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Piaget Scenario 1 Zack Jr. came home from preschool with a picture he drew. His mom asks to see his pretty picture, and he raises the picture with it facing.

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Presentation on theme: "Piaget Scenario 1 Zack Jr. came home from preschool with a picture he drew. His mom asks to see his pretty picture, and he raises the picture with it facing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Piaget Scenario 1 Zack Jr. came home from preschool with a picture he drew. His mom asks to see his pretty picture, and he raises the picture with it facing himself. What stage is Zack in?

2 Piaget Scenario 2 Jim Bob’s girlfriend breaks up with him a day before the prom. He is very sad and cannot figure out why she dumped him. He thinks very hard, and the only conclusion he can come up with is that the did not show enough love and compassion for her. What stage is Jim Bob in?

3 Piaget Scenario 3 Carla received many gifts from her parents an relatives for her birthday last March. While unwrapping the gifts, she put the wrapping paper in her mouth and was fascinated by the sound the paper made when it was balled up. What stage is Carla in?

4 Scenario 4 Soccer mom, Julie, bought fair tickets for the team. She got a great deal, because some of the ticket books were missing tickets. Julie left the ticket books out for the team that weekend. Josh snuck up to count the tickets and took the book with the most tickets. What stage is Josh in?

5 Answer Key #1: Pre-operational #2: Formal Operations #3: Sensorimotor #4: Formal Operations

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