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Communication Arts 8B Mr. Joel W. Logan BA, English, Kenyon College, Gambier, OH MS Ed., University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA.

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Presentation on theme: "Communication Arts 8B Mr. Joel W. Logan BA, English, Kenyon College, Gambier, OH MS Ed., University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA."— Presentation transcript:

1 Communication Arts 8B Mr. Joel W. Logan BA, English, Kenyon College, Gambier, OH MS Ed., University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA

2 How to Get An “A” Always answer written prompts using complete sentences.

3 Logan CA8 2005-06 A complete sentence has a subject a predicate and demonstrates a complete thought.

4 How to Get An “A” COME PREPARED  Blue or black ink pen  Stenographer’s notebook  Loose-leaf paper  Homework completed  Post-it notes DO YOUR HOMEWORK  Homework is worth 20% of your marking period grade and is assigned nearly nightly

5 Submission Guidelines 1. All written assignments must be either written in blue or black ink on ruled loose-leaf paper or the assignments must be typed. 2. If a student chooses to type their assignment, the paper must be: 1. Double-spaced 2. 12 point 3. Times New Roman font 4. One inch margins: top, bottom, right, and left

6 Submission Guidelines 3. Write only on the front of papers. 4. Write only within the red margins for handwritten submissions. 5. Only clean edges will be accepted. If you use notebook paper, cut off the edges. 6. GUMS (Grammar, Usage, Mechanics, and Spelling) always count.

7 STUDY FOR YOUR TESTS AND QUIZZES Tests, projects and other major assessment grades are worth 40% of your marking period grade. Tests, projects and other major assessment grades are worth 40% of your marking period grade. Quizzes are based on homework, class lessons, and classroom discussions. Quizzes are based on homework, class lessons, and classroom discussions. Quizzes are worth 20% of your marking period grade and are administered on the first day of every week (normally Monday but can be given on a Tuesday or Wednesday depending upon vacations, snow days or assembly interruptions.) Quizzes are worth 20% of your marking period grade and are administered on the first day of every week (normally Monday but can be given on a Tuesday or Wednesday depending upon vacations, snow days or assembly interruptions.) How to Get An “A”

8 TURN IN GREAT PROJECT EFFORTS Project grades, along with test scores and major assessment grades are combined to be worth 40% of your grade. TAKE NOTES IN CLASS Essay exams and topics are based upon homework, class lessons, classroom discussions and/or movies viewed. Classwork is worth 20% of your grade. How to Get An “A”

9 WRITE DOWN ASSIGNMENTS AND DATES IN YOUR AGENDA BOOK Students will receive written instruction with due dates posted but the organized student gets the better grades. PACK YOUR BOOKBAG BEFORE YOU GO TO SLEEP AT NIGHT. If your backpack has been packed with all you need for school the next day, nothing will ever be left at home. Students often forget assignments and materials when they wait to pack in the morning before heading to school. How to Get An “A”

10 Communication All graded assignments are sent home for parent signatures and brought back to school. All graded assignments for the marking period are filed in your child’s portfolio in class. E-mail is best or telephone me with your concerns. (Telephone extension and e-mail address are printed on the Gemstones Calling Card.)

11 Curriculum Spelling Vocabulary Grammar MLA format Public Speaking Dictionary skills Thesaurus skills Formal Essay  Persuasive  Expository Write Traits Research Papers Poetry Drama Novel Differentiated Instruction Cooperative Learning Reflective Writing Shared Inquiry Discussion

12 Textbooks and Classroom Resources Elements of Writing: Second Course Adventures for Readers: Book Two Junior Great Books: Series Eight Merriam Webster's Collegiate Dictionary Roget’s Thesaurus

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