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The New Deal. Focus Question What role should the government play in the economy?

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Presentation on theme: "The New Deal. Focus Question What role should the government play in the economy?"— Presentation transcript:

1 The New Deal

2 Focus Question What role should the government play in the economy?

3 “The country needs and... demands, bold, persistent experimentation. It is common sense to take a method and try it. If it fails, admit it frankly and try another. But above all, try something.” -- FDR, 1932 Based on this comment, how might an FDR Administration address the Great Depression?

4 The Election of 1932 Watershed election Democratic victory led to Democratic control Captured the White House Swept control of both houses of Congress Controlled both houses for 56 of the next 62 years Developed a large Democratic coalition

5 Disillusionment with Hoover Nation is an economic catastrophe Unemployment rate at 25% Thousands left homeless Thousands of banks failed Hoover seen as doing too little, too late

6 America turns to FDR Charismatic politician Exceptionally personable Smooth, confident speaking voice Understood how to use radio Demonstrated daring Faced personal adversity

7 New style to the White House Brought policies to the public Fireside chats Practiced pragmatism Demonstrate bold approaches to problems Drew the United States into a New Deal where the government would work to help assist the population in times of trouble

8 Proposed a “New Deal” FDR’s legislative program Not outlined during the campaign Developed into a robust, inclusive, and transformative program

9 “The First Hundred Days” FDR set a rapid pace Sworn in to office March 4, 1933 Called Congress into special session Closed the nation’s banks on March 6 Emergency Banking Relief Act, March 9

10 The Alphabet Soup New Deal built on the Three R’s Recovery Relief Reform

11 The Three R’s The New Deal developed into a three-part plan Recovery: Designs to end the Depression (provide jobs and increase demand) Relief: Provide temporary assistance to the people (money and food) Reform: Correct the abuses in the system (Prevent future depressions)

12 New Deal Coalition FDR’s politics and policies forged a winning coalition Southern conservative Labor Unions Urban machines Liberals African-Americans

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