schacter, 1996 ▫ Syntax/Grammar:  accuracy acquired up to age 15 ▫Language Proficiency:  Younger learners may reach higher levels of functional proficiency ▫Rate of Language Acquisition:  Adults have great advantage, but may be short-lived

5 Benefits ▫Enhanced ability to engage in problem solving ▫Earlier reading skills ▫Higher scores on standardized tests and test of basic skills in English and math ▫Positively impact reading comprehension and vocab on standardized tests ▫More openness to other cultures ▫Increased literacy skills including guessing, predicting, hypothesizing, and sharing ▫More positive attitudes to school ▫Increased beliefs in ability to learn another language ▫Greater motivation for learning another language ▫Great self-confidence

6 The Elementary School Learner Preschool (2-4) ▫Absorb languages effortlessly ▫Imitate speech sounds well ▫Self-centered ▫Short attention span ▫Need concrete experiences and large motor skill activities ▫Benefit from tongue twisters and rhymes

7 The Elementary School Learner Primary (5-7) ▫Concrete experiences ▫Immediate goals ▫Imaginative stories and dramatic play ▫Learn through oral language ▫Short attention span ▫Need structure and routines

8 The Elementary School Learner ▫Intermediate students (8-10)  Open to people of other cultures  Benefit from global emphasis  Understand cause and effect  Work well in groups  Learn well from binary opposites  Enjoy peer editing and scoring activities

9 The Elementary School Learner ▫Early adolescent (11-14)  Most dramatic developmental changes  Need to assert independence  Need to develop own self-image  Need to be a part of a peer group  Benefit from positive relationships and self-image  Like to engage with subjects of interest to themselves  Like content-based units  Enjoy learning experiences with a strong affective component ▫

10 Key Points Chapter Three The Elementary School Learner Glisan ▫The mythic stage (4-10)  Make sense of the world through emotional categories  Desire to “feel” about what they are learning  Need for unambiguous meaning

11 Program Models Range from language-focused to content- focused ▫Foreign Language in Elementary School (FLES)(traditional term) refers to programs taught 3-5 times per week for 20-60 minutes ▫Foreign Language Exploratory Programs (FLEX) introduces middle schoolers to one or several languages and cultures. ▫Immersion programs teach academic content in the foreign language

12 Program Models Sheltered instruction (SI) ▫Making content comprehensible for ELLs SIOP: Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol ▫Guides preparation, instruction, and assessment SDAIE: Specially Designed Academic Instruction in English ▫Focuses on content knowledge specific vocabulary

13 Program Models Dual-language: Teaches literacy and content in two languages Immersion:  Total immersion  Two-way immersion  Partial immersion Media-based learning: ▫Videotape ▫CDs ▫Computers Distance learning: Occurs via interactive television

14 Strategies for Elementary Learners ▫Plan thematically  Makes instruction more comprehensible  Focus on use of language to achieve goal  Provides a rich context for SBI  Offers a natural setting for task-based organization and narrative structure  Involves Ss in real language use in a variety of settings  Uses complex thinking and sophisticated language use  Avoids use of isolated exercises  Connects content, language, and culture goals to a “big idea”

15 Content-based instruction Consider nature of subject-content tasks Consider target language abilities needed Consider language needed ▫Content-obligatory: language needed to teach subject area concepts ▫Content-compatible: language integrated into curriculum Use Cummins’ classification system to support language and content instruction ▫Context embedded or reduced? ▫Cognitively demanding or not?

16 Support for student learning Graphic organizers: ▫Semantic maps ▫Venn diagrams Vocab acquisition: ▫Binding ▫TPR Reading and Writing ▫Interpretive listening (Oller) ▫Language Experience Approach (presentational)

17 Support for student learning Cooperative learning: (interpersonal) ▫Use paired interviews ▫Information gap activities ▫Jigsaw activities ▫Surveys Give students roles  Encourager Timekeeper Recorder Reporter

18 Support for student learning Presentational speaking ▫Skits ▫Role play ▫Songs Learning through culture ▫Products ▫Practices Contextualized performance assessment ▫Suit the characteristics of your learners ▫Assess the abilities appropriate for your learners ▫Allow learners to show their best performance ▫Engage learners intellectually

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