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Getting Started in Operations Prepared by Bob Weinheimer MMR National Model Railroad Association EduTRAIN Program EduTRAIN™

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1 Getting Started in Operations Prepared by Bob Weinheimer MMR National Model Railroad Association EduTRAIN Program EduTRAIN™

2 This is an EduTRAIN™ Clinic EduTRAIN™ Copyright © 2014, National Model Railroad Association, Inc.

3 What Do I Mean by Operations? This is MY view, others may see things differently! This is MY view, others may see things differently! Operations means running the trains using rules, adapted as needed for model purposes, in much the same way done on the prototype Operations means running the trains using rules, adapted as needed for model purposes, in much the same way done on the prototype Specific trains run at a specific time based on a logical reason Specific trains run at a specific time based on a logical reason EduTRAIN™

4 What Do I Mean by Operations? Cars, both freight and passenger, are moved between shipper and consignee with some sort of logical system Cars, both freight and passenger, are moved between shipper and consignee with some sort of logical system A credible fleet of cars is used reflecting the needs of shippers and logical connecting railroads A credible fleet of cars is used reflecting the needs of shippers and logical connecting railroads All this can happen on a freelanced or prototype based layout All this can happen on a freelanced or prototype based layout EduTRAIN™

5 Topics for Discussion The global picture The global picture Era Era Rolling stock Rolling stock Car forwarding Car forwarding Train schedules Train schedules Train dispatching Train dispatching Staffing Staffing EduTRAIN™

6 The Global Picture Few railroads operate without connections to other railroads Few railroads operate without connections to other railroads Where does your layout fit on a map of prototype railroads in the part of the world you are modeling? Where does your layout fit on a map of prototype railroads in the part of the world you are modeling? Which railroads connect to your railroad? Which railroads connect to your railroad? EduTRAIN™

7 The Global Picture Connections allow places for cars to go, something like a large industry Connections allow places for cars to go, something like a large industry Connections allow logical places for foreign line cars to come from Connections allow logical places for foreign line cars to come from Connections allow the possibility of jointly operated trains that feature connecting line power Connections allow the possibility of jointly operated trains that feature connecting line power On a freelance layout, do not be afraid to rewrite railroad history as needed to make operations work better On a freelance layout, do not be afraid to rewrite railroad history as needed to make operations work better EduTRAIN™

8 The Global Picture Lines indicate principal main or secondary lines, not all branches Lines indicate principal main or secondary lines, not all branches Many railroads looked like this schematically through the 1950s Many railroads looked like this schematically through the 1950s Middle portion often represented mountains or other barrier to be crossed Middle portion often represented mountains or other barrier to be crossed EduTRAIN™

9 The Global Picture Clint Foster’s Chesapeake and Ohio Hinton, WV Hawks Nest, WV Washington, DC to Cincinnati, OH Modeled portion Hinton to Hawks Nest Beyond the basement connections to all eastern roads at Washington and all midwestern and southern roads at Cincinnati East West EduTRAIN™

10 The Global Picture To JulesburgTo Cheyenne La Salle Denver Kansas Pacific, Rock Island Jim Rollwage’s Denver Pacific Modeled portion Denver to La Salle Denver Pacific line north from Denver to transcontinental main line Modeled portion Denver to La Salle, CO Beyond the basement connections to eastward main line at Julesburg, CO, westward main line at Cheyenne, WY, eastward via Kansas Pacific and Rock Island from Denver South North EduTRAIN™

11 The Global Picture Waynesburg, PA Washington Pittsburgh CR, B&O, N&W, P&LE PS Wheeling Branch Freelance N&W Real N&W Bridgeville Wheeling, WV CR, B&O, N&W Pittsburgh to Chattanooga Modeled portion Pittsburgh to PA/WV state line On layout, connects with CR, N&W, P&LE, B&O, and Montour Beyond the basement, connects with C&O, N&W, B&O, G&G, CRR, L&N, SOU, possibly others Bob Weinheimer’s Pennsylvania Southern South North EduTRAIN™

12 The Global Picture “Beyond the Basement” “Beyond the Basement” Staging yards Staging yards  A source for trains  A destination for trains  Open or hidden  With scenery or not  Stub ended, double ended, or loops  Actively handled or not EduTRAIN™

13 The Global Picture Clint’s staging Clint’s staging  Double ended  Visible and actively managed  Scenery in the works EduTRAIN™

14 The Global Picture Jim’s Staging Jim’s Staging  Mostly stub ended  Some double ended  Hidden (eventually) EduTRAIN™

15 The Global Picture My staging My staging  All stub ended  All hidden or not highly visible EduTRAIN™

16 The Global Picture What will your layout look like? What will your layout look like? Depends on layout location and concept Depends on layout location and concept  C&O is rural, steep river valley  Denver Pacific is high western plains, few trees, lots of agriculture  PS runs from urban Pittsburgh to rural area with heavy industry on the north end fading to mines and much less industry to the south EduTRAIN™

17 Era What year is it on your layout? What year is it on your layout? Era can dictate of rolling stock choices Era can dictate of rolling stock choices Era can dictate scenic elements such as track arrangement and structure selection Era can dictate scenic elements such as track arrangement and structure selection Era can dictate which industries may be appropriate Era can dictate which industries may be appropriate Era can help determine what dispatching system is used Era can help determine what dispatching system is used EduTRAIN™

18 Rolling Stock Once an era is established, try to avoid anachronisms such as truss rod boxcars running with double stack cars Once an era is established, try to avoid anachronisms such as truss rod boxcars running with double stack cars 1980 as an example 1980 as an example  Lots of Incentive Per Diem, Railbox cars  Conrail cars in paint transition  GP-50s have arrived, no SD-50s  No SBD, CSX, NS EduTRAIN™

19 Rolling Stock Fleet composition Fleet composition  Many home road cars  Fewer cars from direct connections  Even fewer cars from secondary connections  Possible exceptions for unit trains  Appropriate car types to meet industry needs EduTRAIN™

20 Car Forwarding Many systems, all with their adherents Many systems, all with their adherents  Car card and waybill  Car tabs  Printed or handwritten switchlist  Commercial software EduTRAIN™

21 Car Forwarding – Car Cards and Waybills Well documented in the MR press. Well documented in the MR press. Most common method used is the 4 cycle waybill system. Most common method used is the 4 cycle waybill system. Easy to set up as it does not require any special equipment. Easy to set up as it does not require any special equipment. EduTRAIN™

22 Car Forwarding – Switchlists PENNSYLVANIA SOUTHERN RAILROAD COMPANY YARDMASTER SWITCHLIST ABOX 51235PITCO 23108B&OMILW 63077B&OPS 15825SLYPS 40876BRIRTCX 36601NY ABOX 51238SLYCO 306544WHLMKT 4571WHLPS 15827CANPS 40973WHLSBVR 2046NY ABOX 51244PLECO 365318NYMNJ 120672PITPS 15829SLYPS 41033SLYSCL 22302BAK ABOX 51938CANCO 488749B&OMNS 2006B&OPS 15835SLYPS 41084WSHSCL 490344WBG ACFX 3360SLYCO 493374NYMON 56059WHLPS 15856CANPS 41469WSHSERA 5036BAK ACFX 12234BRICPLT 7834SLYMP 367526WHLPS 15857PITPS 41586BRISFRC 56456WSH ACFX 17311WBGCR 164372CRMP 642109BRIPS 15858PITPS 52176HOUSHPX 18673WBG ACFX 17666N&WCR 215450CRMP 950125WHLPS 15860BRIPS 52184HOUSHPX 46873BRI ACFX 44631NYCR 238605SLYMR 2013BRIPS 15863SLYPS 52213SLYSHPX 52187BRI ACFX 46478SLYCR 360238CRMTTX 91258PITPS 15866NYPS 52214HOUSHPX 52464BRI ACFX 48927BAKCR 361810NYMZX 2001B&OPS 15868CANPS 52216NYSHPX 52795BAK ACFX 51138NYCR 369179NYNADX 80320NYPS 15872PITPS 52218HOUSLSF 78635WHL ACFX 52830NYCR 523439NYNAHX 47031NYPS 15882SLYPS 52384SLYSLSF 79094B&O ACFX 52849B&OCR 597965CRNAHX 900056BRIPS 15894WBGPS 52389SLYSLSF 700268WHL ACFX 53022NYCR 627089SLYNATX 87067BRIPS 16587CRPS 52938HOUSM 3371PIT ACFX 54814BRICR 766083CRNKP 99932HOUPS 18460PITPS 52987NYSNCT 1207NY ACFX 57001BRICR 879214HOUNOPB 3690BRIPS 18462NYPS 53610PITSOO 67643WHL ACFX 59272N&WDH 15237PLENP 96038WHLPS 21273PITPS 53641PITSOU 7975SLY ACFX 59430NYDH 24001BRINS 2101B&OPS 21356WSHPS 53648WSHSOU 9773SLY ACFX 72474WHLDHNY 50168NYNW 55974CANPS 21367BRIPS 56275SLYSOU 35531SLY ACFX 77374SLYDM 2264CANNW 170004N&WPS 21386NYPS 56278PITSOU 66190NY ACFX 78812BAKDNE 112WBGNW 292531N&WPS 21409SLYPS 56283WHLSOU 93647SLY EduTRAIN™

23 Car Forwarding – Software Commercial Products Commercial Products  Ship It!  ProTrak  RailOp Open Source Products (free) Open Source Products (free)  JMRI Folks can be very partial to their favorites Folks can be very partial to their favorites Some see problems with all of these Some see problems with all of these EduTRAIN™

24 Train Schedules Highly dependent on era and location Highly dependent on era and location Prototype passenger train schedules and employee timetables can be used as a guide Prototype passenger train schedules and employee timetables can be used as a guide Freight trains can be scheduled or run as needed Freight trains can be scheduled or run as needed C&O and Denver Pacific use prototype timetables C&O and Denver Pacific use prototype timetables PS schedule was developed using mathematical models for car flow PS schedule was developed using mathematical models for car flow EduTRAIN™

25 Train Schedules EduTRAIN™

26 Train Procedure Manual Descriptive list of each train and its functions. Descriptive list of each train and its functions. Helps in developing the operating scheme. Helps in developing the operating scheme. Helps others who visit your railroad know which trains perform which tasks. Helps others who visit your railroad know which trains perform which tasks. EduTRAIN™

27 Train Procedure Manual EduTRAIN™

28 Dispatching Systems Mother, may I? Mother, may I?  Very informal, limited paperwork, simple Timetable and Train Order (TTTO) Timetable and Train Order (TTTO)  Prototypical  Used until late 1970s to early 1980s  May be intimidating to new operators  Steep learning curve for some Track Warrants/Direct Train Control Track Warrants/Direct Train Control  Prototypical, easier than TTTO  Replaced TTTO EduTRAIN™

29 Dispatching Systems Centralized Traffic Control Centralized Traffic Control  Requires signals and detection equipment  Can be expensive to implement  Allows high traffic levels Combinations of all the above Combinations of all the above EduTRAIN™

30 Dispatching Systems PS uses track warrant system PS uses track warrant system C&O and Denver Pacific use TTTO C&O and Denver Pacific use TTTO EduTRAIN™

31 Staffing Dispatcher Dispatcher  Authorizes train movements by writing orders, or warrants or by setting CTC signals Yardmaster Yardmaster  Classifies inbound cars, builds trains Train Crew Train Crew  Operate road trains, switch industries as needed EduTRAIN™

32 Learn More Observe the prototype Observe the prototype  Visually from a safe location  Radio traffic via scanner or internet Visit operating layouts, more than one if possible Visit operating layouts, more than one if possible  What did you like about each?  What did you dislike about each? Decide what makes sense for you Decide what makes sense for you EduTRAIN™

33 Summary Fit your layout into the real world Fit your layout into the real world Define the layout era Define the layout era Develop a car forwarding system Develop a car forwarding system Write a train schedule Write a train schedule Choose a dispatching system Choose a dispatching system Observe layouts and the prototype Observe layouts and the prototype Do all of this then operate and you can earn the Chief Dispatcher certificate in the NMRA Achievement Program Do all of this then operate and you can earn the Chief Dispatcher certificate in the NMRA Achievement Program EduTRAIN™

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