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A Membership Service for a Distributed, Embedded System Based on a Time-Triggered FlexRay Network Martin Mitzlaff Rüdiger Kapitza, Michael Lang, Wolfgang.

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Presentation on theme: "A Membership Service for a Distributed, Embedded System Based on a Time-Triggered FlexRay Network Martin Mitzlaff Rüdiger Kapitza, Michael Lang, Wolfgang."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Membership Service for a Distributed, Embedded System Based on a Time-Triggered FlexRay Network Martin Mitzlaff Rüdiger Kapitza, Michael Lang, Wolfgang Schröder-Preikschat Ingolstadt Institute of the Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg

2 Drive by Wire A non functional state is not tolerable.
Most parts are time-triggered Hard real-time Dependable Single units not dependable enough Redundancy, Fault masking Important to know which units are online Need for a Membership Service Provides a consistent view of the fault-free units Martin Mitzlaff -- EDCC 2010 Industrial Track

3 Brake-by-wire Brake! ECU5 ECU1 ECU4 ECU2 ECU3
Martin Mitzlaff -- EDCC 2010 Industrial Track

4 Agenda FlexRay Membership Service Verification Evaluation
Martin Mitzlaff -- EDCC 2010 Industrial Track

5 Communication Controller
FlexRay High-speed time-triggered bussystem De-facto standard time-triggered bussystem in the automotive industry Node structure: Node Host Communication Controller Transceiver wire Martin Mitzlaff -- EDCC 2010 Industrial Track

6 FlexRay - Features Cycle-based communication: Synchronized clocks
Central bus guardian in the active star No membership service Cycle 0 Cycle 1 Cycle 2 Cycle 63 Slot 0 Slot 1 Slot 2 Slot 29 Slot 30 Slot 31 32 33 34 Static Part Dynamic Part Idle Martin Mitzlaff -- EDCC 2010 Industrial Track

7 Using FlexRay Interrupts to synchronize access to message buffers
Interrupts disturb the application Application Send_Confimation() Receive() Fill_Sendbuffer() Send() Macrotick 2000 700 2700 FlexRay cycle Martin Mitzlaff -- EDCC 2010 Industrial Track

8 Current approaches Membership protocols for synchronous systems already exist: F. Cristian 1988 S. Katz, P. Lincoln and J.M. Rushby 1997 R. Barbosa and J. Karlsson 2006 But all are slot based Not possible in a FlexRay system TTP/C includes a membership service (in hardware) Master thesis Martin Mitzlaff -- EDCC 2010 Industrial Track

9 Round-based Approach Slot based: Round based:
Sending and receiving in one interval No timing requirements inside the interval Calculation only at one point in the round Send Receive Calculate Martin Mitzlaff -- EDCC 2010 Industrial Track

10 What’s a view? View: Just a bit vector; One bit for one node
Local view: Node’s current opinion of fault-free nodes Interchanged with other nodes Global view Former local view Verified by the local views of other nodes ECU 1 ECU 2 ECU 8 Martin Mitzlaff -- EDCC 2010 Industrial Track

11 Integration G G G L L L Round: 3 2 1 L L G G ECU5 ECU1 ECU4 ECU2 ECU3
1 L L G G Martin Mitzlaff -- EDCC 2010 Industrial Track

12 Faulty node G G G L L L Round: 1 3 2 L L G G ECU5 ECU1 ECU4 ECU2 ECU3
1 3 2 L L G G Martin Mitzlaff -- EDCC 2010 Industrial Track

13 Verification Need for a fault hypothesis Formal proof of the latency
For FlexRay nothing published Each node and each logical communication-channel are a Fault-Containment Region Active star guarantees that the message is transmitted to all or no node by the communication system. [see TTP/C] Important to detect invalid messages Further CRC, including cycle counter A faulty host does not send membership messages. Different fault modes can be mapped to just three faults: sending, receiving or sending&receiving fault At most one fault in two cycles Formal proof of the latency Result: two rounds can be guarantied Martin Mitzlaff -- EDCC 2010 Industrial Track

14 Model checking Modeling using PROMELA Verifying the model using SPIN
Used results for decreasing number of states Only possible with small networks Results: Absence of Livelocks Absence of Deadlocks New nodes do not disturb Latency of two rounds Martin Mitzlaff -- EDCC 2010 Industrial Track

15 Evaluation Using TTTech Multi-Purpose ECU TriCore TC1796
Freescale MFR4300 TTTech AUTOSAR FlexRay-Stack Vector VN3600 Special active star Martin Mitzlaff -- EDCC 2010 Industrial Track

16 Evaluation Results CPU Load:
Maximal 2,4% CPU-Load caused by membership service 2.6 kbyte ROM Martin Mitzlaff -- EDCC 2010 Industrial Track

17 Conclusion FlexRay is the bus for drive-by-wire applications
But lacks a membership service Our Contribution: Membership service for FlexRay Key features: Round-based approach minimal CPU load Transparent to the application Verification by different techniques Even outside the fault hypothesis, coming back to a consistent global view Martin Mitzlaff -- EDCC 2010 Industrial Track

18 Thank you for your attention!
Any questions? Martin Mitzlaff -- EDCC 2010 Industrial Track

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