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Delivery mechanism in Leader – LAG level Jela Tvrdonova 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Delivery mechanism in Leader – LAG level Jela Tvrdonova 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Delivery mechanism in Leader – LAG level Jela Tvrdonova 2015

2 Content of the presentation  What is delivery mechanism  Overall organisation of delivery  Call for proposals  Projects evaluation, selection, approval  Project implementation  Monitoring

3 What is delivery mechanism?  Local development strategy is the programme document based on the global grant  Resources allocated in the global grant are expected to be implemented in line with the strategy intervention logic  Delivery mechanism is the set of procedures enabling implementing planned resources in expected manner

4 Overall organisation of the delivery  Clear implementation rules  All parties involved in delivery mechanism properly informed about rules  Implementation rules accessible and sufficiently explained to general public/beneficiaries  Effective mechanism for feedback from public/ beneficiaries established

5 Calls for proposals  calls clearly formulated containing all necessary details  information on calls accessible by public/beneficiaries  clear conditions/rules provided by the Paying Agency in setting up call for proposals by LAG  Paying Agency consult LAGs in setting up rules for call for proposals

6 Consultation to beneficiaries  Office of the LAG provides consultation  Various forms nof consultation, suitability  Office of the LAG provide consultancies also in the field  Type of consultancies is provided

7 Registration of applications  enough time allocated for registration  deadlines for registration applications are realistic  separate staff member responsible for registration

8 Project evaluation Members of project evaluation committee are  familiar with LDS objectives, measures, activities  familiar with rules and procedures of the project evaluation  flexible in time, so the evaluation can take place when planned and does not threaten the project selection procedure  professionally well prepared to evaluate various projects Project evaluation criteria are announced and known by member of project evaluation committee

9 Project selection Members of the LAG board are  familiar with LDS objectives, measures, activities  familiar with rules and procedures of the project selection  flexible in time, so the selection can take place when planned and does not threaten the project approval Project selection criteria are announced and known by LAG board members

10 Project approval  Paying Agency/Body is prepared well to approve projects  Lenght of projects approval  Paying Agency is prepared to consult failures/mistakes  Paying Agency provides training to LAG staff in preparation of project document

11 Contracting beneficiaries  Lenght of time from project approval to signing the contract with beneficiaries  Contracts are followed by both parties  Condition under which the contract can be cancelled are transparent and known by beneficiaries

12 Project implementation  Projects are implemented as planned  Time for projects implementation and its connection to the type of project  Consequences if project is not implemented – for beneficiary, for donor  Promotion of implemented projects

13 Requests for payment  Rules for request for payment are accessible and known for beneficiaries  The registration of the request is simple  The lenght of administration of the request  The control on the spot is the condition for payment  The lenght for execution of the payment

14 Evaluation of project implementation  Implemented projects are evaluated  Implemented projects are promoted

15 Monitoring  How is the monitoring organised  Beneficiaries participate in monitoring  Types of data submitted by beneficiaries  Etc...

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