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Noneducational Community-based Support Services Funding Education Service Center Region 11 Fort Worth, Texas.

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Presentation on theme: "Noneducational Community-based Support Services Funding Education Service Center Region 11 Fort Worth, Texas."— Presentation transcript:

1 Noneducational Community-based Support Services Funding Education Service Center Region 11 Fort Worth, Texas

2 What are Noned Funds? Noneducational Community-based Support Services funding is available annually to school districts for the provision of Noneducational support services for eligible students with disabilities and their families ESC Region 11 2

3 Texas Education Code Sec. 29.013. Noneducational Community-based Support Services For Certain Students With Disabilities. (a) The agency shall establish procedures and criteria for the allocation of funds appropriated under this section to school districts for the provision of Noneducational community-based support services to certain students with disabilities and their families so that those students may receive an appropriate free public education in the least restrictive environment. ESC Region 11 3

4 Who is eligible for Noned funds? Students receiving special education services who are ▫ At risk for residential placement for educational purposes. ▫ Returning from residential placement. ESC Region 11 4

5 What is the purpose of Noned funds? Funding for services that are not part of a student’s education program May be used to provide ▫ Periodic, short-term non-educational services that cannot be provided through an IEP ▫ Services for students and their families  that will allow the student to remain in their home  to help students returning from residential placement transition back into the home environment ESC Region 11 5

6 What is the purpose of Noned funds? May NOT be used for ▫ Educational services that can be provided through the student's IEP as a part of their educational program ▫ Services provided while students are in residential placement ▫ Intensive or long-term care services ESC Region 11 6

7 How can I use Noned funds? Allowable services Respite Care * Attendant Care * Psychiatric/ Psychological Consultation Family Support Family Dynamics Training Parent Support Group Management of Leisure Time Socialization Training Individual Support Generalization Training Peer Support Group ESC Region 11 7

8 How can I use Noned funds? Allowable services - Limitations Attendant care ▫Limited to 3 hours in a 24 hour period Transportation ▫Only when necessary to access noned services Students with Autism ▫Respite and attendant care only ESC Region 11 8

9 How can I use Noned funds? Unallowable expenditures Direct payment to parents Equipment Sheltered workshop services Babysitting (includes attendant care when no family member is available, or caring for a child while the parent is at work) Remodeling/construction of the student’s classroom and/or home Food Transportation to any educational service or any service being provided by another public agency Medicine, medical prescriptions, doctor/dentist visits, medication therapy, evaluations All special education and related services allowable by IDEA in the implementation of a student’s IEP ESC Region 11 9

10 Who can apply for Noned funds? Only school districts may apply for these funds. Application is a local district decision and is strictly voluntary. The district is responsible for ▫Hiring service providers ▫Paying service providers ▫Managing the provision of services NOTE: Rates for services will vary and are determined by the local district ESC Region 11 10

11 Who can provide noned services? Services are provided by an individual or organization contracted by the LEA The LEA bears responsibility for ▫ Identifying appropriate service providers ▫ Determining qualifications of service providers ▫ Contracting directly with the service provider Parents may not be paid as service providers Family members should not be service providers, particularly those who live in the home ESC Region 11 11

12 When are funds available? Funds are available beginning September 1 of each school year ▫ Applications may be submitted beginning in August of the current school year Funding is available for approved applications beginning September 1 or as of the ESC “stamp-in date” ▫All expenditures and payments must occur between September 1 and August 31 of the current school year ESC Region 11 12

13 Reimbursement for expenditures Expenditure FormDocumentation Submitted monthly ▫Must match services and cost analysis from approved application ▫Service date(s), ESC student code, service provider, service code, amount ▫District contact information ▫Approval/signature of district administrator Documentation from service provider ▫Invoices and/or time sheets with date, time, duration, and rate for services provided Proof of payment from LEA ▫Copy of check from LEA to service provider, and/or LEA general ledger print out ESC Region 11 13

14 The Noned Application Process LEA submits copy of locally approved application to ESC Region 11 (with Superintendent signature) LEA –> ESC ESC Region 11 reviews application and verifies availability of funds ESC –> LEA LEA presents application to local CRCG for approval LEA –> CRCG LEA returns approved application with original signatures to ESC Region 11 for processing LEA –> ESC ESC Region 11 provides final approval in writing to Special Education Director ESC –> LEA ESC Region 11 14

15 The Noned Application Process Requires collaboration ESC Region 11 15 LEA CRCG ESC

16 The Noned Application Process The first step LEA representative contacts ESC Region 11 to verify that noned funds are available. Ricardo Montalvo 817-740-3698 ESC Region 11 16

17 Responsibilities Education Service Center (ESC) Facilitate distribution and allocation of noned funds within the region ▫ Provide noned application forms and guidelines ▫ Provide technical assistance in determining allowable services ▫ Process and approve noned applications ▫ Approve expenditures ▫ Reimburse districts for approved expenditures ESC Region 11 17

18 Responsibilities Local Education Agency (LEA) Identify need for noneducational services for an individual student with a disability Contact ESC Region 11 to determine if noned funds are available Complete application and obtain appropriate signatures Submit copy of application to ESC Region 11 for review Contact local CRCG to schedule a time to present the application for review Submit completed, signed application to ESC Region 11 Submit monthly expenditure reports to ESC Region 11 for reimbursement ESC Region 11 18

19 Responsibilities Community Resource Coordination Group (CRCG) Discuss requested services to identify local available resources for meeting the student’s need/s Approve/initial each requested service in Q.12 of the noned application LEA’s have the final authority to determine services to be provided, including funding costs for requested services. ESC Region 11 19

20 The Noned Application Initiated and completed by the school district Signed by administrator with authority to expend district funds (superintendent or designee) Reviewed/approved by ESC Reviewed/approved by CRCG May not be completed by ▫Parents ▫Service providers ▫Community agencies ESC Region 11 20

21 The Application ESC Region 11 21

22 ESC Region 11 22 LEA SpEd Contact Name of MHA/MRA/CRCG

23 ESC Region 11 23 CRCG Signature LEA Superintendent Signature

24 ESC Region 11 24

25 Additional eligibility questions Your impressions of the student Student strengths Student’s behavior(s) that have resulted in the need for noned services Academic and behavior intervention(s) implemented by the district Previous use of and benefit from noned funds MRA/MHA or any other agency involvement Previous out-of-home placements Anticipated future funding needs and other sources of funds for services ESC Region 11 25

26 ESC Region 11 26

27 ESC Region 11 27 Need/s Service/s Description of Services Proposed Service Providers Status (new, continuing, amendment)

28 ESC Region 11 28 CRCGInitial Must match services listed in Q.11 Total

29 Timelines July ▫ Forms available online August – October ▫ Applications accepted September 1 ▫ Funds available October ▫ Application deadline November – April ▫Applications for critical needs funding June – July ▫All reimbursement requests should be submitted August 31 ▫Deadline for expenditures and reimbursements ESC Region 11 29

30 Critical needs funding – requests for funding after October Additional service needs for students at-risk for residential placement for educational reasons New students returning ▫ from residential placements ▫ for educational reasons Additional funding for students currently receiving services from this funding source ESC Region 11 30

31 ESC Region 11 Noned Resources Available on the ESC Region 11 website Noneducational funding guides Application Directions Allowable/Unallowable Expenditure Guide Timelines Noned Questions and Answers TEC §29.013 Noneducational funding application and blank forms Noned Application Form Monthly Reimbursement Form ESC Region 11 31

32 ESC Region 1132

33 ESC Region 1133

34 ESC Region 11 34 Scroll Down

35 ESC Region 11 35 Funding guides Blank forms

36 Noned Questions and Technical Assistance Applications and allocations Reimbursements Ricardo Montalvo 817-740-3698 Glynis Gates 817-740-7615 ESC Region 11 36

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