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Ignatius of Loyola & The Jesuits BY: Richard Yoo, Andrew Fletcher.

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Presentation on theme: "Ignatius of Loyola & The Jesuits BY: Richard Yoo, Andrew Fletcher."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ignatius of Loyola & The Jesuits BY: Richard Yoo, Andrew Fletcher

2 Early Life Ignatius was born on December 24, 1491 As a child and teen he trained all his life as a knight. After his trainings he joined the military service

3 The ACCIDENT  The RECOVERY Ignatius was wounded in battle by a cannon ball that blew off his legs. While recovering from his injury he found comfort in the lives of saints and promised to serve god. He prayed for seven hours a day.

4 The Building up of the Jesuits He studied in Barcelona and at the University of Alcala. He was suspected of heresy, and was tried in Alcala, and Salamanca. Both times were acquitted. Ignatius was however forbidden to teach until priesthood. He continued to study so he went to the university of Paris.

5 The creation of The Jesuits After all his studies he started the Jesuits movement in August 1534. In 1540, Pope Paul lll approved Ignatius and his society of The Jesuits, and the Jesuits were founded.

6 Who were The Jesuits The Jesuits were defined as the Society of Jesus The purpose for the Jesuits was to express the purpose of the catholic faith by any means possible. They helped with school supplies, education, poverty The Jesuits strengthened Catholicism in Souther Germany, Poland, Hungary, and Bohemia.

7 CONCLUSION As Ignatius of Loyola dies on July 31, 1556 the Jesuits still continue to help the poor and show the faith in Catholicism. People called them and they were remembered as men of Wisdom, and science.

8 CITATIONS Farah, Mounir A., and Andrea Berens Karls. World History: The Human Experience; The Modern Era. Edited by Glencoe McGraw Hill. New York, NY: Glencoe McGraw-Hill, 2001. This is the World History book that we use in class. This helped us gain information on the Jesuits and Ignatius of Loyola. John. "Who Are the Jesuits, and What Do They Believe?" Got Questions. Last modified 2002. Accessed November 3, 2014. This is about the Jesuits. Networks, A&E Television, ed. "Ignatius of Loyola dies." History. Last modified July 31, 2014. Accessed November 3, 2014. How Ignatius's life was.

9 Bibliography Farah, Mounir A., and Andrea Berens Karls. World History: The Human Experience; The Modern Era. Edited by Glencoe McGraw Hill. New York, NY: Glencoe McGraw-Hill, 2001. This is the World History book that we use in class. This helped us gain information on the Jesuits and Ignatius of Loyola. John. "Who Are the Jesuits, and What Do They Believe?" Got Questions. Last modified 2002. Accessed November 3, 2014. This is about the Jesuits. Networks, A&E Television, ed. "Ignatius of Loyola dies." History. Last modified July 31, 2014. Accessed November 3, 2014. in-history/ignatius-of-loyola-dies. How Ignatius's life was.

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