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Enabling Access to Sound Archives through Integration, Enrichment and Retrieval WP8. Dissemination & Exploitation Josh Reiss, Project Coordinator Betty.

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Presentation on theme: "Enabling Access to Sound Archives through Integration, Enrichment and Retrieval WP8. Dissemination & Exploitation Josh Reiss, Project Coordinator Betty."— Presentation transcript:

1 Enabling Access to Sound Archives through Integration, Enrichment and Retrieval WP8. Dissemination & Exploitation Josh Reiss, Project Coordinator Betty Woessner, Project Administrator

2 18 Month Review Meeting Project #033902 Introduction to Workpackage  T 8.1 Deployment  demonstrate & market use of enhanced access tools in real world sound archives  T 8.2 Dissemination  Covers wide range of activities concerning spreading and promoting project & outcomes  T 8.3 Exploitation  Exploitation Strategy Team  develop commercialisation routes for EASAIER technologies  define business plan  road map for future development  use and exploitation for project & outcomes  monitor developments outside project

3 18 Month Review Meeting Project #033902 WP8 Deliverables & Milestones  Deliverables  Month1- Public website & promotional brochure  Month27- Demonstrate deployed access tools in external archives  Month30- Business plan  Milestones  Month08- Initial dissemination & use plan  Month12- scientific publications, create Exploitation Strategy Team  Month18- Dissemination & use plan with IPR Strategy & Expert User Advisory Board feedback, deployment plan  Month21- Market watch & state of the art analysis  Month24- Prototypes deployed, promotional kit, initial business plan

4 18 Month Review Meeting Project #033902 ICT Call 3 Information Days  Promote EASAIER  Find out about new calls for proposals  Join consortia  Content and Knowledge  12-13 December in Luxembourg  Deadline: 30 November  Digital libraries and technology-enhanced learning  17-18 December in Luxembourg  Deadline: 5 December Dissemination

5 18 Month Review Meeting Project #033902 Website –  Revised and reorganised  Demos on front page  Working documents on top level of intranet  FTP site – large content  Speech with aligned transcripts  … Dissemination

6 18 Month Review Meeting Project #033902 Demonstrations available  DERI  Ontology (needs work)  DIT  Source Separation  Time / Pitch Scaling  QMUL  Sonic Visualiser  Soundbite  SILOGIC  EASAIER Interface  Video Time Scaling (with DIT, QMUL)  ALL  ???  NICE  ???  RSAMD  ??? Dissemination

7 18 Month Review Meeting Project #033902 Exploitation Strategy Team and Business Plan  Explore ways of exploiting project outcomes & IP  Dissemination & use plan revised throughout project  inputs from Exploitation Strategy Team  feedback from Expert User Advisory Board  market watch & state of the art  Business plan  initial draft - month 24  final plan - end of project  Business Plan  Product & services to be exploited  Team in charge of exploitation  Market analysis  Marketing plan  Risk assessment  Financial plan and scenario analysis Exploitation

8 18 Month Review Meeting Project #033902 Exploitation Strategy Team  Roughly 1 senior person per partner  Voluntary  QMUL – Panos Kudumakis / Josh Reiss  DERI – Martin Hepp?  ALL – Akos Levay  NICE – Barak Gablinger  DIT – Eugene Coyle  SILOGIC – Luc Barthelemy (+ David Cher?)  RSAMD – Celia Duffy Exploitation

9 18 Month Review Meeting Project #033902 Business Plan 1.Exploitation of the EASAIER System  Server  Archiver  Client 2.Exploitation of the individual EASAIER components  Mash-ups (DERI)  Ontology Management (DERI)  Music Ontology (QMUL)  The Archiver(QMUL)  Speech features / Call Centers (NICE)  Soundbite Music Retrieval (QMUL)  Speech Retrieval (ALL)  Vocal queries (ALL) Exploitation  Music Segmentation (DIT)  Source Separation (DIT)  Video Time Scaling/ Pitch Shifting (DIT + QMUL)  Intelligent Interfaces (SILOGIC)  …  ???

10 18 Month Review Meeting Project #033902 list of exploitable technologies Exploitable Knowledge (description) Exploitable product(s) or measure( s) Sector(s) of application Timetable for commercial use Patents or other IPR protection Owner & Other Partner(s) involved 1.real-time sound source separation Patent, softwareTo be determinedPatentedDIT 2. real-time pitch and scale modification licensing, software To be determinedNot specifiedDIT 3. real-time restoration EQ module with real-time AV feedback Patent, softwareTo be determinedNot specifiedDIT 4. Speaker Recognition SystemPatent, softwareTelephony/ Call centers To be determinedSeveral PatentsNICE 5. Ontology Management SystemSoftwareTo be determinedSeveral PatentsDERI 6. Music Retrieval SystemNot specifiedTo be determinedPatent Applied: spin-off Company Isophonics QMUL 7.Feature extractorNot specifiedTo be determinedNot specifiedQMUL 8. Speech Retrieval SystemNot specifiedTo be determinedNot specifiedALL 9. EASASIER System 1 Open Source Software, support Cultural Heritage To be determinedNot specifiedSILOGIC, EASAIER Consortium

11 18 Month Review Meeting Project #033902 Quantified Data on dissemination & use of results Items about the dissemination and use of the project results (consolidated numbers) Currently achieved quantity Estimated future quantity # of product innovations (commercial)22 # of process innovations (commercial)22 # of new services (commercial)44 # of new services (public)11 # of new methods (academic)00 # of scientific breakthrough00 # of technical standards to which this project has contributed44 # of EU regulations/directives to which this project has contributed 01 # of international regulations to which this project has contributed 00 # of PhDs generated by the project03 # of grantees/trainees including transnational exchange of personnel 00

12 18 Month Review Meeting Project #033902 Description of each result  Title  Summary  What it is, what it does, how it is used…  Current Stage Of Development  Documentation And Information On The Result  Intellectual Property Rights  Market Application Sectors  Acoustics, recording industry, telephony, music education,…  Quantified Data About The Result

13 18 Month Review Meeting Project #033902 Current Stage Of Development Scientific and/or Technical knowledge (Basic research) Guidelines, methodologies, technical drawings Software code Experimental development stage (laboratory prototype) Prototype/demonstrator available for testing Results of demonstration trials available Other (please specify.):

14 18 Month Review Meeting Project #033902 Documentation And Information On The Result Documentation type Details(Title, ref. number, general description, language) Status: PU=Public CO=Confidential Installation manual Installation guidelines for the end userPU User guideExplanation of how to use the servicePU SurveyResult of questionnaire on service acceptance CO

15 18 Month Review Meeting Project #033902 Intellectual Property Rights Type of IPRTick a box and give the corresponding details (reference numbers, etc.) if appropriate. Knowledge/ Pre-existing know-how CurrentForeseen Patent applied for ………………………….. Patent search carried out ………………………….. Patent granted ………………………….. Registered design ………………………….. Trademark applications ………………………….. Copyrights ………………………….. Secret know-how.......................................... other – please specify : …………………………..

16 18 Month Review Meeting Project #033902 Quantified Data About The Result Items (about the results)Actual current quantity Estimated (or future) quantity Time to application / market (in months from the end of the research project) 6 Number of (public or private) entities potentially involved in the implementation of the result : 5 of which : number of SMEs :1 of which : number of entities in third countries (outside EU) :1 Targeted user audience: # of reachable peopleHundredsMillions # of S&T publications (referenced publications only)40 # of publications addressing general public (e.g. CD-ROMs, WEB sites)20 # of publications addressing decision takers / public authorities / etc.10 Visibility for the general publicYes

17 18 Month Review Meeting Project #033902 Action Points/ Review of the Minutes  Next meeting to be hosted by tentatively  Invited user  Date?

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