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Alabama Supercomputer Authority A partnership of … and.

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1 Alabama Supercomputer Authority A partnership of … and

2 What is Web 2020? Web 2020 is a technology support program available free of charge to technology coordinators in the 34 school systems (within the 12 counties) located in Region 2020’s service area. ASA is the technical services partner. Technical expertise is available in: –Computer Systems, Operating Systems, Internet, Wide Area Networking, Local Area Networking, Computer/Network Security, and Virus Protection Region 2020 applied for and received funding from local foundations for the implementation of Web 2020 for the 2002-2003 school year.

3 Purpose This project was designed by and for technology coordinators to address common concerns that they face everyday. –“It is challenging to keep pace with the fast changes and developments of technology offerings and enhancements.” –Technology coordinators “may not have access to resources that can help with very difficult problems.”

4 Implementation Dedicated Help Desk support for technology coordinators in the Region 2020 area –Provided during school hours only to technology coordinators and their designees –Toll free phone number –Email address –Multi-tier technical support Online Region 2020 education website and listserv –ASA provides and maintains the web server and the website. Technical support site visits

5 Online Support Website ( –Searchable Frequently Asked QuestionsFrequently Asked Questions Answers to frequently asked questions from help desk inquiries Answers to frequently experienced problems from listserv discussions Contributions (best practices) from tech coordinators and their teams –Member’s Area (password protected to protect privacy)Member’s Area Includes contact information, links to technology websites, and a listing of the hardware and software packages that each system uses (survey).survey Promote networking among members Listserv ( –Users exchange information, ideas, solutions, and experiences amongst themselves –Password protected to prevent vendors from participating

6 Site Visits Router configuration Switch configuration Proxy server configuration PIX firewall configuration H.323 configuration Linux servers in schools –Web/Email server, SPAM filtering software, MRTG, IP Audit-Web Windows XP remote installation Windows 2000 server installations and upgrades –Domain controller Novell upgrades SQL Virus Protection General Security / Wireless Security Voice and video over IP Private IP addressing / NAT IP Multicast Quality of Service State provided T1 / PIX firewall Additional bandwidth consultations LAN / WAN growth consultations

7 Another Benefit Site Tours –Met at GW Carver High School in Birmingham Hopefully coordinators were more inclined to use each other as resources after meeting face to face –Technology coordinators had an opportunity to: Observe state of the art equipment Ask questions about implementation

8 Statistics Number of FAQ’s posted: 20 FAQ Categories: DNS, Email, Networking, Novell, Security, and Windows Out of 34 eligible systems ASA has conducted site visits for 20 of them. Total number of members on the listserv: 90+ Listserv Categories: Firewall, Viruses, Outlook, Remote Installation Service for Windows, Distance Learning, Web EX, Netware Backup, Integrating students with STI, Advice/experiences on hardware and software, Switches

9 Questions and Comments

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