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Chapter #11 Strategic Pay Plans. Fair Labor Standards Act Are you Exempt or Non exempt ???????

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1 Chapter #11 Strategic Pay Plans

2 Fair Labor Standards Act Are you Exempt or Non exempt ???????

3 Employee compensation refers to all forms of pay or rewards Direct financial payments Wages Slalaries Incentives Indirect Financial payments Benefits

4 Legal Considerations in Compensation 1931 Davis Bacon Act 1936 Walsh Healey Public Contract Act 1938 Fair Labor Standards Act Exempt or Non exempt (Poster) Min wage 5.15$ Overtime Child Labor 16 yrs (14 yr OK) Violations, Punitive and compensatory, loss of contracts

5 Laws continued 1963 Equal Pay Act 1974 ERISA Employee Retirement Age Discrimination and Employment Act ADEA Civil Rights Act 1986 Tax Reform Act Decrease # of tax bracket to # 15% - 28% - 31% Increase benefits to blue collar and decreased white collar benfits

6 More Laws ADA Workers Comp FMLA SSI ACT 26 weeks of unemployment

7 FLSA 2003 CHANGES collected 143 million in back wagea for 251,568 workers through enforcement of the FLSA Targets were child labor and low wage ee, agriculture, health care BestBuy $5.4 million Einstien Bagels $495,930.93

8 Revisions 2004 by Wage and Hour Division of DOL Why? They were out of date Need to reflect change in technology. Too much misclassifying, firms do not want to pay overtime so made ees salaried Law has been ignored by ers for too long

9 Exempt or Non Exempt? Exempt if Directs work of two or more. Has authority to hire or fire or change status of others in employ. Devotes more than 20% of time to duties of exempt work $425.00 per week Position of responsibility. Performs work of high level of skill or training

10 Administrative Exemption Primary duty of performing office or non manual work Includes Tax, Finance, Accounting, Auditing, Quality Control, Purchasing, Advertising, Safety, HR, Public Relations, Labor Relations

11 Other Exemptions Learned professionals, requiring knowledge of advanced type in a field of science or intellectual instruction Creative Professionals, Work requiring invention, talent in recognized field or creativity $425.00 perweek

12 Others to be exempt Computer employees, application and design of systems, analysts Making $455.00 per week Outside Sales personnel, paid by commission No minimum pay rate

13 Most common mistakes Must have written permission to withhold signed by ee. Must have written Commission Agreement signed by ee. Failure to document Time Worked

14 Liquidated Damages OK Regs require courts to impose double damages with no discretion if the court finds that wages are owed and approximately 2 months have passed ER can used bona fide dispute defense but must send a letter to ee that er disputes the ee’s payment request

15 Regional Pay Scales Oklahoma (low) New York (higher)

16 Other influences on pay Corporate Policies and Competitive strategy. Aligned reward strategy Salary compression Two tiered systems Longer term workers get paid less that entering workers

17 Pay Equity Internal and External Do salary surveys Determine jobs worth Groups into pay grades Price jobs by pay grades Fine tune pay-grades

18 Establishing Pay Rates Step #1 Conduct survey ( Salary survey Benchmark jobs Step #2 Job Evaluation Compensable Factors Ranking method Obtain job information Select jobs Select compensable factors Combine ratings Choose pay grades Grade definitions Point Method Factor comparison method Computerized Job evaluations

19 Step #3 Pay grades. Step #4 Price Each Pay Grade Wage Curve Step #5 Fine Tune Pay Rates Correct Out of line Rates

20 Pricing Managerial and Professional Jobs Fixed Salary Short tem incentives Long term incentives Benefits Perks

21 Skill based Pay Broadbanding Comparable Worth

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