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2017-Vision of Education Alisa Celentano EDU 505: Future of Education Professor Foster October 16, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "2017-Vision of Education Alisa Celentano EDU 505: Future of Education Professor Foster October 16, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 2017-Vision of Education Alisa Celentano EDU 505: Future of Education Professor Foster October 16, 2012

2 TEAM, Inc. Founded in 1965. TEAM, Inc. (2006) was created “to connect individuals and families with solutions that lead to well-being, self-sufficiency and full participation in the community”. Located in the lower Naugatuck and Housatonic Valley. Provides early education to about 260 families. Program funded by Head Start. Early Education Program is always expanding: - Recently opened classrooms in Shelton, Milford, and Seymour and received NAEYC accreditation in 2010. Successfully serves children, staff, and families. - Provides high-quality education that promotes growth of the whole child. - Professional development and tuition reimbursement for staff. - Collaboration between teachers, administrators, and families. Reference: TEAM, Inc. (2006). About Us. Retrieved from

3 Game-based Learning & Learning Analytics TEAM, Inc. uses game-based learning on: - tablets (Apple iPads) - laptops - desktops Game-based learning is appropriate because: - easy for students to use - games provided connect with weekly curriculum being taught - students receive immediate feedback on performance TEAM, Inc. uses analytics through: - online software for teachers and administrators to use Using analytics is appropriate because: - teachers create individual child reports for all subject areas - share reports with families during conferences - create classroom reports to analyze data to improve program

4 Futuring Futuring is important to the field of education because it creates one to think how education can be changed and improved over time. - As Facer & Sandford (2010) state, “education is a future- facing activity” (p. 74). Futuring techniques: -Scenarios: create one to brainstorm what an outcome will look like in the future. -Scanning: process of searching for literature written that connects one’s ideas on a given topic. Reinforces what an author is researching by exploring what has been previously researched about a given topic.

5 Futuring Techniques Scenarios= Outcome Scenarios for technology in education: ▪ tablets for all staff members ▪ two tablets in each classroom for students ▪ webcams in each classroom ▪ SMART Boards in each class Challenge = $$$$ Scanning= Related Findings ▪ reinforces author’s ideas ▪ challenging when a new idea has never been researched before

6 Five challenges TEAM, Inc.’s vision of technology integration will present 1. Purchasing new technology is very expensive. 2. Hillman & Marshall state “there is a perceived threat that these media will replace more traditional types of learning such as reading, drawing, painting, manipulatives, role play, word or board games, or outdoor play” (p. 260). 3. Becta states “disadvantages pupils may be left behind, and yet they are often the very learners most in need of continuity” (p. 20). 4. Becta states “mass adoption of new technologies tend to be uneven across the system, and there is a tendency for many teachers, often unwittingly or due to other pressures, to merely recreate old pedagogies with new tools” (p. 21). 5. Becta states “there is a clear risk that, if unsupported, practioners will be unable to meet the digital needs and expectations of learners” (p. 23).

7 Five opportunities TEAM, Inc.’s vision of technology integration will present 1. Each staff member will have a tablet to utilize. 2. Each classroom will receive two tablets for students to use. 3. Webcams will be available in each classroom. 4. The program will save money by reducing the amount of paper the program has to purchase because memos, attendance logs, and child information will be inputted on the tablets. 5. SMART Boards will be utilized by staff to create collaborative learning environments and increase student participation.

8 Call to Action: Steps to immediately integrate technology First step: Apply for grants that will provide funding to purchase the new technology. Second Step: Provide professional development to teachers and workshops to families to teach how technology is beneficial to a student’s learning environment and how it can be implemented both at home and at school.

9 Pertinent Trends As stated by Yates, “25% increase in the number of students identified as having a disability” (p. 8). Smedley & Higgins (2005) stated “computer innovations such as enlarged text, spell checking, and text-to-speech are examples of accommodations that are helpful for students with disabilities” (p. 114). Ross-Gordon (2011) stated “distance learning, accelerated course formats, and prior learning assessment-were previously uncommon in mainstream institutions or departments, but are increasingly commonplace today” (p. 27). Ross-Gordon (2011) stated “the decision to offer distance education courses or programs was meeting students demand for flexible schedules” (p. 27). Becta (2008) states “increased parental encouragement of their primary age children’s educational in the home” and “demand for increasingly technological skills in the workplace” (p. 3). The National Institute of Early Education Research (2011) stated “program quality” and “improving staff qualifications” (p. 12). Straayer (2004) stated “creating a voucher system for higher education” is a budgetary trend that can have an impact on education (p. 27).

10 5 Ways TEAM, Inc. should prepare for technological changes 1. Apply for grants to receive funding to purchase new technology. 2. Teaching staff and administration work as a team to implement the new technology. 3. Provide professional development workshops to train the teachers how to use and implement the new technology into the classroom. 4. Offer parent workshops to inform families about the new technology that will be used in the classroom as well as how they can use the technology. 5. Meet with the teachers every three months to encourage staff to take online courses, which TEAM, Inc. will reimburse, to earn a higher degree related to education.

11 What will happen if TEAM, Inc. does not implement new technology The program will be one step behind other educational organizations. The program will not be ensuring that the highest quality of education is being provided to students. The program’s curriculum will not be enhanced by technology and, therefore, students will not be provided with collaborative learning opportunities or engaging and hands-on activities that utilize technology.

12 References Becta. (2008, September). Analysis of emerging trends affecting the use of technology in education. p. 20, 21, 23. Facer, K., & Sandford, R. (2010). The next 25 years?: Future scenarios and future directions for education and technology. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 26(1), 74-93. Hillman, M. & Marshall, J. (2009). Evaluation of digital media for emergent literacy. Computers In The Schools, 26(4), 256-270. National Institute for Early Education Research. (2011). The state of preschool 2011. Retrieved from Ross-Gordon, J.M. (2011). Research on adult learners: Supporting the needs of a student population that is no longer nontraditional. Peer Review, 13(1), 26-29. Smedley, T.M., & Higgins, K. (2005). Virtual technology: Bringing the world into the special education classroom. Intervention in School & Clinic, 41(2), 114-119. Straayer, J. A. (2004). Colorado’s higher education vouchers: A new trend or budgetary desperation? Spectrum: Journal of State Government, 77(3), 27-29. TEAM, Inc. (2006). About Us. Retrieved from Yates, J. R. (2008). Demographic imperatives for educational reform for culturally and linguistically diverse students. Multiple voices for ethnically diverse exceptional learners, 4-12.

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