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Published byDominick Davidson Modified over 9 years ago
1 School Year 2008-09 The Basics of Enrollment Reporting Mitch Thompson OSPI - School Apportionment and Financial Services
2 Agenda Importance of enrollment. Changes for 2008-09. Vocabulary and key concepts. Forms. Miscellaneous topics.
3 Why Is Enrollment Important? What enrollment are we talking about? (Not CEDARS formerly CSRS) Enrollment is one of the two pillars of public school funding in Washington State. The classification of a student or groups of students can significantly alter the funding received by a district. Audit findings can be significant. Enrollment is a high profile area with the public and the Legislature.
4 Changes for 2008-09
5 EDS Enrollment Reporting will be updated throughout the school year. Proposed WAC Changes – 392-121-011 Serving District Reports Students – 392-121-108 20 Day Absence, Tuition Paying Students, Students Reported on E-672 – 392-121-123 Nonstandard School Year Reporting – 392-121-133 Annual Hours for AAFTE – 362-122-221 Institution Education Counting of Students
6 Apportionment Systems Re-host Project The P-223 continues to be independent of CEDARS. Enrollment is reported through the EDS Portal, training will be provided immediately following this training. Changes for 2008-09
7 Reminder for 2008-09 September enrollment for all school districts, regardless of start date, is due to the ESD Monday, September 15 th. Districts should work with their ESD to provide estimates if actual enrollment figures are not available by September 15 th.
8 Vocabulary and Key Concepts Full-Time Equivalent. Headcount. Count Dates. Resident District. Serving District. Enrolled Students. Enrollment Exclusions. Course of Study. Foreign Exchange Students. What Not to Report.
9 Full-Time Equivalent WAC 392-121-122 1.0 FTE is defined as: 5 hours/day or 25 hours/week grades 4–12 4 hours/day or 20 hours/week grades 1–3 4 hours/day or 20 hours/week full year K 0.5 FTE for kindergarten 2 hours/day or 10 hours/week for 180 days
10 Full-Time Equivalent WAC 392-121-122 Student limit is 1.0 FTE and 1.0 AAFTE. – Running Start (WAC 392-121-136) – Skills Center (Covered in the same WAC) Kindergarten student limit is 0.5 AAFTE (1/2). SBE “Carnegie unit” waivers DO NOT waive FTE hours or calculation.
11 Headcount Is a count of enrolled students. Hours of course work or daily attendance are not considered. Each student is 1 or 0 headcount – no partial numbers for any one count date. Is used for funding of special education & bilingual. Drives state budgeting for education by Caseload Forecast Council so accuracy is critical.
12 Headcount October reporting is especially critical.
13 Count Dates WAC 392-121-119 The 4th school day of September – even if you start school in August – even if you are an institution. The 1st school day of October through May. Running start count dates are the 1st school day of October through June. A count day may be determined by an individual school or grade start date. Students are counted as of the count date. It is a snapshot.
14 Resident District Is the district a student resides in, with or without an address (WAC 392-121-106) Is the district a student attends if the student resides on a U.S. reservation, national park or forest, or Indian reservation contiguous to the school district Is the district a student is attending under a *** choice agreement *** under RCW 28A.225.225 & 230
15 Resident District cont’d “Choice” exists when the releasing district (where the student lives) retains NO financial liability for the student’s education. RCW 28A.225.240 says that under choice, “the student’s attendance shall be credited to the non-resident school district of enrollment for state apportionment and all other purposes.” Under choice, for apportionment, the resident and serving district are reported as the same.
16 Serving District Is the district actually providing instruction or services to the student. Does not have to be the resident district for the student. If it is not the resident district, the serving district should have an interdistrict agreement with the resident district. The serving district performs the clerical task of reporting the student’s enrollment and resident and serving district numbers.
17 Enrolled Student WAC 392-121-106 ♦Is a resident of the district or attending pursuant to an interdistrict agreement; ♦Has enrolled on or before the count date and count time; ♦Was under 21 as of August 31; ♦Actually participated on a school day during the first 4 school days of the current term, or on a school day during the current term on or prior to date being counted, in a course of study; ♦Does not meet exclusions in WAC 392-121-108.
18 Enrollment Exclusions WAC 392-121-108 ♦A student shall not be counted as an enrolled student if student has met any of the following: ♦Been consecutively absent for > 20 school days. ♦Dropped out or transferred. ♦Been expelled or suspended pursuant to WAC 180- 40-275 or 260. ♦Met high school graduation requirements as of the beginning of the school year (midnight August 31). ♦Running Start – do not count if earned credits for a high school diploma as of beginning of the school year. (392-169-020(4))
19 Expelled and Long-Term Suspended Expelled Student being served in an alternate setting * * The alternative setting or environment is assumed to be a setting other than regularly scheduled instruction that would qualify as a “course of instruction”. Special Education StudentNon-Special Education Student As long as the student meets the 4 criteria in order to be counted on the special ed P-223H, (1. enrolled; 2. current IEP; 3. current three year evaluation; 4. receiving specially designed instruction) the student can be counted on the P-223 based on the minutes of service. Report contact hours with staff as ancillary service on the P-240. The district must document contact hours, and only contact hours are reported for funding. If the student is not being served, do not count the student.
20 Expelled and Long-Term Suspended Long-Term Suspended Student served in an alternate environment* *The alternate setting or environment is assumed to be a setting other than regularly scheduled instruction that would qualify as a course of instruction. Special Education Student Non-Special Education Student Use the same criteria as an expelled student. If the student will not lose academic grade or credit: Do not remove the student from the regular count until absent > 20 days because the student has not met the exception standard. After 20 days of consecutive absence, report contact hours with staff as ancillary service on the P-240. The district must document contact hours, and only contact hours are reported for funding. If the student will lose academic grade or credit: Immediately remove the student from the regular count and report contact hours with staff as ancillary service on the P-240. The district must document contact hours, and only the documented contact hours are reported for funding. If the student is not being served, do not count the student.
21 Course Of Study WAC 392-121-107 Course of study includes: ♦ School district instruction including special education. ♦ Alternative learning experience. ♦ Contractor & National Guard instruction. ♦ Ancillary service. ♦ Running Start, Work Based Learning, Technical College, UW Transition School.
22 Course of Study –Does Not Include: (So you cannot count) Home-based instruction (“Intent to home school”). Private school instruction. Education provided to: adults, out of state residents, all tuition-paying FTE including students in the country on F-1 visas – next slide. Students in institutions (reported separately). Extracurricular activities. College enrollment not earning HS credit. GED instruction if it generates state or federal $ for adult education.
23 Foreign Exchange Students (FES): Are treated the same as any other student. The term is not in RCW or WAC. The WACs define “resident district” (and therefore “resides in” that is found in WAC 392- 121-106) fairly broadly, so the resident district for a FES is the district he/she resides in for the time he/she is in Washington State. All enrollment rules apply equally to FESs. For example, FESs must be under 21 as of midnight Aug 31 and must not have the credits for a diploma, etc. (See WAC 392-121-106, 107, and 108.) If a FES meets the requirements, you can count them as you would any other student.
24 Foreign Exchange Students (FES): J-1 visas are common, the student does not pay tuition, and therefore, a J-1 visa student can be counted on the P-223 for state basic education, special ed, etc. funding. In contrast, students on an F-1 visa are required to pay tuition prior to the issuance of the visa. Therefore, they cannot be counted because students must be enrolled tuition-free to be counted for state funding.
25 Do Not Report Out-of-state residents. Direct funded technical college students. * UW Transition Program students. * Tuition students (F-1 visa foreign students.) Students served by another district while in hospital, substance abuse, or institutional programs. * * Reported separately
26 Enrollment Forms P-223 – Basic Ed P-223H – Special Ed P-223RS – Running Start P-223 TC – Technical Colleges P-223S – Nonstandard School Year P-240 – Ancillary Services P-213 – Nonhigh Attendance - paper E-525 – Home/Hospital - paper E-672 – Institutional Ed - paper
27 Form P-223 Monthly Report of School District Enrollment. Completed by the serving district; a separate page for each resident/serving relationship. Enrollment types reported on this form: Basic Ed – FTE & Headcount Running Start – FTE & Headcount Bilingual – Headcount Vocational – FTE Skills Center – FTE reported by serving district with resident district specified
28 Form P-223H Monthly Report of Special Education Enrollment. Reported on a headcount basis. Prepared by serving district reporting enrollment by resident district. Breaks out age 0–2, 3-4 and 5 year olds not yet enrolled in kindergarten, and 5 year olds enrolled in kindergarten–21 student count. Age is determined as of midnight August 31 st. Only information from October thru May is used for funding, but September is important too. Basic education $ flow to serving district. Special education $ flow to resident district.
29 To be counted on the P-223H, student must meet all 4 criteria on the count day: 1.The student is an enrolled student of the school district. 2.As of midnight August 31, the student is age 3–21 and has a current individualized education program (IEP) OR as of midnight August 31, the student is age birth through 2 and is being served in conformity with an individualized family service plan (IFSP) per Part C – WA ITEIP requirements (WAC 392-172- 030). 3.The student has been reevaluated every three years. 4.The student is currently receiving special education or related services as defined under WAC 392- 172A-01175 and 01155
30 Form P-223RS Monthly Report of Running Start Enrollment. Reported monthly October through June. Prepared by the community or technical college providing the instruction. A separate Form is filled out for each Resident District. Forms are due to the resident districts by no later than the 8 th calendar day of the month.
31 Form P-223TC Monthly Report of Technical College Enrollment Eligible for Basic Education Support. Reported by Direct Funded Technical Colleges. These are not Running Start classes. A separate form is prepared for each resident district served by the technical college. Colleges should send copies of the form to the resident districts to ensure that the student is not claimed for mare than a 1.0 AAFTE. Reporting to OSPI is done through the Enrollment module within EDS. Reporting is for the month’s of October through June but reported as September through May in the system.
32 Form P-223S Nonstandard school year program (summer school or June of Oct–June program). Students previously claimed for 1 full AAFTE may not be reported. Enrollment in private school or home- based instruction must be considered. Reporting is: – In lieu of basic education throughout the school year and based on attendance, not enrollment. – On an AAFTE basis – Grades K-3 divide by 720 Grades 4-12 divide by 900.
33 Form P-240 File as needed. Ancillary Services are defined in WAC 392-121-107(1)(e) – see next slide. Form reports ancillary service to part-time, private school, or home-based students. Ancillary service is reported for actual hours of student contact time with appropriate school district staff. Does not include part-time attendance. Report part-time attendance on P-223.
34 Ancillary Services Defined WAC 392-121-107(1)(e) ♦Any cocurricular service or activity, any health care service or activity, and any other services or activities, for or in which enrolled students are served by appropriate school district staff. ♦The term shall include, but not be limited to, counseling, psychological services, testing, remedial instruction, speech and hearing therapy, [and] health care services. ♦The term shall exclude all extracurricular activities and all other courses of study defined in this section.
35 Form P-213 Annually reports enrollment of students from non-high districts. No apportionment funding is generated. The basic education funding is already received by the serving (high) district. Information is used to generate a non-high billing report that limits the amount that may be charged the non-high district. Amount charged represents local levy $$$. Information used in levy lid calculation. Make sure your totals are correct.
36 Form E-525 Home and Hospital reporting WAC 392- 122-140 and 392-172-218. Annual report filed in July. Student must be temporarily disabled. (18 weeks maximum, 4 weeks minimum.) Generates $55 hospital or $60 home per week per student. Please note calculation. Basic education reporting may continue for two count dates, subject to limits.
37 Form E-672 RR eports enrollment in juvenile institutions monthly on an FTE basis. SS tudent must be scheduled to engage in educational activity - WAC 392-122-212. EE xclude student if he/she has not engaged in educational activity in the past five school days or past ten, including days of excused absences. CC oordinate with institution so student is not reported on P-223 and E-672 > 1.0 FTE.
38 Miscellaneous Topics Revising enrollment and retention of records. The ESD is your friend – call them. Instruction provided under contract. 2007-08 Funding Level Estimates. Where to find additional information.
39 Revising Enrollment WAC 392-117-045 During the school year a district may make changes directly in the EDS system. After the August reporting date, a district may submit changes to their ESD until November 24 th ; after that, on paper to OSPI subject to the next 2 points. Enrollment may be changed until the audit exit meeting with SAO. Once audit starts, the auditor must be provided copies of any revisions. After exit meeting, districts can only report revisions as part of the audit resolution process.
40 Retention of Records – pg. 36 School districts must maintain the following documentation: Signed 1251 reports that include each month’s electronic P-223, P-223S, and P-240 basic education enrollment submission. Signed 1251H reports that include each month’s electronic P-223 bilingual enrollment submission. Signed 1735 reports showing each month’s electronic P-223H special education enrollment submission. Records for work based learning students that document actual hours of work experience used to calculate FTE enrollment and/or vocational education enhancement funding FTE. Records of the actual annual hours of ancillary services provided to part-time, private school, and home-based students and reported on Form P-240. Supporting documentation of monthly enrollment counts must be sufficient to substantiate compliance with enrollment reporting rules and instructions. Documentation must support that the student was enrolled and had attended within the last 20 consecutive school days (Oct – May counts) and within the first 4 days of September. Documentation of enrollments must support the Headcount/FTE reported by the district including but not limited to:
41 Retention of Records – pg. 36 Rosters identifying individual students counted for each type of enrollment (both headcount and FTE where applicable). Enrollment and withdrawal reports identifying student, grade, and date. Student schedules by month, quarter, or semester necessary to support student’s claimed FTE. District calculation of FTE for individual schools or programs. Supporting documentation of year-end enrollment counts reported on Forms P-213 (nonhigh enrollment) and E-525 (home and/or hospital enrollment) must be sufficient to substantiate compliance with enrollment reporting rules and instructions.
42 Retention of Records – pg. 36 According to WAC 392-121-182 (9), records for alternative learning experience students must include: School board policy for alternative learning experience. Annual reports to the school district board of directors. Annual reports to OSPI. Written student learning plans with an estimated number of hours per week. Documentation of weekly contact time between student and certificated instructor. Documentation of evaluations, assessments, and monthly progress reviews for each student. Student enrollment detail substantiating full-time equivalent enrollment reported to the state, including estimated hours of participation in educational activities, and any actual documentation of hours of learning for those students failing to make satisfactory progress. Signed parent enrollment disclosure documents.
43 Retention of Records – pg. 36 The Secretary of State’s Division of Archives and Records Management has established the following standards for retaining school district enrollment records. See their Web site at: for further information.
44 The ESD is Your Friend – Call Them ESD Enrollment Contact List ESD NameE-mailPhone ESD 101Mary Enquistmenquist@esd101.net509-456-2718 ESD 105Danna Robertsdannar@esd105.wednet.edu509-454-3125 ESD 112Christy Pricechristy.price@esd112.org360-750-7511 ESD 113Sonja Coxscox@esd113.k12.wa.us360-464-6750 ESD 113Terry Amondsontamondson@esd113.k12.wa.us360-464-6759 ESD 114Karen Caseykcasey@oesd.wednet.edu360-782-5002 ESD 121Jane Murrayjmurray@psesd.org425-917-7778 ESD 123Michelle Dearlovemdearlove@esd123.org509-547-8441 ESD 171Tamar Sutherlandtamars@ncesd.org509-665-2643 ESD 189Kathy Witt-Hillkwitt@esd189.org360-299-4033
45 Instruction Provided Under Contract WAC 392-121-188 The curriculum is approved by the district. A written contract is required. Each high school student is working toward course credits for HS graduation. Instruction must be provided free of cost to the student and free of sectarian or religious influence or control. Contracting for ALE programs is for at-risk students only subject to RCW 28A.150.305.
46 2007–08 Approximate Funding Level Estimates
47 Additional Information ♦Your ESD Enrollment Contact Person. ♦Mitch Thompson, 360-725-6306, or ♦ ♦Apportionment home page: ♦ ♦Items of interest on web page: ♦Copies of all enrollment bulletins and forms. ♦District apportionment and enrollment reports. ♦Links to WACs.
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