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Finding Balance Kristin Yvonne Rozier NASA Langley Research Center & Rice Univ. Chandra Krintz Associate Professor, Univ. of California Santa Barbara CRA-W.

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Presentation on theme: "Finding Balance Kristin Yvonne Rozier NASA Langley Research Center & Rice Univ. Chandra Krintz Associate Professor, Univ. of California Santa Barbara CRA-W."— Presentation transcript:

1 Finding Balance Kristin Yvonne Rozier NASA Langley Research Center & Rice Univ. Chandra Krintz Associate Professor, Univ. of California Santa Barbara CRA-W Cohort Workshop March 13-14, 2008 Thanks to Kathleen Fisher for helping to improve these slides Having a Career and a Life

2 2 A bit about Chandra… 1990Moved to LA, California from Indiana (mid-BS) 1995Worked; Received BS; met Rich 1996Started MS at UCSD (where Rich was) 1998 MS at UCSD, transferred to PhD program AI->crypto->mobile agents->compilers for mobile code 2000 Moved to Knoxville, TN (Rich’s job) 2001 Finished PhD (remotely), married Rich Both got jobs on UCSB faculty Focus: Java optimization (compiler/runtime) Started the RACELab 2006 Graduated my first PhD student Went up for tenure 2007 2008 Got Tenure! Increase breadth/focus: Full system adaptive optimization / outreach

3 3 Some of the things I do Advise a group of 5-10 BS, MS, and PhD students Research: Full system performance adaptation Teach 1 course per quarter (3 courses per year) Write many, many grant proposals Committees in department Lead on CS undergraduate curriculum revamp Committees in community (conferences) SIGPLAN Executive Committee Vice Chair! Outreach, mentoring (CRA-W Cohort!) High-End Systems Low-End Systems

4 4 Some of the things I do Outreach to Girls Inc. (thanks to tenure!!) Teaching 6-10 year olds how to program using a game controller  Microsoft Research Boku (XBox game that runs on a PC) And helping non-profits in my community w/ computers Getting students involved -- feel good about themselves and gain perspective on what their degree (in CS or CE) means

5 5 Stress Similarities: Grad Students Different each year Y1: getting comfortable, class/tests, TAing  Topic search, advisor search Y2-4: In the thick of it Y5+: last mile  Paper deadlines  Identifying letter writers  Writing the thesis  Applying for jobs  Going to conferences  Internships  Finding a thesis topic  Figuring out what comes next  Finding an advisor  Comprehensive exams  Paper deadlines  Encountering rejection

6 6 Stress Similarities - Post-PhD, Academic Different each year Y1: getting comfortable, teaching real classes Y2-3: attracting students, seeking funding Every year  Paper/proposal deadlines + acceptances/rejections  Departmental and research community service  Identifying viable research projects  Attracting / working with students  Travel  Improving teaching quality  Multi-tasking / effective context switching Y5: last mile before tenure  Identifying letter writers, giving talks

7 7 Stress Similarities - Post-PhD, Research Lab Different each year Y1: getting comfortable, finding a research project Y2-3: figuring out how to do good research and positively impact the sponsoring company Every year  Paper deadlines + acceptances/rejections  Organizational and research community service  Identifying viable new research projects  Attracting / working with students and colleagues  Travel Y3+: advancing in company/lab Coping with company downturns: layoffs, equipment shortages, lack of travel funds, etc.

8 8 Observations Demands come in waves Too many at once cause stress Size and number matters Many of us are very goal-oriented We all have insecurities We humans cannot maintain an insane pace continuously (time management) Not sustainable Leads to burnout / poor productivity Will wear you out There is always more to do Family obligations and relationships

9 9 Managing Waves of Demands A continuous, incremental process You must work at it; there is no free lunch! Make changes incrementally Riding the waves Prioritize demands Work hard during high-demand periods Take a break, re-energize during low-demand Recognize/work on the transition between the two

10 10 Managing Goals and Expectations Set by yourself or others Note when they are self-inflicted! Understand completely what is required given a goal Know why you want to achieve it Evaluate your progress Talk about it with your mentor(s) and others Learn how to enjoy the process Focus on the present Appreciate your achievements before moving on Work to ensure that goals are achievable

11 11 Managing Insecurities Being insecure contributes to being out of balance Seek out a good mentor (may/may not be your advisor) Don't set yourself up to fail Be proud of and celebrate your accomplishments Don’t belittle achievements -- just because it was you who achieved them Keep a “good file” of positive feedback Realize that we all (you, me, him, her, us, them) have insecurities Think them through, talk them over with those you trust

12 12 Chandra’s Insecurities I am an imposter! How did I get here? I know nothing. I’ll never have another research idea. Manifestation: OK, just work more/harder... I care deeply about what others think of me I have panic attacks before entering areas where lots of people are (for fear I’m going to mess up in some way) I take things very personally  Rejection, not being included, the success of others Manifestation: OK, just work more/harder...

13 13 Time Management Did you see Janie's session yesterday? There's always more to do Learn how to estimate accurately the time required  Don't take on too much or feel pressured to say yes  Worse to take on something and only contribute minimally or do an average/poor/late job at it than to say no Renegotiate unmanageable commitments  Be honest with those you are working with  Identify a solution that works for all Taking on a new task can be an opportunity to let go of an old one. Work with people who are good at getting things done. Identify your guiding principles

14 14 Chandra’s Guiding Principles Time for Rich and Zoe, larger family (sister, brother) Do great research and share it with others Through publication and communication Through service in my community For the support ($$), success, and options for my students Work on interesting and high impact research problems Programming language implementations Make a difference in students’ lives At any level, age Let them know that what they are doing (working on their education) is exceptional Teaching/Curriculum Have time to be healthy

15 15 Be Organized Keep a calendar that you always have with you Electronic (back it up) or paper Keep it up to date  Meetings as well as work things (email, paper reading, writing, coding, seminars, etc) Schedule in both work and play Block out time for only research Know when you work efficiently: Don’t squander that time! Avoid churn: pick a task and do it. When “on a roll”, keep the momentum. Conversely, if something is a grind, don’t push too hard. Handle email efficiently. Keep a research/idea book or wiki.

16 16 Finding Balance Most importantly -- take care of you! Figure out what makes you happy/unhappy Look up every once in a while to take stock Apply money to the problem if possible Exercise! Eat well Sleep enough Identify your optimal number of hours Help and receive help from others Don't isolate yourself Seek out family, friends, others Have a life as well as work Set realistic goals to achieving balance

17 17 Finding Balance (non-work): Chandra Sleep (8+hrs, yes, 8) Exercise Seeking out colleagues and making time to be social Just going for coffee or lunch Outreach to the community Girls Inc., local high schools, DAWG, soup kitchens Help with technology (simple things), sharing how fun computer science can be!, walking dogs Listening to music (from my past) Driving my car / going on roadtrips Golf Zoe

18 18 Something I found recently… How to find balance: Work Like A DOG! from Martha Beck's article in Oprah Magazine Mar08 Cookie Cole Bjorn

19 19 Something I found recently… How to find balance: Work Like A DOG! from Martha Beck's article in Oprah Magazine Mar08

20 20 Ideas for Questions Balance as a graduate student Balance and the tenure process or high-tech industry Dual-career couple Working at it Finding jobs that are equally satisfying Managing relationships Having children Deciding on your future and considering balance Other time management questions

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