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Linking Systems: State, District, School, Classroom: The Virginia Project Chairs: Nancy Protheroe, Center on Innovation & Improvement Kathleen Smith, Virginia.

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Presentation on theme: "Linking Systems: State, District, School, Classroom: The Virginia Project Chairs: Nancy Protheroe, Center on Innovation & Improvement Kathleen Smith, Virginia."— Presentation transcript:

1 Linking Systems: State, District, School, Classroom: The Virginia Project Chairs: Nancy Protheroe, Center on Innovation & Improvement Kathleen Smith, Virginia Department of Education

2 Capacity Building Program of the Virginia Department of Education Based on indicators in CII’s Handbook on Restructuring and Substantial School Improvement Based on indicators in CII’s Handbook on Restructuring and Substantial School Improvement Collaboration of – Appalachia Regional Comprehensive Center – Virginia Department of Education – Virginia Educational Leadership Foundation – Center on Innovation & Improvement

3 Why Was the Program Developed? Concern that districts with schools in restructuring/reconstitution would only “fight fires” Recognition that more schools might face reconstitution VA DOE limitations of staff time and other resources Get everybody on the same page

4 A Proposed Remedy Increase capacity of school divisions (districts) to better support all their school Use research on divisions that quickly and substantially improved student achievement Develop cost-effective uses of VA DOE resources Begin with conditionally accredited schools-with potential for scaling up

5 The Elements Series of 7 WebEx’s CII developed a web-based reporting system that automatically shows how teams are progressing in working on the current assigned indicators The system ultimately results in a school improvement plan, based on the work of the team over the course of the training

6 Planning for the VDOE WebEx Program Preliminary discussions plus a two-day planning session Issues included: – ways to leverage VDOE resources – need to actively engage division personnel – possibility for scale-up – details such as scheduling Decision was made to focus on a system of indicators developed by CII

7 Key Role of the “Indicators” Part of a Performance Positioning System—a GPS for school improvement –A GPS shows you where you are in relation to your desired destination, with reference points along the way. –The system adjusts to variations on the route but the reference points and destination remain constant. The CII-developed PPS—an online tool supported by web- based training—helps districts and schools determine: – where they are in relation to the Success Indicators (reference points) and –creatively navigate among them in order to reach their destination of improved student learning.

8 Navigating the System - GPS A global positioning system (GPS) shows you where you are in relation to your desired destination, with reference points along the way. The system adjusts to variations on the route and even accommodates stops along the way. But the reference points and destination remain constant.

9 Balancing Focus and Detail A few goals for the year may be enough 1. District/School culture: Build a culture of professional collaboration in supporting each student’s progress toward mastery. 2. Leadership: Share leadership for effective delivery of quality instruction for every student. 3. Curriculum and instruction: Guarantee effective delivery of an aligned curriculum through instruction that is targeted to each student’s assessed learning needs. But the path to achieving the goals is detailed The district, school, or leader must know where they are, how they are doing, what is the next step

10 Navigating the System - PPS The Performance Positioning System works in much the same way. The district teams determined: – where they are in relation to the Success Indicators (reference points) and – creatively navigate among them in order to reach their destination of improved student learning.

11 Success Indicators: Getting the Details Right Evidence-based practices for classrooms, schools, and districts Culled, analyzed, and organized in Handbook on Restructuring and Successful School Improvement Handbook named “outstanding publication of the year” by Division H of AERA at 2008 convention in New York City

12 Categories and Examples of District Indicators District context and support (15 indicators) – Indicator: The district sets district, school, and student subgroup achievement targets. District and change process (12 indicators) – Indicator: The district operates with district-level and school- level improvement teams. District-school expectations (8 indicators) – Indicator: The school reports and documents its progress monthly to the superintendent, and the superintendent reports the school’s progress to the school board.






18 Helpful Tools Worksheets, Agendas, Minutes for Teams Wise Ways – references, examples, explanations for indicators, at the touch of a button Coaching Comments – State to district – District to school – Rapid Improvement Mentor to Rapid Improvement Leader

19 Timeline: 2007-2009 September 2007 WebEx Faculty Selected November 2007 WebEx Faculty Trained, Indicators Selected December 2007 Division Teams Formed, Oriented January – May 2008 7 WebEx Sessions for Division Teams January – May 2008 Division Teams Develop and Implement Plans June 2008-May 2009 Division Assists School Teams May-June 2008 Division Teams Trained in School Improvement Process

20 Results Of the nineteen districts that used the district improvement process for 30 schools last year, only nine divisions remain with only 10 schools (two alternative schools, seven middle schools, and one elementary school). Student achievement increased in all 30 schools.

21 Next Steps for Virginia 21 Principals in rapid improvement schools will receive training in rapid improvement leadership, orientation to the web-based improvement system, and coaching from their division staff and through VDOE contractors. School improvement teams in the rapid improvement track will participate in webinars provided by the distinguished educators.

22 Next Steps for Virginia Teacher leaders will receive four days of training on effective teacher teaming, instructional planning, and effective teaching strategies. New teachers will receive training in classroom management (VDOE and VFEL). VDOE staff and contractors working with schools will integrate their efforts with project elements— especially use of the online tool. Training has been provided for these people.

23 Contact Information Sam Redding, Marilyn Murphy, Nancy Protheroe, Kathleen Smith, Visit the CII website at

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