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Rise of Totalitarianim

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1 Rise of Totalitarianim

2 Please do not talk at this time April 22
HW: Finish your Vocab Word Maps The Great Depression Video: The Great Depression: Watch the video and on the back of your Cornell notes answer this question: Why did the Great Depression happen? What does FDR do to fix the problems of the Great Depression? Please get out your Cause and Effect Papers and your 15.2 Cornell Notes.

3 Look at your Homework and Tell your partner:
Did not have time for the following slides Look at your Homework and Tell your partner: How did the countries of Great Britain, France, Scandinavia and the USA respond to the Great Depression? Word Bank for your answer: Socialism Tariffs Public Works Communism New Deal

4 Great Britain France Scandinavia USA

5 Great Britain France Scandinavia USA

6 Great Britain France Scandinavia USA

7 Great Britain France Scandinavia USA

8 Please Make Vocab Word Maps for the following…
Dictatorship- a country in which one person has absolute authority without the consent of the people Totalitarianism- absolute control of the government over all aspects of life What do these words have in common? What do they remind you of that you already know about? Pg 129A

9 Do yours look like this? Pg 129A

10 Pg 129A

11 Great Depression/Lost Gen Quiz

12 Please do not talk at this time April 23
HW: Finish your Totalitarianism Chart Using Chapter 14.2 Please get a Totalitarian Pie Chart and your Vocab Word Maps as we pass back papers. You also need a book!

13 STAR Testing Wed, Thurs, and Fri.
School starts at 8:10 EACH day. Freshmen are out at 11:45, 11:45 and 10:45 each day respectively. Electronic devices are not allowed while the test is being taken by anyone in the room. Bring something to do. You will finish early.

14 Take a minute to review Freedom….You had it in September.

15 Do yours look like this? Pg 129A

16 Pg 129A

17 Look at the Pie chart on Totalitarianism on pg.441.
Consider the examples in each slice of the pie. You will be watching a video and looking at this section to find out about how Totalitarianism worked in Russia under Stalin. You will need to put real life examples in each of the pie slices.

18 Pg 130A Ideology State control of individuals Methods of enforcement
Historical examples Totalitarianism Charismatic leader Use of technology Dictatorship-Autocracy Name: Period: State control of economy Pg 130A

19 This People’s Century Video
As you watch the video, Add to your chart with examples of Stalin’s Totalitarian Government in Russia (imbedded video counter 7:40) Finish adding to your chart from Chapter 14, Sec. 2 for HW

20 Please do not talk at this time April 29
HW: No HW! Last day to turn in critical thinking, Cornell notes and (some) Collaboration assignments from 4th quarter (assignment 41 on) is May 15th. The last day to turn in make up work or resubmissions for essay assignments is May 22nd

21 Please get a Fascism Handout, Pg 131A/B You will answer these questions as we work today.

22 Review Totalitarianism
Look at your chart on Totalitarianism…. We defined Totalitarianism as absolute control of the government over all aspects of life How is that definition expressed in the specifics you wrote down from the video and the book? How is Stalin controlling all aspects of the lives of the people in the USSR

23 Pg 130A Ideology State control of individuals Methods of enforcement
Historical examples Totalitarianism Charismatic leader Use of technology Dictatorship-Autocracy Name: Period: State control of economy Pg 130A

24 Today…. Fascism! Today we are going to talk about Fascism.
Fascism is a TYPE of Totalitarianism. Based on what you know about Totalitarianism, what can you guess about Fascism? Take these notes in the BOX on your paper.

25 A Definition of Fascism
Fascism is the totalitarian philosophy of government that glorifies the state and nation and assigns to the state control over every aspect of national life. For the Fascist, everything is within the State and…neither individuals nor groups are outside the State... Liberalism denied the State in the name of the individual (put the rights of the individual over the rights of the country); Fascism reasserts the rights of the State as expressing the real essence of the individual Enciclopedia Italiana, 1932

26 In a Fascist Government…
If the country, needs farmers…. If the country needs babies… If the country needs engineers…. If the country needs iron… If the country needs office space…

27 Benito Mussolini (1883-1945) Mussolini invents Fascism as we know it today.
1921 election  Fascists win 35 seats 1922  Mussolini threatened a coup d’etat. “March on Rome”- 25,000 Black Shirts staged demonstrations throughout the capital. 1925  Mussolini seized dictatorial powers during a political crisis. Italy becomes a single party state

28 Turn in your Totalitarianism paper

29 Please do not talk at this time April 30
HW: Cornell Notes, Chapter 15, Sec 3 (Pg 133A) Due Friday. Fascism Questions due block day Last day to turn in critical thinking, Cornell notes and (some) Collaboration assignments from 4th quarter (assignment 41 on) is May 15th. The last day to turn in make up work or resubmissions for essay assignments is May 22nd

30 Please get out your paper on Fascism!
Investigate Fascism Activity As we go through these documents answer the questions on your paper….

31 Text Book’s Fascism

32 Mussolini’s Fascism

33 Hitler’s Fascism

34 Text Book’s Fascism

35 Mussolini’s Fascism

36 Hitler’s Fascism




40 Turn in your Fascism paper

41 Please do not talk at this time May 1/2
HW: Finish your Nazi Chart to turn in. Chapter 15.3 Cornell Notes also due Fri. Last day to turn in critical thinking, Cornell notes and (some) Collaboration assignments from 4th quarter (assignment 41 on) is May 15th. The last day to turn in make up work or resubmissions for essay assignments is May 22nd

42 FASCISM Censorship and government control of news Strong military
Extreme nationalism Use of violence and terror FASCISM State control of economy Blind loyalty to leader Strict discipline Rule by dictator

43 Adolf Hitler Today we will look at Hitler’s plan for Germany.
We will also look at speeches he gave to find his explanation for why he is doing what he does.

44 Hitler’s Rise to Power Paul von Hindenburg
President of the Weimar Republic 1933 names Hitler as Chancellor (Vice President) Hindenburg wants to control Hitler

45 “By naming Hitler as Reichschancellor, you have delivered up our holy Fatherland to one of the greatest rabble-rousers of all time. I solemnly predict that this cursed man will plunge our beloved Reich into the abyss and bring our nation into inconceivable misery.”– General Erich Ludendorff, to President Hindenburg of the Weimar Republic

46 Night of the Long Knives
June 1934 Hindenburg is on his death bed Hitler orders Operation Hummingbird Hitler has all opposition leaders assassinated Known as the Night of the Long Knives August 1934 Hindenburg dies Hitler passes law proclaiming himself “Fuhrer” Germany now a Totalitarian regime Does this look familiar?

47 Please get an Agenda of the Nazi Party Handout- pg. 132A/B
We will use this chart to look at the official agenda of the Nazi Party and then 4 speeches by Hitler explaining his agenda.

48 Open your packet… Find the page titled: Program of the Nazi Party.
Read over this document and fill out only the 1st column of the organizer, summarizing the chief beliefs of the Nazi Party.

49 How would you summarize these beliefs?

50 Now find Hitler’s Speeches (Doc A-D)
Use these documents to go on a “treasure hunt” of sorts, looking for Hitler’s own explanation of the previously identified main points of the Nazi Agenda. Some of Hitler’s speeches will have evidence for multiple points. Only fill out the 2nd column. Leave the 3rd column (“examples”) blank at this time.




54 What arguments did Hitler Make
What arguments did Hitler Make? Why might the German people like what they heard?

55 Use the following short lecture to add information to your 3rd Column: Examples!

56 Greater Germany Parts of Germany split up as a result of Treaty of Versailles Hitler desires a Greater Germany Hitler re-occupies the Rhineland and Saarland Anschluss = “link-up” Germany and Austria to merge together in1938 First discussed pre-WWI

57 Treaty of Versailles Hitler routinely violated Treaty of Versailles
Territories gained to create Greater Germany were violations 1935 Hitler re-militarizes Germany Rebuilds Army, Navy, and Air Force Europe voices disapproval, but does nothing = Appeasement

58 Solving the Economy Hitler promises Four-Year Plans National SOCIALISM
End inflation End unemployment National SOCIALISM Government has active role in running economy War Economy Growth because of rearmament Stops paying reparations to rest of Europe

59 “Blood and Soil” “Blut und Boden” The “Aryan” Race
Only people who are tied to Germany by “blood and soil” can become citizens Super Nationalist and Racist ideas The “Aryan” Race Original speakers of Indo-European language The original “white people”

60 Nuremberg Laws Nuremberg Laws (1935)
Defined being German as having “four German grandparents” Also defined being Jewish First official anti-Semitic laws Not new though, anti-Semitism around in Germany since 1800s

61 “Living Space” Germany had been dealing with overpopulation for hundreds of years Hitler promises Lebensraum = Living Space Conquest of “Lebensraum” = Hitler’s most important foreign policy goal Aggressive Imperialism Implementation = WWII

62 Congratulations on Surviving STAR Tests!
Please do not talk at this time May 3 HW: Add to your Fascism in Japan Notes from the text book pgs Chapter 15.3 Cornell Notes collected Mon. Totalitarianism and Fascism Quiz Monday Congratulations on Surviving STAR Tests! Last day to turn in critical thinking, Cornell notes and (some) Collaboration assignments from 4th quarter (assignment 41 on) is May 15th. The last day to turn in make up work or resubmissions for essay assignments is May 22nd Make Up and Re tests this week for WWI and Inter War Years. Come here at Lunch this week to retake or make up tests. Study First!

63 Today we will look at Fascism in Japan.
Censorship and government control of news Strong military Extreme nationalism Use of violence and terror FASCISM State control of economy Blind loyalty to leader Strict discipline Rule by dictator Today we will look at Fascism in Japan.

64 Set up a piece of paper with these items on the left side
Fascism in Japan- Pg 134A Set up a piece of paper with these items on the left side Rule by dictator Blind loyalty to leader Extreme nationalism State control of economy Strong military Censorship and government control of news Strict discipline Use of violence and terror

65 We will be taking some notes on Japan in the 1930’s As we look at Japan and the Rape of Nanking, record examples of how Japan is becoming a Fascist country. Use the Key words on the left and fill in examples from Japan

66 Japan Determined to avoid ever losing to Western powers again, Japan modernized its entire country, industry to military in 50 years. It did this by promoting Nationalism. Many Japanese died in this process as the economy was rebuilt from one of hand made goods and crafts to a fully industrialized factory system. Once Japan’s army was the equal of any in Europe or the US, they assisted the Allies in WWI and invaded Russia and China, sometimes inventing reasons to attack. These reasons often included arguments about Japan’s Right to these natural resources because of their natural superiority. Manchuria, for example, was taken by the Japanese army without the knowledge or approval of the Japanese government. Eventually the Japanese military dominated the government altogether as a totalitarian government. Piece by piece, Japan seized islands and other territory in Asia and created their own Japanese Imperialism. They were known as cruel and brutal masters, often raping and torturing those who came into their power. This was especially true of the Rape of Nanking, a city in China where citizens were tortured and murdered as a way of controlling and intimidating the Chinese.

67 Japanese Propaganda The Secret of Japanese Strength- The Samurai

68 Before

69 After

70 Japan’s Expanding Empire

71 Toshie's experiences Trained to revere the emperor, Both brothers required to join the army (both died) Lived under a food requisitioning system. Every household in the village was required to meet a quota of food production. Since Toshie's family's land was unproductive, their quota amounted to almost all their crop. Forced to work at the docks in a labor gang alongside American prisoners of war and slave laborers from China and Korea. Had to participate in the activities of the National Women's Defense Association. Her duties included sending off the young men who left for the army, helping families who had lost their sons, attending lectures and rallies on the war effort, membership in the air raid squad, sewing of thousand stitch belts and care packages, and putting on entertainments for the villagers. The most striking thing about Toshie's experience of the war was how little choice she and the other members of her family had. None of them could stop her brothers going to war, and dying. The crops had to be brought in, and their food delivery quotas had to be met. Toshie's father made her go out to work '“ and he kept all of her wages. From "Coercion and Consent: The Home Front in Japan" by Simon Partner, an assistant professor of history.

72 The Rape Of Nanking Between December 1937 and March 1938 at least 369,366 Chinese civilians and prisoners of war were slaughtered by the invading troops. An estimated 80,000 women and girls were raped; many of them were then mutilated or murdered. To this day the Japanese government has refused to apologize for these and other World War II atrocities, and a significant sector of Japanese society denies that they took place at all.


74 The Rape of Nanking- These image were recorded by the Japanese soldiers themselves and the Nazi officials attached to the Japanese army. At one point the Nazi General in charge of the Europeans begged the Japanese to stop, because he felt they had gone to far. All images from:
















90 Long Term Effects… There is a long standing distrust between the citizens of Japan and China, though politicians and businessmen have overcome this. The Japanese were so shamed by their history, they removed it from their history books. These atrocities and others are not taught to Japanese students. Japan gave up their Army after WWII. The USA has agreed to protect Japan from foreign invasion.

91 Totalitarianism Fascism Communism Germany under Hitler Italy under Mussolini Russian under Stalin China under Mao Zedong Japan under Hirohito Cuba under Castro

92 Dictatorship/Totalitarianism VWM- Pg 129A Totalitarianism Pie Chart- Pg 130A Fascism Handout Pg. 131A/B Agenda of the Nazi Party- Pg 132A/B Chapter 15.3 Cornell Notes- Pg 133A Fascism in Japan- Pg 134A

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