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CSI-4138/CEG-4394 Design of Secure Computer Systems Virtual Election Booth Lab Project Jean-Yves Chouinard Fall 2002.

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1 CSI-4138/CEG-4394 Design of Secure Computer Systems Virtual Election Booth Lab Project Jean-Yves Chouinard Fall 2002

2 CSI-4138/CEG4394 Design of Secure Computer Systems (J.-Y. Chouinard, Fall 2002) Secure Election Protocol  Implementation of a secure election protocol  Use of two central facilities:  CTF: Central Tabulating Facility  CLA: Central Legitimization Agency  Design objectives:  secure protocol for voters to vote online  ensuring individual privacy  No possibility of cheating the election

3 CSI-4138/CEG4394 Design of Secure Computer Systems (J.-Y. Chouinard, Fall 2002) Secure Election Protocol Requirements  Only authorized voters can vote  Authorized voters can vote only once  All voters can verify that their vote has been taken into account and tabulated  No one can determine for whom anyone voted  No one can change anyone else’s vote  Everyone knows who voted and who didn’t

4 CSI-4138/CEG4394 Design of Secure Computer Systems (J.-Y. Chouinard, Fall 2002) Central Tabulating Facility and Central Legitimization Agency  The CLA certifies the voters:  Each voter sends a message to the CLA requesting a validation number.  The CLA returns a random validation number and maintains a list of validation numbers and the corresponding recipients.  The CLA sends the list of validation numbers to the CTF.

5 CSI-4138/CEG4394 Design of Secure Computer Systems (J.-Y. Chouinard, Fall 2002) Central Tabulating Facility and Central Legitimization Agency  The CTF counts the votes:  The voters sends their vote to the CTF.  The CTF checks the voters validation numbers against the list received from the CLA: if the validation number is valid then the vote is counted and the validation number disabled (to prevent multiple votes from the same voter).  After all the votes are entered, the CTF publish the election results.

6 CSI-4138/CEG4394 Design of Secure Computer Systems (J.-Y. Chouinard, Fall 2002) Term Project Report  Teams of three students  Any team member should be able to present the report and answer all questions  Detailed 15-25 page written technical report  Neat, readable and self-contained  No raw computer outputs; include only relevant program exerpts (reduced properly in size)  Include all relevant references, figures tables, diagrams, etc.

7 CSI-4138/CEG4394 Design of Secure Computer Systems (J.-Y. Chouinard, Fall 2002) Term Project Report Format  Summary (1 page): motivation, literature review, methodology used, results and general conclusion  Introduction: backgraound material, scope and limitations of the term project (secure election protocol)  Literature review, methodology: main body of the term project report  Results: description of the results (exlain all tables, figures, flow charts, block diagrams, listings, etc.  Conclusion: general conclusion, limitations, recommendations for future implementations  References: include the references used and relevant to this project: all entries must be completed  Appendices: as needed support the main body of the report

8 CSI-4138/CEG4394 Design of Secure Computer Systems (J.-Y. Chouinard, Fall 2002) References [SCHN96]Applied Cryptography: Protocols, Algorithms, and Source Code in C (2nd edition), Bruce Schneier, John Wiley and Sons, New-York, 1996. [SALO96]Public-Key Cryptography, Arto Salomaa, Springer Verlag, New-York, 1996. [STAL99]Cryptography and Network Security: Principles and Practice, William Stallings (2nd edition), Appendix A, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice- Hall, 1999.

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