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Technical aspects of Animal Husbandry Schemes NABARD Maharashtra RO.

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Presentation on theme: "Technical aspects of Animal Husbandry Schemes NABARD Maharashtra RO."— Presentation transcript:

1 Technical aspects of Animal Husbandry Schemes NABARD Maharashtra RO

2 Structure of the sessions Technical aspects of dairy farming Technical aspects of poultry layer and broiler farming A case study on CB cow unit A case study on layer farm A case study on broiler farm

3 Basics of livestock rearing Problem of engineering Problem of economics Problem of biology

4 Technical aspects of Dairy farming  Availability of good quality milch animals  Protection from inclement weather conditions  Farm equipments  Water and electricity supply  Feed and fodder resources  Breeding / veterinary facilities and management of dairy farm  Marketing potential and infrastructure

5 Good quality milch animals  Type of milch animals  Seasonality influences  Stage of lactation  Best time to purchase  Rationale for Purchasing animals in batches  Average yield of milch animals

6 Good quality milch animals contd…  Lactation period and dry period  Lactation chart  Conception rate and calving interval  Mortality and replacement  Herd projection chart  Cost of milch animals  Insurance of milch animals

7 Dairy farm location and sheds  Location and protection of site  Various types of sheds  Space requirement – covered and open  Design of sheds and orientation  Civil structures other than sheds  Drawings and designs  Cost of construction

8 Dairy farm equipment  General equipment:  Feed and water troughs  Milk pails, milk cans and chains  Chaff cutters / fodder farm implements  Specific equipment:  Milking machines / milking parlours  Cooling systems: sprinklers, foggers and fans etc.  Bulk milk coolers  Bore well, motors, storage tanks, pipelines, generator etc.  Cost estimates

9 Feed and fodder resources  Different types of fodders  Key input is concentrate feed  Green fodder cultivation in case of commercial farms  Feed requirement for different stages of lactation cycle  Fodder requirement  Prices of feed and fodders

10 Breeding and veterinary facilities  Availability and Quality of services  AI services for CB cow farms  For commercial farms: availability and hiring of veterinary doctors  Management : Dairy framer experience or hiring of professionals  Availability of labour  Cost of such services

11 Marketing potential and infrastructure  Macro level marketing potential  Demand and supply  Milk processing infrastructure  Milk pricing  Micro level marketing facilities  Milk collection centers  Transparent procurement process  Quality maintenance at procurement centre  Milk routes and transportation facilities

12 Technical aspects of Poultry farming  Availability of day old chicks  Rearing systems and practices  Location of farm and sheds  Equipments  Availability of quality poultry feeds  Water and electricity supply  Veterinary services  Management of poultry farms  Marketing of poultry produce

13 Good quality day old chicks  Reputed hatcheries along with after sales services  Timely and regular supply  Supply of additional chicks to compensate weaklings  Additional purchases to cover mortality  Cost of chicks  Insurance of birds

14 Rearing systems and practices  Cages v/s deep litter  Brooding, growing and laying stages in case of commercial layer farms  Brooding / starter and finisher stages in case of broiler farming  Different housing schedules  Introduction of birds in batches  Flock charts

15 Poultry farm location and sheds  Locational biosecurity:  Away from dwellings and other poultry farms  Various types of sheds : spacing between different sectors and sheds  Structural biosecurity  Space requirement  Design of sheds, foot baths, overhang, rat proofing and orientation  Civil structures other than sheds  Drawings and designs  Cost of construction

16 Poultry farm equipment  General equipment:  Cages, brooders, feeders, waterers and de- beaker  Egg trays and transport cages  Blow lamp, foggers and fans  Specific equipment:  Automatic feeding and watering systems  Environment control systems  Bore well, motors, storage tanks, pipelines, generator etc.  Cost estimates

17 Veterinary services  Adherence to vaccination schedules  Periodical checkup of birds and isolation of sick birds under veterinarian supervision  Incineration of dead birds  Management : Poultry framer experience or hiring of professionals  Availability of labour  Cost of such services

18 Marketing potential and infrastructure  Macro level marketing potential  Demand and supply  Poultry products processing facilities  Pricing mechanisms  Micro level marketing facilities  Contract farming arrangements  Support from integrators  Local retail marketing infrastructure  Logistic support : distant market places

19 Thank you Dr. D. Ravindra Asst. General Manager

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