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Settling In: Surviving and Thriving during Deployment (MAR 2013) 1 Settling In: Surviving and Thriving during Deployment FACILITATOR’S NAME Date.

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Presentation on theme: "Settling In: Surviving and Thriving during Deployment (MAR 2013) 1 Settling In: Surviving and Thriving during Deployment FACILITATOR’S NAME Date."— Presentation transcript:

1 Settling In: Surviving and Thriving during Deployment (MAR 2013) 1 Settling In: Surviving and Thriving during Deployment FACILITATOR’S NAME Date

2 Settling In: Surviving and Thriving during Deployment (MAR 2013) 2 Objectives Identify and discuss how to maintain legal and financial matters during to deployment. Discuss emergency preparedness and notification processes. Apply strategies for helping children and yourself cope with a Service Member’s deployment.

3 Settling In: Surviving and Thriving during Deployment (MAR 2013) 3 Keeping Up Legal Emergency Children Financial YOU

4 Settling In: Surviving and Thriving during Deployment (MAR 2013) 4 Legal Considerations Power of Attorney Taxes Resources

5 Settling In: Surviving and Thriving during Deployment (MAR 2013) 5 Financial Considerations Leave and Earnings Statement (LES) Deployment Spending Plan Savings  Savings Deposit Program (SDP)  Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) Bills Emergency Relief Organizations

6 Settling In: Surviving and Thriving during Deployment (MAR 2013) 6 Plan Emergency Phone List Support System Emergencies involving Family Members Emergencies involving Service Member Prepare for Emergencies

7 Settling In: Surviving and Thriving during Deployment (MAR 2013) 7 Ambulance Fire Department American Red Cross Police Family Programs Office Civilian Police Family Advocacy Poison Control Family Practice Clinic Veterinarian Family Practice Doctor Emergency Phone Numbers Deployment Information: Rear Detachment : Phone Number Commander’s Name FRG Leader Name: Family Assistance Center: Sponsor’s Duty Address:

8 Settling In: Surviving and Thriving during Deployment (MAR 2013) 8 Red Cross Message Info Full Legal Name Rank/Rating Branch of Service –(Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine, Coast Guard) SSN Date of Birth Military Unit Address Deployed Unit and Home Unit (if different)

9 Settling In: Surviving and Thriving during Deployment (MAR 2013) 9 Common Behaviors Increased clinginess Unexplained tearfulness Increased aggression Choosing adult company over other children Shrinking away or becoming quiet Change in sleeping or eating Fear of new situations and people Increased separation anxiety Preschool and Kindergarten

10 Settling In: Surviving and Thriving during Deployment (MAR 2013) 10 Common Behaviors Any preschool/ kindergarten behaviors Increased physical complaints Increased irritability School Age Drop in grades Decreased interest in school General complaints Anger toward at-home parent

11 Settling In: Surviving and Thriving during Deployment (MAR 2013) 11 Common Behaviors Any preschool/ kindergarten/ school age behaviors Acting out at home or school Lower self esteem Self criticism Adolescents Misdirected anger Sudden or unusual school problems Loss of interest in hobbies and activities

12 Settling In: Surviving and Thriving during Deployment (MAR 2013) 12 Common Behaviors Concern over financial issues Changes in eating habits Feeling withdrawn Feeling powerlessness Headaches or stomach problems Irritability and anger Sadness and depression Trouble concentrating You Emotionally numb Crying for no apparent reason Difficulty completing tasks or making decisions Difficulty sleeping Concern over managing alone Concern over impact of deployment on relationship

13 Settling In: Surviving and Thriving during Deployment (MAR 2013) 13 Helping Children Recognize normal behaviors Get them connected Share feelings Be consistent Seek help

14 Settling In: Surviving and Thriving during Deployment (MAR 2013) 14 Taking Care of YOU Get connected Take care of YOU Set goals Things to avoid Seek help

15 Settling In: Surviving and Thriving during Deployment (MAR 2013) 15 Objectives Identify and discuss how to maintain legal and financial matters during to deployment. Discuss emergency preparedness and notification processes. Apply strategies for helping children and yourself cope with a Service Member’s deployment.

16 Settling In: Surviving and Thriving during Deployment (MAR 2013) 16 Settling In: Surviving and Thriving during Deployment FACILITATOR’S NAME Date

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