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GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications Review of GRSC3 meeting SOURCE:ETSI TITLE:Review of GRSC3 AGENDA ITEM:GRSC4 3 CONTACT:Karl Heinz Rosenbrock.

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Presentation on theme: "GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications Review of GRSC3 meeting SOURCE:ETSI TITLE:Review of GRSC3 AGENDA ITEM:GRSC4 3 CONTACT:Karl Heinz Rosenbrock."— Presentation transcript:

1 GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications Review of GRSC3 meeting SOURCE:ETSI TITLE:Review of GRSC3 AGENDA ITEM:GRSC4 3 CONTACT:Karl Heinz Rosenbrock GRSC4(06)04 51 attendees 51 input documents presented and discussed. 9 High Interest Subjects 3 "other topics" Emerging hot issues (such as UWB, band sharing and Band II ultra low power transmitters) were not concluded, but it is expected that they will reappear in GRSC#4 Co-operative spirit led to 7 Resolutions being agreed

2 GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications Location-based Services Support of applications for emergency services is a current issue Work on other issues is progressing well, with good co-operation

3 GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications RF exposure & Measurement uncertainties GSC#10 Resolution 10/5 was adopted, updating resolution RAST 10/3 (Sydney) (gsc10_grsc3_48r1) ACTION: All PSOs were requested to provide new information on the list of available standards to prime PSO (ETSI) for agreement at GRSC#4

4 GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications Wireless access including RLANs & ad-hoc networking GSC#10 Resolution 10/6 was adopted, updating Resolution 9/5 (gsc10_grsc3_03a1r3) ATIS WTSC have initiated liaison with PSOs (including ETSI). Active liaison was encouraged.

5 GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications Intelligent Transport Systems Telecommunications systems in vehicles need to be flexible to accommodate the different product life cycles between the telecommunications industry and the automotive industry Spectrum allocations for ITS need to be compatible in different regions Issues of privacy are under discussion in certain regions APSC-Telemov provides a cooperation group on all aspects of standardization related to telecommunications within and for motor vehicles –GSC#10 Resolution 10/7 was adopted, updating Resolution 9/6 (gsc10_grsc3_08r1)

6 GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications Radio Microphones The GRSC working party was requested to –examine the “EMC method” of testing and report back to GRSC#11 –examine existing standards on VHF band II micro-transmitters and limits and prepare a draft documents for GRSC#11 –examine the cost benefits of using the most stringent limits for the GRSC standards and make a recommendation to GRSC#11 –seek members views and comments on band sharing with other services and make proposals to GRSC#11. It was noted that these issues are applicable more widely than radio microphones, and could apply to many “highly mobile devices”. GSC#10 Resolution 10/8 was adopted, modifying resolution GSC 8/5 (gsc10_grsc3_49r1)

7 GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications Electronic Article Surveillance (EAS) & RF Identification Devices (RFID) Standards activity is very intense Radio related activity remain still fragmented The development of applications which require readers in mobile devices was noted. This requires global harmonization of UHF spectrum for RFID readers. RFID was considered as a possible subject for band sharing studies. GSC#10 Resolution 10/9 was adopted (gsc10_grsc3_46r2)

8 GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications Software defined radio & Cognitive radio Standards development needs to be accelerated Regulatory concerns remain, and need international co-ordination. For ITS applications, the telecommunications community needs to provide the technical basis to UN ECE WP29, the responsible body for automotive regulation. SDR was noted as a potential solution to provide flexibility to provide ITS services throughout vehicle service life. SDR was noted as a potential solution to facilitate interoperability in PPDR applications PSOs were requested to review definitions of terms (e.g. SDR, cognitive radio, policy-based radio, software reconfigurable radio and dynamic frequency selection) and to come to a consensus in ITU-R

9 GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications Public Protection & Disaster Relief WRC-03 identified regionally harmonized bands. Requirements for globally identified bands were discussed, noting the difficulties of legacy systems and competing spectrum demands The need was identified to harmonise terminology in different regions in order to allow for more effective co-operation SDR was noted as a potential solution to facilitate interoperability in PPDR applications GSC#10 Resolution 10/10 was adopted, amending Resolution 9/9 (gsc10_grsc3_09r1)

10 GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications Ultra Wide Band This equipment is licence-exempt consumer equipment, expected to be highly mobile and high-volume, and would benefit from global harmonization PSOs were requested to nominate experts in UWB and measurement methods to the prime PSO. GSC#10 Resolution 10/11was adopted (gsc10_grsc3_31a1)

11 GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications Digital Broadcasting It was agreed to change the title of the agenda item to cover mobile multimedia applications PSOs were asked to consider whether digital TV delivery over IP or other related topics should be considered. PSOs were requested to consider whether the scope should be modified for GRSC#11 Maintained an “Other topic” for GSC#11 with the title: “Digital Broadcasting including mobile multimedia applications”

12 GSC: Standardization Advancing Global Communications Satellite services New applications in satellite services were noted. Communications on Airplanes Policy on the use of jammers and licensing issues need to be aligned in different parts of the world. PSOs were asked to note the development and add an agenda item for GRSC#11

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