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Presentation on theme: "UNICREDIT PROFILE - FOCUS ON CENTRAL AND EASTERN EUROPE"— Presentation transcript:

CEE Identity & Communications Milan, November 2011

2 UniCredit in CEE – An overview
AGENDA UniCredit at a glance UniCredit in CEE – An overview CEE and core country’s UniCredit banks profiles 2

3 Organizational Simplification Central and Eastern Europe (CEE)
UNICRED HAS SYSTEMATICALLY OPTED FOR BREAKTHROUGHS, ENABLING IT TO ACHIEVE EXCELLENT RESULTS … Organizational Simplification Turnaround Consolidation Selective Growth 1993 1998 2001 2005 2007 2010 Privatization Federal Group S31 One4C Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) Asset Management Entities Pioneer Investments HVB BA-CA CAPITALIA Leadership roles for individual countries in line with the multi-local approach. Creation of a single bank throught the integration of Italian legal entities Reorganization of the Group’s customer service model (segmentation) and the introduction of new incentive systems Completion of process of creating internal divisions, continued expansion into international markets with HVB and BA-CA, strengthening of domestic markets with Capitalia Integration of seven banks, centralization of IT systems and back office activity, start of international acquisitions Efficiency gains: cost/income ratio reduced by 22.2 pp from 1994 to 2010 1 This project led to the creation of three banks in Italy specializing in different customer segments: UniCredit Banca for the retail business, UniCredit Corporate Banking for the corporate business, and UniCredit Private Banking for the private banking business.

Employees: over 160,0001 Branches: 9,5182 Banking operations in 22 countries International network spanning : ~ 50 countries Market leader in Central and Eastern Europe leveraging on the region’s structural strengths 1 Data as at June 30, FTE “Full Time Equivalent”= number of employees counted for the rate of presence. Figures include all employees of subsidiaries consolidated proportionately, such as Koç Financial Service Group employees. 2 Data as at June 30, These figures include all branches of subsidiaries consolidated proportionately, such as Koç Financial Services Group branches.

5 Italian Retail Investors
UNICREDIT HAS A CLEAR INTERNATIONAL PROFILE BASED ON A STRONG EUROPEAN IDENTITY … Figures as of 1H 2011 UniCredit Shareholder Structure1 (%) UniCredit Employees by Country 2(%) Others Italy Others** Institutional Investors Austria Italian Retail Investors Turkey Germany Other Domestic Investors * Poland UniCredit Branches by Region3 (%) Austria Germany Poland Core Investors Italy CEE * It includes Italian corporations, banks and holding companies ** It includes unidentified shares owned by the Group and cashes 1 Calculated on last available data as at April 29, Source: Sodali  2 Data as at June 30, FTE “Full Time Equivalent”= number of employees counted for the rate of presence. Figures include all employees of subsidiaries consolidated proportionately, such as Koç Financial Service Group employees. 3 Data as at June 30, 2011.

6 Consolidated Total Revenues1
... AND BENEFITS FROM A WELL - BALANCED REVENUES MIX BOTH BY BUSINESS LINES AND BY REGIONS Figures as of 1H 2011 Consolidated Total Revenues1 By Business Lines (%) By Region (%) Asset Management Private Banking Poland Austria CEE CIB2 Italy CEE F&SME Factories 25 F&SME Network Germany 1 Data as at June 30, These figures refer to Condensed Income Statement. 2 CIB: Corporate & Investment Banking. Division which includes the former divisions Corporate Banking and MIB

7 THE GROUP CAN LEVERAGE ON ITS STRATEGIC GEOGRAPHICAL POSITIONING NOT ONLY IN ONE OF EUROPE’S WEALTHIEST AREAS … GDP per capita1 Ranking Market share2 Austria 144.0 No. 1 15.6% Germany 129.8 No. 3 3.0% Italy 108.6 No. 2 13.9% 1 Source: Eurostat, UniCredit Research. Nominal GDP per capita as at December 31, (EU27=100). Estimate of Nominal GDP per capita within the EU27 as at December 31,2010 (last update March 31, 2011). 2 Market Share in terms of Total Customers Loans as at December 31, 2010

Solid franchise of UniCredit in CEE: the largest and most diversified in the Region Long-term investor approach to CEE to benefit of persisting growth potential higher than in Western Europe 16,618 Employees 943 Branches 4,775 Employees 146 Branches 872 Employees 74 Branches 3,725 Employees 107 Branches Russia** Bulgaria Serbia Romania 1,183 Employees 81 Branches Slovakia 550 Employees 26 Branches 1,979 Employees 135 Branches Hungary 1,812 Employees 87 Branches Czech Rep. Bosnia Slovenia Turkey*** Croatia 2,988 Employees 248 Branches 3,799 Employees 226 Branches 19,476 Employees 1,009 Branches Poland* Ukraine 7,786 Employees 449 Branches Kazakhstan 3,040 Employees 115 Branches 1,801 Employees 138 Branches 196 Employees 8 Branches Baltics 787 Employees 41 Branches Kyrgyzstan 8 * Excluding OJSC UniCredit Bank Pekao in Ukraine ** Excluding Bank Sibir, which is consolidated into ATF Bank in Kazakhstan *** Including Yapi Kredi Azerbaijan

9 UNICREDIT CAN RELY ON A STRONG COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE COMING FROM ITS BUSINESS MODEL BASED ON SPECIALIZATION … Customer Centricity is the primary objective of our F&SME, CIB, PB and CEE Divisions, which specialize in business relationships with customers and provide them with the best service and highest level of satisfaction over the medium and long term. Multi-Local Approach Allows our local banks to take responsibility for their distribution networks and customer relationships, and to take full advantage of the Group’s product and service lines, of global product and service factories, and of the colleagues who work in every market where the Group operates. Global Product Lines Are responsible for developing the products and services that drive the creation of value across all geographic areas, as well as for leveraging our internal product factories. Simplification. Flexibility. Global/Local synergy. Checks and balances. These are the fundamental elements behind the new Management Governance model LEs will be further leveraged to become the enablers of divisionalization Model is customized to maximize returns on divisionalization investments Simplified CL architecture produces a “virtuous cycle” of business discipline to ensure sustainability Global Services Lines Are responsible for providing support through the Group’s service factories and through the Group's centralized areas. They backstop the network and the centralized product factories through specialized services provided by our Back Office, ICT, Loan Recovery, Procurement Office, Real Estate and Shared Service Center. 9

10 UniCredit in CEE – An overview
AGENDA UniCredit at a glance UniCredit in CEE – An overview CEE and core country’s UniCredit banks profiles

11 Countries of presence (3) CEE, % share in Group revenues
MIL-CLJ P-26463/PL UNICREDIT CONFIRMS ITS LEADING POSITION IN THE CEE REGION Data as of 1H2011 Total Assets (1) EUR bn Net Profit (2) EUR mn Number of Branches Countries of presence (3) CEE, % share in Group revenues 116 19 UniCredit 126 1,003 1,299 3,833 3,927 19 25 19 Erste 443 2,137 (5) (4) RBI 83 (5) 519 2,922 3,266 KBC (6) 72 (7) (7) (8) 351 391 1,180 1,802 (9) 12 (7) 35 (7) (10) (11) (11) SocGen 497 2,689 ISP 198 1,524 n.m. OTP 280 1,473 (1) 100% of total assets for controlled companies (stake > 50%) and pro rata for non- controlled companies (stake < 50%), except for OTP; (2) After tax before minority interest. Consolidated net profit for the CEE Region, except for Erste and SocGen (aggregated net profit); (3) Including direct and indirect presence in the 25 CEE countries, excluding representative offices; (4) Results of RBI exclude group corporate, markets and corporate center segments; (5) Including pro-forma Polbank; (6) Underlying figures adjusted by subsidiaries earmarked for divestment (RU, SRB and SI); (7) Including RU, SRB, SI; (8) As of YE 2010; (9) Branches as of YE 2010 including RU, SRB, SI; (10) Data for Albania, Croatia, Macedonia, Moldova and Montenegro are as of 2010; (11) Figures for Croatia, Albania, Moldova and Macedonia not available SOURCE: UniCredit CEE Strategic Analysis 11

12 Deposits; Market share Loans)1
CEE RETAIL - THE FOOTPRINT Country Russia CEE RETAIL Over Employees4 ~ € 21 bn Loans to Retail customers2 ~ € 20 bn Deposits from Retail customer2 (Market share Deposits; Market share Loans)1 (0.4%; 1,4%) Ukraine 3 Czech. Rep. (3.5%; 8.0%) Kazakhstan (3.1%; 2.5%) (5.4%; 10.4%) Slovakia (4.0%; 3.9%) Romania Hungary (2.7%; 5.0%) (5.6%; 4.0%) Slovenia (2.0%; 9.4%) Bulgaria5 (11.4%; 12.5%) Croatia Bosnia Serbia Turkey (24.9%; 24.6%) (23.9%; 25.1%) (3.0%; 4.9%) (8.0%;10.0%) 1 Retail loans and deposits include loans to and deposits from households + non-profit institutions serving households as of June 30, 2011. MS are excluding Latvia where there’s no Retail operations. Source: UC CEE Strategic Analysis 2 Data as of 31/12/2010 at constant budget rate, Turkey pro quota. 3 Related only to UkrosotsBank 4 Total FTEs, Turkey pro quota 5 Excluding loans booked to UciFin

CUSTOMER CENTRICITY AND OPERATING EFFICIENCY Increase the customer value added through need based advisory Customer acquisition Top mass Affluent Small business clients Excellence in: Underwriting Operational efficiency

14 (Corporate & Investment Banking)
CEE CIB - THE BACKGROUND Crisis management and CEE Divisionalization program Proactive management of major challanges during the crisis (liquidity gathering, interception of early warning signals, effective restructuring) Segregation of coverage and product responsibilities Providing the full range of services to our clients from one source End 2005 CEE Integration program CEE Banks‘ mergers and integration of different business models CEE Corporate covering both SMEs and Corporate clients CEE Investment Banking mainly covered by MIB division / CAIB Evolution Acquisition of HVB/BA-CA Group Governance New Europe Corporate (corporate banking) CEE Corporate (corporate banking) CEE CIB (Corporate & Investment Banking) MIB Division / CAIB (Investment Banking) MIB Division / CAIB (Investment Banking) Skills Commercial orientation Risk Management Capture the market growth Management of complexity Integrate cultural diversity Focus on Revenues/RWA Manage restructuring, risk control, reprising, L/Depo balance Expand Product know-how to IB Set up GAM or IB coverage 14

15 CEE CIB - THE FOOTPRINT CEE Franchisee Network…
…. CEE CIB Market Share* # 1 TOP 4 TOP 10 Baltics Russia Bulgaria Serbia Romania Croatia TOP 5 Slovakia TOP 7 Hungary Czech. Rep. Bosnia Slovenia Turkey Market position Country Ukraine Kazakhstan CZ 15,5% SK 12,6% HU 9,0% SI 5,7% HR 22,4% SRB 7,6% BH 14,2% RO 8,0% BG 16,9% BALTICS 2,9% TK 10,3% RU 2,4% UA 3,8% KZ 8,6% Over Relationship Managers ~ € 40 bn loans to CIB customers ~ € 24 bn deposits from CIB customers CEE CIB SNAPSHOTS 15 * Market share (Corporate + SME) on Loans to Non-financial corporations as of June 30, BALTICS as average of single market shares in EE, LT, LV Source: UniCredit CEE Strategic Analysis

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES CEE DIVISION: EUR mn Other CEE CEE DIVISION: EUR mn Other CEE CEE CIB CEE CIB ~30% (278) ~43% (1.862) ~57% (2.439) ~70% (662) LOAN VOLUMES eop DEPOSIT VOLUMES eop CEE DIVISION: ,0 EUR bn CEE DIVISION: ,1 EUR bn CEE Other Other CEE CEE CIB CEE CIB ~39% (24,4) ~45% (23,0) ~61% (37,6) ~55% (28,1) Figures at constant (10 BUD) FX rates Other CEE includes CEE Retail, CEE Private, CEE Other, Profit Center Vienna TK at 41%. CIB KZT w/o SNT TK opex estimated 16 SOURCE: Managerial data – Business Area Report (BAR), CEE Division Management Report CEE CIB HAS BEEN MAJOR CONTRIBUTOR (~70%) OF TOTAL DIVISION PROFIT IN 2010

Russia CEE PRIVATE BANKING Over Clients ~ €7.95 bn Total Financial Assets (TFA) 520 Employees ~1.300 clients 0.4 €bn TFA Czech. Rep. Ukraine ~2.400 clients 0.9 €bn TFA ~1.150 clients 0.25 € bn TFA Kazakhstan ~1.500 clients 0.4 €bn TFA Slovakia ~1.500 clients 0.4 €bn TFA Hungary Romania ~700 clients 0.3 €bn TFA ~1000 clients 0.2 €bn TFA Slovenia ~300 clients 0.1 €bn TFA Bulgaria ~1.300 clients 0.3 €bn TFA Croatia Serbia Turkey ~2.500 clients 1.0 €bn TFA 400 clients 0.03 €bn TFA ~ clients 3.7 €bn TFA TFA: Total Financial Assets Source: figures as at 1H2011 including Turkey at 41%

CZECH REP. Jan Tronícek RUSSIA Igor Ryabov SLOVAKIA Raymond Kopka Assel Nurmanbetova KAZAKHSTAN Adel Ayari SLOVENIA CROATIA Vladimir Racic Mauro Maschio +38 (044) UKRAINE SERBIA HUNGARY Péter Mozol Anca Eremia ROMANIA Ivan Djonov BULGARIA TURKEY Mert Yazicioglu Jasmina Benkirane-Stanivuk 18

19 UniCredit in CEE - An overview
AGENDA UniCredit at a glance UniCredit in CEE - An overview CEE and core country’s UniCredit banks profiles 19

20 AUSTRIA Bank Austria Country details Contacts Figures*
Bank Austria is a dynamic universal bank offering its customers access to international financial markets. The bank serves as UniCredit’s hub for the banking network in Central and Eastern Europe. Bank Austria has the strongest capital base among the large banks in Austria. The bank maintains an extensive network in Austria, serving ~1.8 mn customers in some 300 branches. Furthermore the bank is the number one partner for Austrian companies: 89% of large corporates, 41% of medium-sized companies and 35% of small businesses have confidence in Bank Austria's services. Vienna Contacts Figures* Employees ~10,000 Branches >300 Market share ,6% Operating income € 3,545 mln Profit Before Tax € mln Head of F&SME Rainer Hauser  Tel. + 43(0)                  Fax + 43(0)   mail Head of CIB Dieter Hengl Tel. +43(0)50505 – 4800 Fax +43(0) mail Head of PB Robert Zadrazil Tel + 43(1) Fax + 43(1) mail 20 *Figures as at 30 June 2011, but market share as at Sept Market share is in Total Assets.

21 AZERBAIJAN Yapi Kredi Azerbaijan Country details
Yapi Kredi Azerbaijan ( is a commercial universal bank with a market share of around 0,5%. Baku Contacts Head of Retail Mehmet Erkan Akbulut Tel Ext Fax mail Figures* Employees Branches Market share 0,5% Operating income € 3 mln Profit Before Tax € 1 mln Head of CIB & PB Mehmet Erkan Akbulut Tel Ext Fax mail *Figures as of June 30, Market share is in Total Assets. Operating income and Profit Before Tax are pro-quota. Figures consolidated in Yapi Kredi Turkey.

22 BALTICS UniCredit Bank in Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania
Country details UniCredit Bank ( and focuses on corporate business in the Baltic countries. UniCredit Bank is among the top 10 local banks in all three Baltic countries, with a market share of nearly 2%. Tallinn Riga Klaipeda Contacts Vilnius Head of CIB Algimantas Kundrotas Tel Fax mail Head of GTB Maris Strazds Tel Fax mail Head of Int. Desk Alessandro Natili Tel mail Figures* Employees Branches Market share ,5% Operating income € 7 mln *Figures as of June 30, Market share is in Total Assets.

UniCredit Bank and UniCredit Bank Banja Luka Country details The UniCredit Banks ( have a long tradition in Bosnia and Herzegovina being number 1 on the local banking market with share of 20,6%. The banks have been pioneers in issuing banking cards, they had the country’s first ATMs, and they were the first to offer internet banking and SMS banking. Banja Luka Bihac Tuzla Travnik Sarajevo Zenica Mostar Contacts Head of Retail Hrvoje Lovrić Tel Fax Figures* Employees 1,801 Branches Market share ,6% Operating income € 62 mln Profit Before Tax € 17 mln Head of Corporate Alek Bakalović Tel Fax Head of Financial Markets Adnan Šećibović and Investment Banking Tel Fax Head of Int. Desk Ilvana Dugalija Tel Fax *Figures as of June 30, 2011 (except market share as of December 31, 2010). Market share is in Total Assets. Combined figures of UniCredit Bank and UniCredit Bank Banja Luka.

24 BULGARIA UniCredit Bulbank Country details
UniCredit Bulbank ( is the indisputable market leader in the country. UniCredit Bulbank operates one of the most comprehensive banking networks in Bulgaria of more than 220 branches and offices in which a vast variety of top quality financial products and services is provided. Dulovo Vidin Ruse Varna V.Turnovo Sofia Karnobat Bourgas Blagoevgrad Plovdiv Contacts Head of Retail Pasquale Giamboi Tel Fax mail Figures* Employees 3,799 Branches Market share ,3% Operating income € 157 mln Profit Before Tax € 52 mln Head of CIB & PB Michele Amadei Tel Fax mail Head of Int. Desk Aldo Andreoni Tel Fax mail *Figures as of June 30, Market share is in Total Assets.

25 CROATIA Zagrebačka banka Country details Figures* Contacts
Osijek Zagreb Rijeka Split Zadar Dubrovnik Imotski Pula On the Croatian banking market, Zagrebačka banka ( is the number 1 featuring a market share of 25,6% in total assets. The bank is the leading bank in the country in terms of product and service quality, technical innovations and the number of customers served through years. Contacts Head of Retail Daniela Roguljić Novak Tel. +385(1) ; Fax + 385(1) mail Figures* Employees ,775 Branches Market share ,6% Operating income € 299 mln Profit Before Tax € 116 mln Head of Corporate and Private banking Milivoj Goldštajn Tel. +385(1) ; Fax +385(1) mail Head of Investment banking Marko Remenar Tel +385(1) Fax +385(1) mail Head of Int. Desk Zoran Ferber Tel +385(1) Fax +385(1) mail *Figures as of June 30, Market share is in Total Assets.

26 CZECH REPUBLIC UniCredit Bank Country details
UniCredit Bank is number 4 in the Czech banking market. It is one of the market‘s strongest banks in services to corporate clients, and in particular in the area of project, structured and syndicated corporate finance. Chomutov Praha Karlovy Vary Brno Plzen Ostrava Zlín Pardubice Olomouc Contacts Head of F&SMEs Dušan Hladný Tel  961  Fax  119 110 mail Figures* Employees ,812 Branches Market share ,1% Operating income € 193 mln Profit Before Tax € 33 mln Head of CIB & PB David Grund Tel  961 100 Fax  119 110 mail Head of Int. Desk Alfredo Iuzzolini Tel  960 531 mail *Figures as of June 30, Market share is in Total Assets.

27 GERMANY Contacts UniCredit Bank AG (HypoVereinsbank) Country details
UniCredit Bank AG With its approx. 21,000 employees and around 852 branch offices, it is among the largest financial institutions in Germany. HypoVereinsbank handles all business for the UniCredit within Germany and is also the competence centre for international investment banking. With an organisation integrated seamlessly into the structure of the UniCredit, HypoVereinsbank is able to utilise cross-border synergies and benefit from best-practice solutions throughout the European Group with no loss of time. Kiel Hamburg Düsseldorf Berlin Hannover Dortmund Düsseldorf Leipzig Köln Frankfurt/Main Würzburg Bayreuth Mannheim Nürnberg Regensburg Stuttgart Augsburg Passau Ulm Contacts München Rosenheim Head of FSME Peter Buschbeck Tel / Figures* Employees 21,037 Branches Market share ,5% Operating income € 3,733 mln Profit Before Tax € 1,920 mln Head of CIB Lutz Diederichs Tel / Head of PB Jürgen Danzmayr Tel / *Figures as at 30 June Market share is in Total Assets. Figures = HVB Group in Germany.

28 HUNGARY UniCredit Bank Country details Figures* Contacts
UniCredit Bank ( is number 7 on the Hungarian banking market. It offers a wide range of state of the art banking products and services – from diverse credits and loans for private and corporate clients through the big developing projects realized with supports from the European Union, from bank accounts, deposits through asset management to investment banking services. Eger Budapest Zalaegerszeg Szolnok Pécs Kecskemét Debrecen Nyíregyháza Miskolc Szombathely Sopron Győr Szeged Veszprém Kaposvár Figures* Employees 1,979 Branches Market share ,4% Operating income € 163 mln Profit Before Tax € 47 mln Contacts Head of Retail Csilla Ihász Tel ; Fax mail Head of CIB & PB Paolo Spada Tel ; Fax mail Head of Int. Desk Paolo Garlanda Tel ; Fax mail *Figures as of June 30, Market share is in Total Assets.

29 KAZAKHSTAN ATFBank Country details
ATFBank ( is number 5 on the Kazakh banking market. The bank is a universal financial institution with strategic focus on corporate clients. ATFBank has a strong position in Private Banking. Astana Almaty Contacts Head of Retail Nikoloz Kurdiani Tel * Fax mail Figures* Employees ,040 Branches Market share ,8% Operating income** € 82 mln Head of CIB & PB Mukhabbat Seitova Tel *1903 Fax mail Head of Int. Desk Alika Surtayeva Tel *2464 Fax mail *Figures as of June Market share is in Total Assets. Including Bank Sibir. **Including ATF Bank in Kyrgyzstan.

30 KYRGYZSTAN ATFBank Country details
UniCreditBank ( is the leading bank in the country with a market share of 14%. The bank is a universal commercial institution and offers a wide spectrum of bank products and services. Bischkek Contacts Head of Retail Kim Alexander Tel Fax Figures* Employees Branches Market share % Operating income ** € 10 mln Profit Before Tax ** € 4 mln Head of CIB & PB Aliya Chynybayeva Tel Fax Head of Int. Desk Aliya Chynybayeva Tel Fax *Figures as of June 30, 2011, but market share as at Sept Market share is in Total Assets. **Consolidated into ATFBank in Kazakhstan.

Country details UniCredit, Italy's leading bank, has more than 45,000 employees, 8 million customers and over 4,400 branches specializing in serving three customer segments: Families and Small Medium Enterprises, Private Banking, Corporate Banking. Our distribution territory allows us to be close to customers and contribute to the development of the communities where we operate. So seven Territorial Areas have been established, coordinated by a single Country Chairman Milan Verona Turin Bologna Rome Naple Palermo Figures* Employees ,640 Branches ,408 Market share ,9% Operating income € 6,273 mln Profit Before Tax € 1,012 mln Contacts Head of F&SMEs Frederik Geertman Tel mail Head of CIB Alessandro Cataldo Tel mail Head of PB Dario Prunotto    Tel mail *Figures as at 31 June 2011, but market share as at May Market share is in Deposit. Operating Income: Total Revenues.

32 POLAND Bank Pekao SA Country details
Bank Pekao SA has been operating for over 80 years and it is the second bank in Poland with a market share of 10,7%. It has the second largest network of branches (over 1, 000 outlets all over the country) and offers to its clients a network of more than 4,000 in Poland and 20,000 in Europe free of charge ATM’s. Warszawa Kraków Gdańsk Szczecin Poznań Wrocław Lublin Łodź Katowice Contacts Head of F&SMEs     Christina Dariusz Tel. +                 Figures* Employees ,476 Branches ,009 Market share ,7% Operating income** € 957 mln Profit Before Tax** € 426 mln Head of Large Companies Department     Drozd Renata Tel. +                 Head of PB      Waleczak Michal Tel. +                Fax Head of Int. Desk     Gastol Katarzyna Tel. +                  *Figures as of June 30, Market share is in Total Assets. **Figures include OJSC UniCredit Bank Pekao in Ukraine.

33 ROMANIA UniCredit Tiriac Bank Country details Contacts Figures*
With more than 230 branches, UniCredit Tiriac Bank ( is number 5 on the Romanian banking market. The bank is a universal bank with ambitious objectives in delivering high-quality products and services to individual clients, private customers, small and medium-sized businesses, and large Romanian and multinational corporations. Timisoara Bucharest Oradea Cluj-Napoca Brasov Constanta Sibiu Ploiesti Contacts Figures* Employees ,988 Branches Market share 5,8% Operating income € 144 mln Profit Before Tax € mln Head of Retail Emanuele Butta Tel Fax: mail Head of CIB & PB Marco Esposito Tel Fax mail Head of Int. Desk Roberto Fiorini Tel Fax mail *Figures as of June 30, Market share is in Total Assets.

34 RUSSIA ZAO UniCredit Bank Country details
ZAO UniCredit Bank ( is a commercial bank and among the top 10 banks in Russia for key market segments. The bank is specialised in providing services to corporate clients with good acquisition of private clients St. Petersburg Moscow Chelyabinsk Krasnodar Rostov- on-Don Ekaterinburg Contacts Head of Retail Eduard Issopov Tel. +7(495) ; Fax +7(495) mail Figures* Employees ,725 Branches Market share ,0% Operating income € 361 mln Profit Before Tax € 262 mln Head of CIB & PB Kirill Zhukov-Emelyanov Tel. +7(495) ; Fax +7(495) mail Head of International Clients Unit Petra Kellner Tel. +7 (495) ; Fax +7(495) mail Head of Italian Desk-CBBM Team Massimiliano Giuliani Tel. +7(495) ; Fax +7(495) *Figures as of June 30, Market share is in Total Assets. Excluding Bank Sibir, which is consolidated into ATF Bank in Kazakhstan.

35 SERBIA UniCredit Bank Country details
UniCredit Bank ( is number 4 on the Serbian banking market and operates a network of more than 70 branches throughout the country. The bank offers modern and innovative banking products. Subotica Novi Sad Belgrade Kragujevac Niš Contacts Figures* Employees Branches Market share 6,7% Operating income € 54 mln Profit Before Tax € 28 mln Head of Retail Maurizio Volcich Tel Fax mail Head of CIB & PB Branislav Radovanovic Tel Fax mail Head of Int. Desk Zoran Jevtovic Tel Fax mail *Figures as of June 30, Market share is in Total Assets.

36 SLOVAKIA UniCredit Bank Country details
UniCredit Bank ( ranks number 5 in Slovakia and is mostly a corporate bank, with focus on large and mid corporates. UniCredit Bank enjoys a good positioning in mortgages as well as in private banking. Bratislava Kosice Banska Bystrica Zilina Nitra Poprad Trnava Presov Contacts Head of Retail Monika Kohutova Tel.: ; Fax ext.: 2545 Figures* Employees ,183 Branches Market share 6,7% Operating income € 59 mln Profit Before Tax € 16 mln Head of CIB Miroslav Štrokendl Tel mail Head of PB Raymond Kopka Tel ; Fax: ext mail Head of Int. Desk Fabio Bini Tel Fax: ext.3732 mail *Figures as of June 30, Market share is in Total Assets.

37 SLOVENIA UniCredit Bank Country details
UniCredit Bank is one the leading financial institutions in Slovenia. The bank is number 5 in the country, with a market share of around 6%. The bank's customers include the majority of the country’s top companies. UniCredit Bank is market leader in services for international corporations. Ljubljana Koper Maribor Murska Sobota Novo mesto Ptui Velenje Celje Nova Gorica Kranj Contacts Head of F & PB Francesco Vercesi Tel Fax mail Figures* Employees Branches Market share ,9% Operating income € 42 mln Profit Before Tax € 9 mln Head of CIB & SME Janko Medja Tel Fax mail Head of Int. Desk Nataša Markov Tel Fax mail *Figures as of June 30, Market share is in Total Assets.

38 TURKEY Yapi Kredi Country details
Yapi Kredi ( is the fourth largest private bank in Turkey with a market share of 9.0%. It retains leading positions in credit cards, asset management, leasing, factoring, private pension funds and health insurance. Istanbul Ankara Contacts Head of Retail Nazan Somer Tel Fax mail: Head of CIB Mr. Mert Guvenen,   tel:   fax: Figures* Employees ,618 Branches Market share** 9,0% Operating income € 506 mln Profit Before Tax € 268 mln Head of PB & Wealth Management Mert Yazıcıoğlu Tel Fax mail Head of Int. Desk Nicola Longo-Dente Tel mail *Figures as of June 30, Market share is in Total Assets. Operating income and Profit Before Tax are pro-quota. Including Yapi Kredi Azerbaijan. ** Market share of Yapi Kredi in Turkey.

39 UKRAINE Ukrsotsbank and UniCredit Bank Country details
Kyiv Odesa Kharkiv Dnipropetrovsk Donetsk Lviv In Ukraine, UniCredit Group operates through Ukrsotsbank ( and UniCredit Bank ( On aggregate, the two banks are number 5 on the local banking market with a share of 4.7%. Ukrsotsbank with 3.9% market share is one of the leading players in the market, mostly retail based. Contacts Head of Retail & PB Mauro Maschio Tel Fax mail Figures* Employees 7,786 Branches Market share ,7% Operating income** € 124 mln Profit Before Tax** € 17 mln Head of CIB Kozachenko Sergey Tel mail Head of Int. Desk Roberto Poliak Tel Fax mail *Figures as of June 30, Market share is in Total Assets. **Figures refer only to Ukrsotsbank.

CEE RETAIL CEE Retail Head - Tomica Pustisek UniCredit Bank Austria AG Julius Tandler-Platz, 3 1090 Vienna Austria Tel. +43.(0) / +43.(0) CEE CIB CEE CIB Head - Gianfranco Bisagni UniCredit Bank Austria AG Julius Tandler-Platz, 3 1090 Vienna Austria Tel. +43.(0) / +43.(0) CEE PRIVATE BANKING CEE PB Head - Stefan Vavti UniCredit Bank Austria AG Renngasse, 3 1090 Vienna Austria Tel. +43.(0)


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