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Grace and the Gifts of the Holy Spirit
Chapter 16
Opening Prayer Lord, today we gather as disciples of your Son, Jesus. We thank you for loving us and for being present here with us. In our time together, help us to grow in our understanding of what your love and grace can do in our lives. Help us to love you and one another more completely. We pray this in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Preview Activity 16A – “Grace Under Pressure”
What are some ways you can see God’s will in your life even in the challenges you face? What can you do to remain joyful and positive even at times when events around you or in your life may make it easier to be angry or sad? How can your Christian faith help you face difficulties with courage and strength? Describe a typical challenge a young person your age might face, then tell how facing the challenge with God’s help can ease the difficulty and lead to a more positive outcome.
Introduction Grace: the gift of God’s loving presence in our lives that enables us to share in God’s own divine life and love At Baptism, we receive the life of the Holy Spirit (grace) enabling to live in closer relationship with the Trinity & help us to become God’s adopted sons & daughters.
Recap What is grace? When do we first receive the help of this grace?
The gift of God’s loving presence in our lives When do we first receive the help of this grace? At Baptism Who gives us this grace? The Holy Spirit What does this grace do for us? It draws us into a close relationship with God the Father and Jesus Christ and gives us the help we need to become God’s adopted sons and daughters.
God Takes the First Step
God made us to be with him. God takes the first step with grace, his life. He will not force us to love & it is our choice to respond.
Recap Why did God make us? How does God take the first step toward us?
God made us to be with him. How does God take the first step toward us? With grace What does God give us the freedom to do? To know him and love him Does God force his love on us? No. How we respond is up to us.
Live It!
Let God’s Grace In A person who says yes to god’s invitation to participate in his life acts in a way that reflects the values of Jesus. Indicator of god’s grace in a person Friendliness Willingness to forgive Respect for others Peacefulness Compassion Humility Thankfulness A helping spirit ……all actions that point others & ourselves to God
Think About It! How is your life different because God is a part of it?
Give Love Away When we participate in God’s life, we give love away.
Grace is not something we earn, but a gift from God because we have chosen to LOVE & we need to give it to others. Jesus incarnate grace; in-the-flesh grace
Did You Know? Sanctifying grace: a free gift we receive from God. It heals us from sin, makes us holy, and restores our friendship with him. Through the Holy Spirit, we are united to Christ’s dying & rising; we die to sin & are given new life.
Everything is Possible with God’s Grace
The effect of grace depends on how well we accept the gift.
Did You Know? Everything is Possible
We cannot, by ourselves do anything good without God’s grace. He makes all things possible because he loves us.
The Gifts of the Holy Spirit
Gifts of the Holy Spirit: special gifts or graces we receive from God that help us live the way God wants us to live.
The Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit are
Wisdom Understanding counsel (or right judgment) fortitude (or courage) Knowledge piety (or reverence) fear of the Lord (or wonder and awe).
Wisdom Wisdom is to see as God sees.
A wise person recognizes where the HS is at work in the world.
Understanding To find the meaning of God’s truths and their significance for our lives Help us recognize how God wants us to live
Right judgment (Counsel)
Helps us to… make choices that will lead us closer to God Figure out what God wants Know the difference b/t right & wrong when we make decisions
Courage (Fortitude) Help us when we faced challenges or struggles
Knowledge Helps us to understand the meaning of what God has revealed, especially the Good News of Jesus Christ Keeps us striving to learn more about God through Scriptures & Traditions
Reverence (Piety) Gives us a deep sense of respect for God & the Church A reverent person honors God & approaches him w/ humility, trust, and love
Wonder & Awe (Fear of the Lord)
Makes us aware of God’s greatness and power. It is sometimes called “Fear of the Lord” b/c the wonder of God’s love & unlimited power can overwhelm us.
Activity 16B – The Gifts of the Spirit wkst
Catholic Social Teaching
Call to Family, Community, and Participation The Gifts of the Holy Spirit are not given to us for ourselves alone. They are meant as gifts to the community as well. Our first community is the family. The family is meant to help discover and nurture the gifts of each member. Each member of the family is called upon, according to their abilities, to contribute to the common good. This expectation fosters self-esteem and personal dignity. Each member of the family is valued for his or her unique gifts.
This contribution extends toward the community
This contribution extends toward the community. Through sharing their gifts of time, talent, and treasure with parish and neighborhood, town and city, and even across the world, family members extend their love to all, especially those in need. As Saint Paul wrote, “There are different kinds of spiritual gifts, but the same Spirit gives them. There are different ways of serving but the same Lord is served. There are different abilities to perform service, but the same God gives ability to all for their particular service. The Spirit’s presence is shown in some way in each person for the good of all” (1 Corinthians 12:4-7).
Pray it! Liturgy Connection
You have the Gifts of the Holy Spirit at Baptism, but Confirmation helps strengthens that gifts in you.
Pray it! Liturgy Connection
The Holy Spirit is a central focus of the Sacrament of Confirmation, but He is already active in our lives at the time of Baptism. We receive new life through water & Holy Spirit and we are entrusted w/ the mission of Jesus Christ.
Closing Activity 16C – Symbols of the Gifts of the Spirit
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