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Friday, December 5, 2014. Congratulations to our November Students of the Month: Eduardo Hernandez Sedrick Jemison Jay Scruggs Jordyn Slaughter.

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Presentation on theme: "Friday, December 5, 2014. Congratulations to our November Students of the Month: Eduardo Hernandez Sedrick Jemison Jay Scruggs Jordyn Slaughter."— Presentation transcript:

1 Friday, December 5, 2014

2 Congratulations to our November Students of the Month: Eduardo Hernandez Sedrick Jemison Jay Scruggs Jordyn Slaughter

3 Donations are now being accepted for the USA Children’s and Women’s Hospital. Acceptable donations are large and small toys and games, gifts for teens, craft supplies, and personal care items. The hospital cannot accept food products or homemade cards for patients. Many children will spend their Christmas this year in a hospital. Help to make the season a little brighter for them by making a donation. For more information, see Mrs. Goodwin in room 920.

4 The FHS Concert Choir and Women’s Choir will be presenting a holiday concert on Friday, December 12 at 6 pm at Foley First Presbyterian Church. Admission is free of charge.

5 The Baldwin County Community Alliance is sponsoring an underage drinking and prescription drug use prevention campaign, and they need your help. Submit your creative idea for a commercial encouraging middle and high school students not to drink alcoholic beverages or misuse prescription drugs. Focus should be on the dangers and negative effects when youth have easy access to and availability of alcohol and prescription drugs. (Cont.)

6 If your idea wins, they will produce the commercial and you can be in it! The overall winner will be selected out of the winning entries from the schools and his/her commercial will be produced and air on FOX10TV and WFNA. See Mrs. Beverly, School Social Worker, in the front office for entry forms. The contest ends December 12th.

7 Prom Committee members will meet Tuesday after school in Mrs. Champion’s room.

8 JOOI Club will meet on Monday after school in room 507 for all current and interested members.

9 Attention FBLA students your group picture will be Thursday before school in the library. Please dress professional for the photo. Also you will have your Christmas dinner that day after school. Please go by Mrs. Porter’s room 307 to sign up for an item to bring.

10 Attention all seniors, especially those graduating in a few weeks. If you would like to purchase your prom tickets early and at their lowest rate, please see Mrs. Champion in room 406 this week. Tickets are $15 this week and $20 next week. In the spring, they will begin at $20. See Mrs. Champion ASAP to take care of this early!

11 Mrs. Terri Smith is in need of volunteers to work the children’s craft area at Let it Snow on Saturday after the parade. Volunteers can sign up in her room, room 706.

12 Attention all Foley Theatre Company Members: Ms. Andersen has available seats for the Nutcracker Field Trip on Thursday. See her to pay and pick up permission forms.

13 It’s time for the annual senior vs. junior powder puff game. The game will be Thursday at 6 pm at Ivan Jones Stadium. Tickets are $5 and all proceeds benefit the Jesus Cares program.

14 Attention senior and junior girls who signed up to play powderpuff: you need to go by Mrs. K.’s room – room 207 – and pay for your powderpuff shirt. The cost is $15 and you must pay for your shirt before you can pick it up. Any senior or junior guy interested in cheering at this year’s powder puff game needs to meet in Mrs. K.’s room – room 207 – today after school.

15 Attention all boys interested in playing golf for Foley High this spring, there will be an informational meeting in coach Cooks room, room 609, on Tuesday immediately after school. The meeting will last about 20 minutes. All girls interested in playing golf this year should plan to meet in Coach Scott’s room, room 506, on Wednesday immediately after school. There will be very important information given out at these meetings so please plan to attend.

16 Are you interested in being on the Track Team this year? If so, there is a mandatory meeting on Tuesday, December 16 after school in room 906.

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