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HTML5 v FLASH HTML5 and Flash Understanding the Technology Joe Pietruch

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Presentation on theme: "HTML5 v FLASH HTML5 and Flash Understanding the Technology Joe Pietruch"— Presentation transcript:

1 HTML5 v FLASH HTML5 and Flash Understanding the Technology Joe Pietruch

2 HTML5 v FLASH My Background BFA New Media Design, RIT MS Game Design & Development, RIT Lecturer, School of Interactive Games & Media ActionScript for 7+ years (saturated) HTML for 13+ years (intermittent)

3 HTML5 v FLASH Why Flash Won Me HTML Browser Compatibility (IE6) Flash Ran the Same Everywhere (I’m a lazy perfectionist. The lazy usually wins.) Flash makes Interactive, Fun Experiences

4 HTML5 v FLASH What’s Changed Since? Today and into the future: Standards-Compliant(-ish) Browsers Flash Doesn’t run Everywhere (thanks, Steve) I still make Interactive, Fun Experiences – Now I have more choices.

5 HTML5 v FLASH Flash is Dying? Apple Declares War on Flash – iOS will not run Flash content – Flash Player for Mac was historically terrible Google Maps Flash API deprecatedFlash API deprecated Adobe ceases development for FP Mobileceases development for FP Mobile Ubiquitous Mobile Internet is the Future!

6 HTML5 v FLASH Flash is Adapting: StageVideo / Stage3D / Molehill API StageVideoStage3DMolehill API – Hardware-accelerated video / 3D graphics Adobe Integrated Runtime (AIR) Adobe Integrated Runtime – write in ActionScript 3 – deploy to Mac / Linux / PC / iOS / Android / TVs

7 HTML5 v FLASH What is Flash’s Place? Ask Google! Google still uses Flash for: – GMail Attachment Uploader – Sound for its Doodles (PacMan, Les Paul)PacManLes Paul Casual Games (fb, Kongregate, Newgrounds) Rich Media Players (YouTube) Rich Animations

8 HTML5 v FLASH A Brief History of Flash Dev. ‘00 - AS 1.0 … mainly animation control ‘03 - AS 2.0 … games and apps (mild OOP) ’06 - AS 3.0 / Flex / AIR … solid OOP framework ‘?? - AS 4.0? … Threading? Generics? Overloading? FlashLite … the forgotten one – embedded in devices (early mobile, cameras, Wii) – subset of AS / AS 2.0

9 HTML5 v FLASH FlashHTML5/JS/CSS Display Organization Display ListDOM Display Manipulation transform (x, y, scale, rotation) Box Model (margin, padding) Procedural Graphics BitmapData, Graphics API Drawing, SVG Client-side Scripting ActionScript 3.0JavaScript 3D 3D Transforms, Stage3D/Molehill APIs, many other 3 rd -party APIs CSS Transforms, WebGL, O3D, Unity Web Player

10 HTML5 v FLASH [ insert stolen slides here ] Marcin Wichary and the Google Chrome team Thanks for doing a lot of work for me! :-)

11 HTML5 v FLASH @fwa – Favourite Website Awards I love it when someone right clicks on a site just to make sure it's Flash before hating it. @zeh – Zeh Fernando (firstborn) I right click before being impressed. It's slow and shitty, right click; flash? "This is slow and shitty". HTML? "Impressive."

12 HTML5 v FLASH Big Spaceship: “Our stance has always been one of technology agnosticism. We've always felt a bit pigeon holed into the whole notion that we're a Flash shop... we never were that at all. We love Flash, but we also love making things for mobile devices and huge screen devices and video game devices and any other device we can learn about and build for.”

13 HTML5 v FLASH @airdeck – Eric Decker (firstborn) great video on the flash vs html5 debate (via @zeh)

14 HTML5 v FLASH “It's a practical, not ideological, decision to use Flash. HTML5 audio is weak in comparison to Flash's handling of audio and inconsistently supported across browsers (eg. Firefox doesn't play mp3s and never will). Standards are great but when they are so far below other existing, widely-supported technologies, what's the point?” JimmyFlip:

15 HTML5 v FLASH materials, links, readings Joe Pietruch

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