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Please Stand By for John Thomas Wednesday, March 6, 2013, San Francisco, CA Global Trading Dispatch The Webinar will begin at 12:00 pm EST.

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Presentation on theme: "Please Stand By for John Thomas Wednesday, March 6, 2013, San Francisco, CA Global Trading Dispatch The Webinar will begin at 12:00 pm EST."— Presentation transcript:

1 Please Stand By for John Thomas Wednesday, March 6, 2013, San Francisco, CA Global Trading Dispatch The Webinar will begin at 12:00 pm EST

2 The Mad Hedge Fund Trader “The Great Yawn of 2013” Diary of a Mad Hedge Fund Trader San Francisco, March 6, 2013

3 MHFT Global Strategy Luncheons Buy tickets at 2013 April 12 San Francisco April 19 Chicago July 2 New York July 8 London, England July 12 Amsterdam, Neth. July 16 Berlin, Germany July 18 Frankfurt, Germany July 25 Portofino, Italy August 1 Mykonos, Greece August 9 Zermatt, Switzerland

4 MHFT Global Strategy Luncheons Buy tickets at Chicago April 19 San Francisco April 12

5 Trade Alert Performance Another all time high *January +16.75% Dow +6.9% (2.4X) February +10.13% Dow +0.57% (18X) March +0.93% *2013 YTD +27.8%, compared to 8.2% for the Dow, beating it by 19.6% *First 114 weeks of Trading +82.9% *Versus +16.4% for the Dow Average A 66.5% outperformance of the index 110 out of 157 closed trades profitable 70% success rate on closed trades

6 Portfolio Review- Balancing Out Longs and Shorts, Volatility collapse causing options premiums to shrink, increasing risk and reducing returns of option spread strategy Maximum return if nothing happens Asset Class Breakdown Risk Adjusted Basis current capital at risk Risk On (SPY) 3/$140-$145 call spread30.00% (IWM) 3/$82-$86 call spread20.00% (F) 3/$11-$12 call spread10.00% Risk Off (FXY) 3/$110-$115 put spread-20.00% total net position40.00%

7 Strategy Outlook - sitting on my hands run all existing positions to March 15 expiration *Too late to buy, too early to sell *Volatility is too low to sell, but may go lower *Capitulation top in stocks now underway *Roll forward short yen position on any 2 point pop in (FXY) *Can’t establish put spreads in (SPX) or (IWM) as long as upside breakout underway *Only add very deep OTM call spreads with room for a 10% correction *Single stocks too risky because of greater volatility

8 Performance Year to Date- +27.8% Biggest Performance Burst Since Launch

9 Performance Since Inception-Gone Hyperbolic +37% Average Annualized Return

10 The Goldilocks Economy- Not too hot, not too cold-95% of data points positive with no inflation *Global synchronized recovery in play *FEB US car sales +3.7% YOY to 15.4 million *Sequestration bluff is called, -0.25% GDP only big military states affected 20% for VA and MD versus 2% for NY *Europe IFO Index jumps from 104.3 to 107.4 *Jan non defense cap spending +6.3% FEBRUARY CHICAGO PMI 55.6 TO 56.8 *CPI YOY 1.6% = Goldilocks *Q4 GDP update from -0.1% to +0.1% *China February PMI 52.3 down to 50.4 4 month low

11 Weekly Jobless Claims -22,000 plunge to 344,000 is very market positive

12 Bonds-More of the Same *Ben Bernanke says he may never sell treasuries will keep the $3.5 trillion he has until maturity *Smart money is shortening duration and de-risking great reallocation into stocks is from cash, not bonds *Sending money abroad looking for non US correlated yield curves *$85 billion a month in bond buying is still huge support *New 10 year Treasury range is 1.80%-2.50% *Sell every substantial rally in Treasuries, corporates, and municipals

13 (TLT)

14 Short Treasuries (TBT) See the 1:4 reverse Split—5% annual cost of carry

15 Municipal Bonds (MUB)-3% yield, Mix of AAA, AA, and A rated bonds

16 (JNK)- chase for yield continues

17 Stocks-1,600 Not Looking so “Mad” *Drift up at multiyear highs is incredibly bullish, the dip that never comes *Too many investors frozen out of the market by the rapid market move *Speed gave individuals a big advantage *M&A Boom is creating equity shortage, takeover at triple 2012 levels *Heinz, AA-US Air, and Comcast deal took $53 billion in stock out of market, today its Office Depot/Office Max *Earnings multiples expanding faster than fundamentals, always ends in tears. Setting up the 2013 top-don’t forget to sell “Sell in May, and go away”, Part 5

18 Welcome to Fair Value 2009 low was a 2X event *Traditional bear market market drops 25% GDP falls -2% lasts 1 year *2007-2009 bear market market fell 57% GDP dropped 4.6% lasted 18 months *Today GDP growing 2% (SPX) earnings of $100 Multiple 15X, versus 9-22 historic range, so overvaluation is next but interest rates at 0%, govt. running $800 bil deficit, so higher before lower

19 Dow Average

20 (SPY)- Long the 3/$140-$145 call spread Long 3/$155-$158 put spread

21 (SPX)-The 30,000 view Fail here

22 Trading Market Tops-(SPX) H1, 2012 Long Call Spreads Long Puts and Put Spreads Long Put spreads and Call Spreads Volatility Collapses

23 The Next Trade March $155-$158 Bear Put Spread, roll out to April $158-$161 and May $161-$164 *Profits in at all price points below $158 by April 19, or 32 trading days *Profits in modestly rising, sideways, or falling market *Mitigates some downside risk *10% weighting =($0.30 X 100 X 37) = $1,110, or 1.11% for the notional $100,000 model portfolio, 100% = 11.1% a month *Could be our core trade March-August *We are closer to the top of the four year move than the bottom

24 (QQQ)- Finally Waking Up? Awaiting a rotation-Apple stopped going down, others up

25 (VIX)-Dying a slow death headed for the 9% handle

26 (AAPL)- dead in the water, putting in a bottom

27 (BAC)-Buy the Dip

28 Ford Motors (F)- the bottom is in long the 3/$11-12 call spread

29 Russell 2000 (IWM) Long the 3/$82-$86 call spread

30 Shanghai- Still on Fire

31 China (FXI)

32 Japan Nikkei- up 30% since October

33 (DXJ)- the only way to play Japan -Nikkei with hedged yen Y150 targets (DXJ) at $80, up 100%

34 Welcome Back King Dollar! *Our position weathers an intraday, four handle move from $104 to $108, is the way to manage low volatility markets, the prudence of not chasing *Dollar strength spreads to Euro and sterling *Haruhiko Kuroda appointed new BOJ governor appointment Yen breaks down to ¥ 94.60, new 3 year low Gives nod to ¥120/$ Yen breaks to new low on Euro/Yen and Ausie/Yen crosses *Is the start of a multiyear run to ¥150 *UK debt downgraded from AAA Austerity is not working, sterling craters. *These trends will continue with only minor blips

35 Long Dollar Basket (UUP)

36 Euro (FXE) Looking for a $1.38 top

37 Australian Dollar (FXA) Commodity Bust Hits Ausie

38 Japanese Yen (FXY) -worth the chase long (FXY) 3/$110-$115 in-the-money bear put spread use any yen strength to roll over into April

39 (YCS)-break to new high

40 Energy- Commodity Bust Hits Oil *Acceleration of the US economy is the main driver *Spill over into China demand *Volatility has collapsed thanks to new balance *Rising gasoline prices could add 0.5% to CPI *Commodity weakness has spilled over into oil *Natural gas stuck in narrow range

41 Crude

42 (USO)

43 Natural Gas

44 Copper (CU)- Demonetization risk could cap moves China growth rate may cap at 8%, not 13%, so slow grind up

45 Precious Metals-Ouch! *Technical picture looking terrible *Capitulation sell off below $1,500 setting up *Who needs inflation hedge during deflation? *Monetary expansion still flat suddenly accelerated, but gold still dead *Only platinum and palladium held up by car industry

46 Monetary Base Weekly December, 2011 to Feb, 2013

47 Gold 200 Day MA

48 Silver

49 (Platinum) (PPLT)

50 Palladium (PALL)

51 Ford Motors (F)- the bottom is in 53% move from October long the 3/$11-12 call spread

52 The Ags-A bounce at last *Corn finally bounces after worst move in 50 years, trend is still down *High prices are curing high prices *Awaiting next spike up or down to tell us what to do *All the action is long cotton or short coffee *Too many other things to do now

53 (CORN)

54 Soybeans (SOYB)

55 DB Commodities Index ETF (DBC)

56 Real Estate-the bounce continues *Jan Existing home sales -1.2% to +0.4%, pending home sales +4.5% *Case Shiller up 5.9% YOY top 10 cities, 3 month old data *Inventories still an overhang *Biggest price gains in worst hit markets +23% Phoenix +14% Detroit +13% Las Vegas *New York and Chicago are the weakest

57 Real Estate -don’t touch the housing stocks-the risk/reward is terrible

58 Biggest Bounces YOY Phoenix, Arizona 24.2% Boise City, Idaho 17.2% San Jose, California 16.8% Detroit, Michigan 14.4% Las Vegas, Nevada 14.2% Oakland, California 14.0% North Port, Florida 12.9% Cape Coral, Florida 12.7% San Francisco, Ca. 12.6%

59 (ITB)- US Home Construction Dow Sub index

60 Trade Sheet-No Change “RISK ON” has returned big time *Stocks- buy the dips, running to a new high *Bonds- sell rallies under a 1.90% yield *Commodities-stand aside until global sell off ends *Currencies- sell yen on any rallies *Precious Metals –stand aside, wait for rebirth *Volatility-stand aside, will bounce along bottom *The ags –has gone dead, low priority *Real estate- rent, don’t buy

61 To buy strategy luncheon tickets Please Go to Next Strategy Webinar Wednesday, March 20, 2013 Good Luck and Good Trading!

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