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Democratic Institutions. Activities of the State State making War making Protection Extraction Adjudication Distribution Production.

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Presentation on theme: "Democratic Institutions. Activities of the State State making War making Protection Extraction Adjudication Distribution Production."— Presentation transcript:

1 Democratic Institutions

2 Activities of the State State making War making Protection Extraction Adjudication Distribution Production

3 How do democracies do it? What institutions perform various activities? Is authority dispersed? What priorities are assigned?

4 What do we expect to find in a Democracy? Are these necessary? Are these sufficient?

5 Limited Government Lack of authority Institutional competition Rights

6 Types of Democracy Presidential Parliamentary Semi-Presidential


8 Problems with Presidentialism

9 Law Adjudicating State of nature Tribal chief or warlord King’s law Courts Arbitration

10 Triadic Dispute Resolution If neither party unilaterally impose their will Agree on the process Agree on the arbitrator Agree to abide by the decision

11 Types of legal systems Common Law Civil Law

12 Judicial Review The power of the Courts to declare national, state and local laws invalid if they violate the Constitution The supremacy constitutions when they conflict with central or local laws

13 Judicial Review in the US Marbury v. Madison

14 Judicial Review – in comparative perspective Belgium Iran and Pakistan علماء Australia Germany India Switzerland

15 Three Forms of Center- Subsovereign Relations Unitary Federal Confederal


17 Military Civilian control Appointed general staff Apolitical “The difference between a democracy and a dictatorship is that in a democracy the President chooses the top generals. In a dictatorship, it is just the opposite.”

18 Press Universal Declaration of Human Rights: “Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive, and impart information and ideas through any media regardless of frontiers"


20 Elections Who can vote? What are there choices? How are these choices determined? Does the vote have effect?

21 Is competition necessary or a variety of democracy?

22 Consociationalism: The Arrangement The Arrangement When? The Rules Criticism

23 Political Culture

24 Why do we vote? Affective orientation Cognitive orientation Evaluational orientation

25 Influences on political socialization Family Education / Schools Peers / Peer groups / Clubs / etc. Religion / Religious associations Economic Status / Occupation / Coworkers Political events Opinion leaders Media Race / gender / demographic traits

26 Some socialized values Support for key values and shared beliefs Support for the political system Trust in government decision making Confidence in particular institutions Participation in the political system

27 Social Capital model in Italy

28 Elite Theory of Stable Democracy

29 Political Culture Reconceived

30 Transition vs. Consolidation Is political culture needed for democratic transition or just consolidation?

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