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9 th Open Forum on Metadata Registries Harmonization of Terminology, Ontology and Metadata 20th – 22nd March, 2006, Kobe Japan. Presentation Title:Exploring.

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Presentation on theme: "9 th Open Forum on Metadata Registries Harmonization of Terminology, Ontology and Metadata 20th – 22nd March, 2006, Kobe Japan. Presentation Title:Exploring."— Presentation transcript:

1 9 th Open Forum on Metadata Registries Harmonization of Terminology, Ontology and Metadata 20th – 22nd March, 2006, Kobe Japan. Presentation Title:Exploring the application of ISO 11179 to the ECCMA Open Technical Dictionary (eOTD) Day: 3 Slot No.P22 Name: Gerald Radack Organization: Concurrent Technologies Corp.

2 9th Open Forum for Metadata Registry, Kobe, 2006 Abstract Work is underway to explore the application of ISO 11179 to the Electronic Commerce Code Management Association (ECCMA) Open Technical Dictionary (eOTD). The eOTD will be registered under ISO 22745, a standard being developed within TC184/SC4 to define the requirements for Open Technical Dictionaries. The eOTD is a collection of terminology from consensus organizations designed to support a central, public domain dictionary of cataloging concepts used to create unambiguous, language independent descriptions of individuals, organizations, locations, goods, and services. The eOTD contains property names and definitions that are the key to creating unambiguous descriptions. Essentially, every person, organization, location, and all goods and services can be described using property-value pairs. These “ data labels ” are the properties that are defined in the eOTD. Good progress is being made on 22745 and the eOTD has evolved considerably, particularly as a vehicle for free open resolution of terminology and as a tool for terminology harmonization. The eOTD effort is working with 11179 as the metadata registry model and has been working with TC37 to refine some of the terminology representation. There are now some wide-scale implementations of the eOTD in the mining industry, NATO is promoting it as their bridge to industry, it is being incorporated into the DoD EMALL and Boeing is promoting it in the aerospace industry, so the eOTD is making steady progress.

3 9th Open Forum for Metadata Registry, Kobe, 2006 Outline  ISO TC184/SC4  ECCMA Open Technical Dictionary  ISO 22745  Cataloguing module for ISO 10303  ISO 8000  Relationship to ISO/IEC 11179  Conclusions

4 9th Open Forum for Metadata Registry, Kobe, 2006 ISO TC184/SC4

5 9th Open Forum for Metadata Registry, Kobe, 2006 ISO TC184 Scope Standardization in the field of industrial automation and integration concerning discrete part manufacturing and encompassing the application of multiple technologies, i.e. information systems, machines and equipment, and telecommunications.

6 9th Open Forum for Metadata Registry, Kobe, 2006 TC184/SC4 Standards  ISO/TS 8000, Catalogue management systems – Requirements  ISO 10303, Industrial automation systems and integration – Product data representation and exchange  ISO 13584, Industrial automation systems and integration – Parts library  ISO 15531, Industrial automation systems and integration – Industrial manufacturing management data  ISO/PAS 16739, Industry Foundation Classes, Release 2x, Platform Specification (IFC2x Platform  ISO 15926, Industrial automation systems and integration – Integration of life-cycle data for process plants including oil and gas production facilities  ISO 18629, Industrial automation systems and integration – Process specification language  ISO 18876, Industrial automation systems and integration – Integration of industrial data for exchange, access and sharing  ISO/PAS 20542, Industrial automation systems and integration – Product data representation and exchange – Reference model for systems engineering  ISO/PAS 22720, ASAM Open Data Services 5.0  ISO/TS 22745, Industrial automation systems and integration – Open technical dictionary  ISO/PAS 26183, SASIG Product data quality guidelines for the global automotive industry

7 9th Open Forum for Metadata Registry, Kobe, 2006 Some SC4 Documents of Interest to Metadata Researchers  Metamodel and Infrastructure –ISO 10303-11 EXPRESS information modeling language –ISO 10303-2x series: implementation methods for EXPRESS data, including metamodel of EXPRESS –ISO 13584-26: model dictionary, CAD parts library, catalog –ISO 15926-2: general integration model –ISO 18876: guidelines for mapping and integration of models –ISO 22745: dictionary, identification guide and catalog models –TC184/SC4/N1977, guidelines for the development of mapping specifications  Content –ISO 10303-221: AP with standard reference data in 15926 format –ISO 10303-233, 239: APs with standard reference data in OWL format –ISO 13584-5xx series: standard dictionaries for mechanical components –ISO 15926-4 Reference Data Library (RDL) for process industries

8 9th Open Forum for Metadata Registry, Kobe, 2006 STEP  ISO 10303, "Standard for Exchange of Product Model Data"  Many different manufacturing fields  Application protocols (APs)  AP 209 Design Through Analysis of Composite and Metallic Structures  AP 210 Electronic Printed Circuit Assembly, Design and Manufacturing  AP 218 Ship Structures  AP 224 Mechanical Product Definition for Process Planning  Using common metamodel (Integrated Resources [IR])  The ultimate goal is for STEP to provide a means of describing product data through the life cycle of a product that is independent of any particular computer system

9 9th Open Forum for Metadata Registry, Kobe, 2006 STEP  STEP's goal is to represent all technical information about a product –Product representation –Process to make the product –Material properties –Process inputs (stock) –Tolerances –Assembly –Maintenance –…  One of the new areas is Product Life Cycle Support (PLCS)  Data not so much related to the manufacturing process, but related to the “ maintaining-in-service-life ”, usage and disposal processes  AP 239 (directly stemming from the CALS initiative and NATO Product Data Model)

10 9th Open Forum for Metadata Registry, Kobe, 2006

11 ECCMA Open Technical Dictionary

12 9th Open Forum for Metadata Registry, Kobe, 2006 The ECCMA Open Technical Dictionary (eOTD) is an open technical dictionary of cataloging concepts used to create unambiguous language independent descriptions of individuals, organizations, locations, goods and services.

13 9th Open Forum for Metadata Registry, Kobe, 2006 What is Cataloguing?  "The extraction, interpretation and validation of information in accordance with defined policies and procedures to satisfy a request for information."  Building a representation that allows a potential user to easily find items that meet a given set of requirements  The compilation and maintenance of primary information by systematically describing objects in the collection, and the arranging of this information into an object catalog record. []  The systematic organization of information, data, or materials so that they can retrieved when the requester needs them. Cataloging follows rules and practices to enable users to understand the system... []

14 9th Open Forum for Metadata Registry, Kobe, 2006 Concept Types  Class  Property  Feature  Representation  Unit of Measure  Qualifier of Measure  Property Value  Currency

15 9th Open Forum for Metadata Registry, Kobe, 2006 Examples of Concepts  Class  bolt:machine  bearing:plain:self-aligning  Property  thread series designator  thread diameter  Feature  flange  inner liner  outer ring  second hole  Representation  string  decimal measure  rational measure  Unit of Measure  degree  radian  kilogram  newton per square millimeter  Qualifier of Measure  nominal  minimum  maximum  Enumerated Property Value  Monday  Tuesday  iron  Currency  US Dollar  Euro

16 9th Open Forum for Metadata Registry, Kobe, 2006 Property ID Value Measure ID 0161-1-02-0468980161-1-07-014684 0161-1-02-0273753225020037 0161-1-02-0238221.00161-1-05-000798 0161-1-02-0102001.4500161-1-05-000798 0161-1-02-0101961.6530161-1-05-000798 0161-1-02-0049680.5910161-1-05-000798 0161-1-02-02737610 0161-1-02-0273780.800161-1-08-000168 Property term Value Measure term eOTD CLASS NAMEBOLT:MECHANICAL PRODUCT NUMBER 3225020037 NOMINAL THREAD DIAMETER 1.0INCHES WIDTH ACROSS FLATS 1.450INCHES WIDTH ACROSS CORNERS 1.653INCHES HEAD HEIGHT0.591INCHES COUNT PER PACK 10 PACK PRICE 0.80US DOLLAR Machine Bolt; Product Number: 3225020037; Nominal thread diameter: 1.0 inches; Width across flats: 1.450 inches; Width across corners: 1.653 inches; Head height: 0.591 inches; Count per pack: 10; Pack price: $0.80 eOTD Coded Identifiers Resolved Rendered XML Catalogue Data

17 9th Open Forum for Metadata Registry, Kobe, 2006 Goal Lower the cost and increase the quality of cataloging items of supply and production by facilitating cataloging at source

18 9th Open Forum for Metadata Registry, Kobe, 2006 Approach  The eOTD development approach is driven by empirical analysis of millions of catalogue records, including NATO, mining industry and office supplies  An important consideration is upward compatibility with existing government and commercial cataloguing systems  Catalogue representation is extensional – intended to represent real items of supply and production

19 9th Open Forum for Metadata Registry, Kobe, 2006 Key Ideas  Cataloguing at source: The supplier creates and delivers eOTD-compatible cataloguing data along with product technical data  STEP APs as the delivery mechanism for both product technical data and cataloguing data  XML catalogue format available as well  Data representation: The explicit representation of the catalogue data as property-value pairs using eOTD tags for concepts

20 9th Open Forum for Metadata Registry, Kobe, 2006 eOTD Concept Registry (metadata registry) Terminology GSA-IAE Terminology SDO Terminology SDO Terminology SDO Terminology Public domain concept identifiers Free identifier resolution to underlying terminology (web services) Hyperlink to source standards Multilingual Multiple terms, definitions and images linked to single concept identifier Terminology

21 9th Open Forum for Metadata Registry, Kobe, 2006 Unambiguous Description  Concepts identified by a globally unambiguous code  Items described with codes for properties, property values, representations, qualifiers, etc., that are recognized by the receiver ’ s supply system  All properties required by the receiver to describe an item based on the item class must be present

22 9th Open Forum for Metadata Registry, Kobe, 2006 Data Architecture DictionaryCatalogue Identification Guide is coded using concepts in constrains the use of conforms to the constraints in Identification Scheme has concepts identified by

23 9th Open Forum for Metadata Registry, Kobe, 2006 eOTD Dictionary Catalogue Identification Guide DictionaryCatalogue Identification Guide Data Architecture Data Model (UML) Exchange Format (XML Schema)

24 9th Open Forum for Metadata Registry, Kobe, 2006 A concept may have multiple terms and definitions

25 9th Open Forum for Metadata Registry, Kobe, 2006  The eOTD is meta- information: terminology used to describe individuals, organizations, locations, goods and services.  The ECCMA Stock Number Registry (ESNR) contains the product information itself.

26 9th Open Forum for Metadata Registry, Kobe, 2006 Dictionary Model  UML conceptual model –definitionMarkup attribute contains XML markup  XML exchange format

27 9th Open Forum for Metadata Registry, Kobe, 2006 Identification Guide (IG)  Constrains the use of the eOTD dictionary in catalogue data to meet the needs of a specific buyer or group of buyers  Developed and maintained by buyers  Registered with and validated by ECCMA  Subsumes Item Identification Guides (IIGs) used within the NATO Codification System

28 9th Open Forum for Metadata Registry, Kobe, 2006 DictionaryIdentification Guide Prescribed header Prescribed property Property-id = 04 Representation = 02 Prescribed property Property-id = 05 Representation = 01 IDConcept TypeConcept Name 01representationstring 02representationcomposite 03representationnumber 04propertysupplier primary POC 05propertyname 07propertyprimary honorific 08propertyprimary first name 09propertyprimary first middle name 10propertyprimary second middle name 11propertyprimary last name 12propertyprimary name suffix or generation 13propertyprimary generation 14propertyprimary gender code 15propertyprimary use designation...

29 9th Open Forum for Metadata Registry, Kobe, 2006 DictionaryIdentification Guide Prescribed header Prescribed property Property-id = 04 Representation = 02 Prescribed property Property-id = 05 Representation = 02 IDConcept TypeConcept Name 01representationstring 02representationcomposite 03representationnumber 04propertysupplier primary POC 05propertyname 07propertyprimary honorific 08propertyprimary first name 09propertyprimary first middle name 10propertyprimary second middle name 11propertyprimary last name 12propertyprimary name suffix or generation 13propertyprimary generation 14propertyprimary gender code 15propertyprimary use designation... Prescribed property Property-id = 07 Representation = 01 Prescribed property Property-id = 08 Representation = 01...

30 9th Open Forum for Metadata Registry, Kobe, 2006 Globally Unique Identifier 0161-1nnnnnnnn Organization identifier, compliant with ISO 6523, Information technology — Structure for the identification of organizations and organization parts Concept Type Code Concept Code

31 9th Open Forum for Metadata Registry, Kobe, 2006 Referencing  An IG does not contain its own set of identifiers  A catalogue references concept identifiers from the dictionary, not the IG  An IG is not needed to decode a catalogue  An IG is needed to create a catalogue that meets a buyer ’ s requirements

32 9th Open Forum for Metadata Registry, Kobe, 2006 ISO 22745

33 9th Open Forum for Metadata Registry, Kobe, 2006 Planned Parts  Part 1: Overview  Part 10: Dictionary representation  Part 11: Guidelines for the formulation of cataloging terminology  Part 13: Identification of concepts and terminology  Part 14: Dictionary query interface  Part 20: Procedures for the maintenance of an Open Technical Dictionary  Part 30: Identification guide representation  Part 40: Catalogue representation  Part 50: Structure and operation of the Registration Authority  Part 200: Implementation guide for incorporating cataloguing information into ISO 10303 product data

34 9th Open Forum for Metadata Registry, Kobe, 2006 Harmonization  Harmonization of terminology is outside the scope of ISO 22745  ISO 860 is referenced  The eOTD will be a powerful tool to facilitate harmonization because of the large amount of terminology loaded, and its free and open access  Maintenance processes are defined in 22745-20 to allow addition of terminology to a concept, merger of concepts, etc.

35 9th Open Forum for Metadata Registry, Kobe, 2006 Relationship Between ISO 22745 and ISO 13584  Common dictionary XML schema and Web services interfaces being developed  Will be published as a separate standard – no number assigned yet  Will be tailored within 22745 and 13584

36 9th Open Forum for Metadata Registry, Kobe, 2006 Cataloguing Model for ISO 10303

37 9th Open Forum for Metadata Registry, Kobe, 2006 Simplified cataloguing module, 10303-1137  Simple catalogue representation as property- value pairs with features  Allows reference to external dictionary for class, property, feature, non-SI unit of measure, enumeration value  Compatible with any dictionary of classes and properties (OTD, PLIB, Oil&Gas, etc.)  22745-200 will provide guidance for use of this module with ISO 22745 dictionaries  Targeted for inclusion in AP 203 ed 2 DIS

38 9th Open Forum for Metadata Registry, Kobe, 2006 STEP FileDictionary Class, Property, Feature, Representation, Unit of Measure, Qualifier of Measure, Property Value, or Currency Concept Entry Concept Entry Concept Identifier term definition term definition Linking from STEP File to Dictionary

39 9th Open Forum for Metadata Registry, Kobe, 2006 Catalogue Data part_versionproperty_value value string property_id property_value value string property_id property_value value string property_id property_value value string property_id

40 9th Open Forum for Metadata Registry, Kobe, 2006 ISO 8000

41 9th Open Forum for Metadata Registry, Kobe, 2006 Data Quality Extra time to reconcile data Loss of credibility in a system Extra costs Customer dissatisfaction Delay in deploying a new system Lost revenue Compliance problems Problems Due to Poor Data Quality Sources of Data Quality Problems Data entry by employees Changes to root/source systems Data migration or conversion projects Mixed expectations by users External data System errors Data entry by customers

42 9th Open Forum for Metadata Registry, Kobe, 2006 The value of information is dependent on, (1) its relevance (fit for the purpose), (2) its currency (timeliness), (3) its accuracy and (4) its accessibility (ease of use). This standard recognizes that there is a need to allow the intended recipient of information (typically a buyer) the ability to define their data requirements in terms of the standards to be used for data encoding (syntax and semantic encoding) and for defining completeness. This standard also recognizes that the provider of the information (typically a supplier) may wish to provide an assurance of accuracy (representations, certifications, and warranties) and that this can be validated (certified) by an independent third party. While compliance with encoding and completeness can be validated programmatically, assertions of grades of accuracy are covered by authoritative representations, certifications and warranties at the organizational level. Background

43 9th Open Forum for Metadata Registry, Kobe, 2006 Fundamental Requirements of ISO 8000  Minimum encoding requirements  Labeling:  Each data element must be tagged using a globally unique identifier that can be resolved to its terminology through a free (anonymous) internet interface.  Originating and cataloging organizations:  The originating and cataloging organizations for each data element must be identified using globally unique identifiers that can be resolved to contact information through a free (anonymous) internet interface.  Origination and cataloging date  The origination and cataloging date of each data element must be specified.

44 9th Open Forum for Metadata Registry, Kobe, 2006 Relationship between ISO 8000 and ISO 22745  The labeling requirements of ISO 8000 should be amended to read: "each data element must be tagged using a globally unique identifier that can be resolved to its terminology through a free (anonymous) internet interface. An example of this would be ISO 22745-14 or any other terminology resolution standard ”

45 9th Open Forum for Metadata Registry, Kobe, 2006 Relationship between ISO 8000 and ISO 22745 It is recommended the following wording be included: 1.ISO 8000 compliance requires that a standard data model is used for encoding. Examples of these include ISO 22745-10. ISO 13584-42/25, 15926-2, ISO 9735, ISO 15000. 2.ISO 8000 shall state that there be a clearly defined data requirement standard against which the data can be programmatically tested for compliance. Examples of this include ISO 22745-30 Identification Guide and ISO 13584-511 Fasteners or an UN/CEFACT IMPDEF message

46 9th Open Forum for Metadata Registry, Kobe, 2006 Requirements of ISO 8000 Information quality at the level of the organization Assessment of the level (grade) of information management capabilities

47 9th Open Forum for Metadata Registry, Kobe, 2006 Relationship to ISO/IEC 11179

48 9th Open Forum for Metadata Registry, Kobe, 2006 Links between Standards  ISO 22745-10 is intended to be compatible with ISO/IEC 11179-3  ISO 22745-11 implements ISO/IEC 11179-4 and -5

49 9th Open Forum for Metadata Registry, Kobe, 2006 Issues  22745 separates dictionary and IG, 11179 not clear  Use of term "concept"  Inheritance from Administered_Item –In eOTD, Administered_Item is in a separate private schema, not part of the 22745 standard  Standardized implementation methods (e.g., Web services, exchange file formats) –Need standard resolution services  Conformance requirements  Aggregates, complex data types

50 9th Open Forum for Metadata Registry, Kobe, 2006 Issues  Different sets of administered items 22745 Class Property Feature Representation Unit of Measure Qualifier of Measure Property Value Currency 11179 Classification_Scheme Conceptual_Domain Data_Element Data_Element_Concept Derivation_Rule Object_Class Property Value_Domain

51 9th Open Forum for Metadata Registry, Kobe, 2006 Issues  Separation of dictionary, IG, and catalogue  Meaning of context  Differences in terminology, e.g. Concept  Language_Section –Should reference dictionary for spelling, specification of geographic region as well as language –Prefer attaching Terminological_Entry directly to Designation and Definition, and linking them to geographic usage  Definition –definition_text should be XML markup (terminological markup language?) –Separate Definition from Designation

52 9th Open Forum for Metadata Registry, Kobe, 2006 Summary and Conclusions

53 9th Open Forum for Metadata Registry, Kobe, 2006 Where will this lead us? STEP eOTD Cataloging at Source Industry better product visibility User better search capabilities Automatic Form, fit, function analysis - Inventory Rationalization Acquisition, design, OEMs Suppliers, small production

54 9th Open Forum for Metadata Registry, Kobe, 2006 Conclusions  Cataloguing at source is more accurate, more efficient and ensures more accurate data throughout life cycle  Web services and high speed faceted metadata search engines are changing the landscape of the Internet  eOTD availability as open free standard combined with easy to implement XML catalogue formats is fuelling rapid adoption

55 9th Open Forum for Metadata Registry, Kobe, 2006 For More Information  TC184/SC4:  eOTD:  ISO 22745:  NCS: htm

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