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Nonqualified Deferred Compensation Chapter 33 Tools & Techniques of Life Insurance Planning 33 - 1  What is it?  Contractual agreement between an employer.

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Presentation on theme: "Nonqualified Deferred Compensation Chapter 33 Tools & Techniques of Life Insurance Planning 33 - 1  What is it?  Contractual agreement between an employer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nonqualified Deferred Compensation Chapter 33 Tools & Techniques of Life Insurance Planning 33 - 1  What is it?  Contractual agreement between an employer and employee  Employer make an unsecured promise to pay a benefits in a future tax year in exchange for services rendered currently  A deferred compensation plan that does not meet the then tax and labor law requirements applicable to qualified plans  Major types  Salary continuation plans  Supplemental benefits over and above those provided by qualified plans  Salary reduction plans  Voluntary deferral of future salary and/or bonuses

2 Nonqualified Deferred Compensation Chapter 33 Tools & Techniques of Life Insurance Planning 33 - 2  Evaluating viable techniques for executive benefits  Criteria  What is the relative tax efficiency?  What is the probably of achieving the employers objectives?  What security is provided against employer insolvency?  Does the plan provide security in the event of management or ownership changes?  Can the employer keep or obtain the use of plan funds for an emergency or opportunity?  How easy is it to implement, explain, and maintain the plan?

3 Nonqualified Deferred Compensation Chapter 33 Tools & Techniques of Life Insurance Planning 33 - 3  When is the use of this tool indicated  Qualified Plan “Blues”  Increasing costs  Decreasing employer discretion and control  Limitations on qualified benefits for the highly compensated  When the employer wants to provide a retirement and/or death benefit to key employees without prohibitive cost or requirements that all employees be eligible and receive the same type of benefits (as with qualified plans)  When an employer wants to provide additional benefits to a key executive already receiving the maximum benefits or contributions under the qualified plan  When an employer wants certain key employees to have tax deferred compensation in difference amounts under different terms or under different conditions from that provided to other employees

4 Nonqualified Deferred Compensation Chapter 33 Tools & Techniques of Life Insurance Planning 33 - 4  When is the use of this tool indicated (cont'd)  When an employer seeks to establish an automatic and relatively painless investment program that uses corporate tax deductions to leverage the employees future benefits  To recruit, retain, and reward key employees  Advantages  Greater flexibility in plan design than that for qualified plans  Employer can pick and choose who can participate, levels of coverage, terms and conditions of coverage.  Plan benefits can be forfeited entirely according to any vesting schedule  Restrictions can be place in the plan that will enable the employer to either (1) achieve its business goals or (2) recoup its funds

5 Nonqualified Deferred Compensation Chapter 33 Tools & Techniques of Life Insurance Planning 33 - 5  Advantages (cont'd)  Nonqualified plans escape a variety of government requirements imposed upon qualified plans  Reporting and disclosure  Participation  Vesting  Fiduciary responsibility requirements  In general, covered employee are not taxed on benefits under nonqualified plans until they actually receive a distribution.  Employee deferrals grow tax deferred  Nonqualified plans properly funded with life insurance are not currently taxed on the inside buildup of cash value

6 Nonqualified Deferred Compensation Chapter 33 Tools & Techniques of Life Insurance Planning 33 - 6  Advantages (cont'd)  Employer tax deduction is based on the larger distribution amounts, not the smaller deferral amount.  Employer can access policy values on an income tax advantaged basis to help fund the distribution payment to employees.  Disadvantages  Employer's income tax deduction until the year in which income is taxable to the employee  Employee right to plans assets is unsecured  Other than a contractual promise, the employee has no assurance of being paid  If there is a corporate takeover, future management may not keep prior management’s promises

7 Nonqualified Deferred Compensation Chapter 33 Tools & Techniques of Life Insurance Planning 33 - 7  Disadvantages  Employee right to plans assets is unsecured (cont'd)  Rabbi Trust  Will protect employees against an employer’s change of heart or change of management, but not against employers insolvency  Life insurance payable to a “large” corporation may be subject to the Alternative Minimum Tax  Required accounting disclosures reduces confidentiality  Not all employers can take advantages of these plans  S-Corps cannot  Partnerships cannot  Sole proprietorship cannot

8 Nonqualified Deferred Compensation Chapter 33 Tools & Techniques of Life Insurance Planning 33 - 8  Disadvantages (cont'd)  Not all employers can take advantages of these plans  Nonprofit corporations and governmental organizations CAN use these plans  But they are subject to special, highly restrictive rules under IRC 457  What are the requirements?  Employer adopts a corporate resolution  Authorizing an agreement between the corporation and an employee to be covered  Promising to make specific benefits upon the occurrence of triggering events in return for continuing services of the employee  A second and separate corporation resolution  Authorizing the purchase of life insurance to indemnify the employer for the significant expenses it’s likely to incur

9 Nonqualified Deferred Compensation Chapter 33 Tools & Techniques of Life Insurance Planning 33 - 9  What are the requirements? (cont'd)  The appropriate amount of life insurance is purchased and made payable to the employer.  The employer is the policy owner  No interest is given to the employee  Policy subject to the employers creditors  Employer attorney drafts a nonqualified deferred compensation agreement  A rabbi trust could also be established to hold the life insurance  One page ERISA notice filed with the Department of Labor

10 Nonqualified Deferred Compensation Chapter 33 Tools & Techniques of Life Insurance Planning 33 - 10  What are the tax implications?  Employee not taxed until distributions are received from the employer  Employer can deduct plan benefit payments made to the employer (or beneficiary)  Must meet the “ordinary,” “necessary,” and “reasonable” tests applied to all compensation  The internal build-up of cash values in employer owned life insurance grows income tax deferred  Assuming policy is properly structured  Amounts received from the plan by beneficiaries are taxable as received at ordinary income rates  Exception – To extend that inclusion of the benefit results in federal estate tax upon the covered employee estate, an income tax deduction may be allowed to the recipients  Amounts deferred subject to Social Security tax when  The services are performed or  When employee no longer has a substantial risk of forfeiture

11 Nonqualified Deferred Compensation Chapter 33 Tools & Techniques of Life Insurance Planning 33 - 11  What are the tax implications? (cont’d)  The American Jobs Creation Act of 2004 added new IRC Section 409A  Participants must generally make deferral elections prior to the end of the preceding taxable year.  New participants have 30 days to make an election with respect to future earnings  Distributions must only be made upon the occurrence of certain events:  Separation from service  Disability  Death of the employee  At a time specified under the plan  A change in ownership or control  Unforseeable emergency  Accelerated distributions are only permitted under limited circumstances  IRC Section 409A imposes substantial penalties for failing to meet its requirements  Immediate, retroactive taxation on “deferred” compensation  20% additional penalty tax  Interest at 1% higher than normal underpayment rate

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