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THIRD Eastern Africa Regional Training on Severe Weather Forecasting and Warning Services: Workshop on Public Weather Services SOUTH SUDAN PRESENTATION.

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Presentation on theme: "THIRD Eastern Africa Regional Training on Severe Weather Forecasting and Warning Services: Workshop on Public Weather Services SOUTH SUDAN PRESENTATION."— Presentation transcript:

1 THIRD Eastern Africa Regional Training on Severe Weather Forecasting and Warning Services: Workshop on Public Weather Services SOUTH SUDAN PRESENTATION BY : PAULINO OMOJ OMAY SOUTH SUDAN METEOROLOGICAL SERVICE ENTEBBE, UGANDA, 26 – 30 November 2012

2 Background Overview South Sudan Meteorological Service (SSMS) was formed in 9th July, 2011 as a result of the independence . The young Met. service is a governmental Institution which falls under the Ministry of Transport. After our separation on 9/7/2011 , the department of meteorology in the new borne Republic of South Sudan has to start from nothing (zero), because all our meteorological working instruments and weather forecast ,we get them from old republic of Sudan , but now south Sudan is starting to establish weather forecast section in juba international .

3 Background Overview Previously South Sudan had 7 Surface Meteorological stations distributed as follow: Agro met station in Renk, Northern Upper Nile State, Irrigational stations which included: a. Raja, in Western Bhar El Ghazal State. b. Bentiu in Unity State and. c. Rumbek in Lakes State. Synoptic stations a. Juba Met Station in Central Equatorial. b. Malakal Met Station in central Upper Nile State. c. Wau Met Station in Western Bhar Ghezal State.

4 Background Overview At present there are only five(5) MET. Station working as follows Juba airport station , this for the aviation purpose (only actual weather or METARs &TAF) Malakal airport ,also for the aviation purpose (only actual weather or METARs) Wau airport station , also for the aviation purpose Raja that is for water source of Bahar Elgzhal but now or sometime we use it for aviation purpose, because there are planes that landing and takeoff in it. Renk station is for Agriculture purpose

5 Vision Aspiring to become a Scientific Department capable of providing accurate and timely weather information and climate data to users and decision makers, for Socio-economic Growth and Development

6 Functions of weather forecast section
Its primary function is to provide Meteorological information, weather warnings and services for the safety of domestic and international Air flights Observations and recording of Surface weather. Weather monitoring and forecasting for Aviation purposes. Provision of Warnings (SIGMETS) for severe weather. Issuance of Weather (in form of TAFS & METARS to the Air lines) Climatological Services to domestic & international air lines Issuance of Climatic Data and Climatic products to companies and other governmental authorities .

7 Weather Forecasting products
South Sudan NMS does not run any Numerical Weather Prediction Model. Weather forecast section have a good internet connectivity which makes it possible to access weather forecast web sites and International Meteorological Centers web sites . NWP products from those centers are downloaded and used for analysis and interpretation for the process of improving weather forecasts and warnings of severe weather in the country.

8 NWP Products and other Data for Weather Analysis and Interpretation
NOAA/COLA 850 hpa windflaw and humidity for day 1, and day 2 700 model analysis for vertical wind velocity Convective available potential Energy and Perceptible water short term climate outlook for precipitations 700 hpa precipitation and vertical wind velocity Precipitation Forecast outlook for 0-7 days.   ECMWF / UK.MET-Office Regional Map for Precipitation forecasts Forecasts for different parameter EUMETSAT products Imagery in infrared channel Imagery in water vapour channel Imagery in Visible channel

Stems the importance of meteorological information and warning in following sectors Decision Makers and Policy Makers within Government Risk and Disaster Management Authorities Aviation Land Transportation, Agricultural Community ,Fisheries ,Education and Energy. Water Resources Management ,Health and Natural Resources Management. Tourism, Financial Sector and Construction Industry. Management of the Urban Environment. General Public. Land and Urban Planning. The above-mentioned SOCIO-ECONOMIC SECTORS at present they are not benefit from our service except aviation sector

10 Severe Weather Events in South Sudan
South Sudan is impacted by a number of severe weather and extreme events, some of them are as follows: Rainstorms Strong wind Floods Drought

11 Examples of Impacts of Severe Weather in South Sudan

12 Examples of Impacts of Severe Weather in South Sudan

13 Greater Horn of Africa Consensus Climate Outlook for the 2012 rainfall season
South Sudan NMS has also been participating first time in seasonal forecast and climate outlook activities 2012 at the Regional Centre for Climate Predictions and Applications(ICPAC) in Nairobi, Kenya. (MAM, JJA,OND 2012)

14 Public Weather Service (PWS)
South Sudan has not yet set up a consolidated public weather service (PWS) and strategic frameworks that streamlines disaster risk reduction and management strategies into sustainable development programmes. its first time for south Sudan NMS to participate in SWFDP and PWS workshop no experience of implementing the SWFDP Currently, South Sudan NMS is issuing on daily weather forecast but we cannot disseminate those information to the Public and other socio- economic sectors through various media, such as radio, TV , mobile phone and newspapers, because the NMS has not yet developed criteria for issuing specific severe weather warnings. It is also important to note that the NMS does not have yet a studio for Television presentation, which would enhance weather information dissemination to users.

15 Dissemination and delivery of weather information
Weather service delivery to the public and other users in south Sudan is Limited and not sufficient. Although our forecast Department done and prepare all meteorological information , but we sometimes cannot be able to disseminate these information to users and international OPMET databanks ,and the centers designated by regional air navigation agreements for the operational of aeronautical fixed service distribution satellite systems, in accordance with regional air navigation agreement this due to lack of essential meteorological communication networks in our country. In the future our plan and strategy to dissemination and delivery weather information and severe weather warnings via Television Radio ,mobile phones, Websites and newspaper .

16 Challenges Facing South Sudan Meteorological Service
Lack of essential meteorological communication networks to the regional distribution and international centers. Lack of Telecommunication link between weather forecast section in Juba and MET.offices in the states. Difficulty in delivery of early warnings information for disaster Risk Management needed by users. Very few staff in Met Offices in the States(Malakal , Wau ,Raja and Renk. Very few meteorological instruments in use. There is a need to raise awareness among users on using and interpretation of weather information and warnings.

17 To improve this Situation, there is urgent need for implementation of the followings recommendations
Aeronautical Fixed telecommunication Network System (AFTN) for transmitting meteorological data and information Installation of Automatic Weather Stations in areas where there are no Met .Offices. Rehabilitation of the current operational Synoptic stations Installation of communication technology to connect all the meteorological stations Establishment of official website to disseminate and delivery climate data and weather information to users .

18 Plans and future vision
Full establishment of National Meteorological Service. Strengthen of database system. improvement  the  quality  of  weather products and services. Establishment of upper air observation stations. Channels for submitting forecasts and climatologically information. Installation of advanced technology to dissemination and delivery weather information and severe weather warnings via Television , Radio ,mobile phones, Websites and newspaper.


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