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Richard Worsnop Chairman, Liquid Waste Contractors Special Interest Group, NZWWA Administrator, WasteTRACK.

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Presentation on theme: "Richard Worsnop Chairman, Liquid Waste Contractors Special Interest Group, NZWWA Administrator, WasteTRACK."— Presentation transcript:

1 Richard Worsnop Chairman, Liquid Waste Contractors Special Interest Group, NZWWA Administrator, WasteTRACK

2 2 So what is …… WasteTRACK …… and why do we need it?

3 3 Why do we need a tracking system WasteTRACK has the potential to be key part of a hazardous waste management framework for New Zealand The Ministry has identified a gap exists in tracking priority hazardous wastes from generation to disposal Contracting industry has seen this as another way to help improve their industry

4 4 Very high proportion of hazardous wastes in NZ are liquids Very high proportion of these are processed through wastewater systems (sewers & WWTP) MfE have identified that mandatory tracking of priority hazardous wastes is likely to feature in a framework for managing hazardous wastes in NZ.

5 5 HSNO does not cover infectious wastes. However infectious wastes are included in the DG rule. Contracting industry feel that infectious wastes should be covered under HSNO. The Ministry is currently looking at using Group Standards (that would be made following proposed changes to HSNO) to cover hazardous wastes.

6 6 What would it do Ensure the safe transportation of wastes to an approved location Monitor & track wastes to prevent unauthorised discharge into natural environment Collate information to assist central & local government in identifying priority waste management issues & develop good policy Provide an even & competitive system for companies in the broader waste management industry

7 7 So how did we get to where we are Visit Western Australia Dept of Environment SMF funding available for a trial. Applied and were granted funding for a three month pilot to operate Very short time to activate – not bad for suckers and dumpers Used the original group of 12 (although really only had maybe 6 actively using) on voluntary basis

8 8 The System Web-based system can run on 14.4k modem  Instantly accessible  Instantly updatable Will have 14-15 categories of waste that can be tracked

9 9 Categories include: Biological Wastes e.g. animal wastes, septage wastes, grease wastes Solid/Sludge Waste Requiring Special Handling e.g. asbestos, fly ash Clinical and Pharmaceutical Wastes Acids and Alkalis Cyanide We are working on linking WasteTRACK categories to the UN classification / numbering system

10 10 How can WasteTRACK help with Hazardous Wastes? Reports on the amount of waste moving within a region Reports on the amount of cross-boundary movement Identify gaps in information ie. Materials that would be expected to be recorded via WasteTRACK but are not.

11 11 What else can we get? Ability to locate the generators of hazardous wastes Ability to determine the final destination of wastes Ad-hoc reports are available through the Administrator Ability to record information on hazardous waste disposed of as bulk liquid, packaged waste and direct from trade premises to sewer.

12 12 acking Systemacking System How does it work? GENERATOR Tracking New Form CARRIER DRIVER TREATMENT PLANT END CARRIER

13 13 The Waste Generator Must be registered in the system and obtain generator ID Can look up carriers who can take waste away Sign tracking form to verify waste is what they say it is Can obtain a report on the final location of their waste

14 14 Main issues for Waste Generators Ownership of waste to remain with the generator Generator and Transporter shall operate with a formal agreement The generator shall be responsible for: –waste whilst it is on their site –health and safety and any site emergency on their site –identification of their waste –for contracting a suitable carrier

15 15 Waste Carrier is key to WasteTRACK Carriers must be registered in the system Vehicles must be registered in the system Disposal/Treatment site must be registered in the system Drivers are registered with all DG details

16 16 The Final Disposal/Treatment Site Treatment/Disposal site won’t accept waste without a form Treatment/Disposal site must check tracking form Already have 6 WWTP indicating dates by which they will only accept waste from contractors using WasteTRACK.

17 17 The Pilot Study Funded by SMF To develop system and perform 3 month trial This meant re-jigging the software to be a more NZ flavour, getting NZ based servers operational etc.

18 18 WasteTRACK in the first week 3 Contractors 100 Tracking Forms 1,300,000 litres of waste tracked We will show you shortly what has been recorded to date.

19 19 The Next Step Following the success of the initial pilot MfE wants to see continuation of its development and use. Expansion of WasteTRACK to include: –Hazardous Substances management (under HSNO) –Movement & use of Biosolids (that require regulatory approval for use) –The use of GPS to record hazardous waste movements and disposal / treatment locations.

20 20 So we are continuing MfE provide funding to operate for a further six months as an ongoing extension of the initial pilot. Relocated servers / host and changed the way the administrative function is carried out.

21 21 Richard Worsnop 06 868 6007 or 027 287 0123 Chris Purchas 04 439 7429 Tracey Morgan 04 439 7422

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