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BC Dairy Foundation Liz Gurszky Director of Marketing Jaimie Turkington Marketing Manager.

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Presentation on theme: "BC Dairy Foundation Liz Gurszky Director of Marketing Jaimie Turkington Marketing Manager."— Presentation transcript:

1 BC Dairy Foundation Liz Gurszky Director of Marketing Jaimie Turkington Marketing Manager

2 It’s always been survival of the fittest. Drink milk. The BIG idea on a Small Media budget Presented by: Liz Gurszky & Jaimie Turkington

3 MILK: Branding a Common Commodity o 100% trial rate o 99% presence in homes and fridges o Carton is empty – MOM, the PRIMARY PURCHASER, automatically goes shopping and replaces it o Milk is like white wall paper – it’s been around for a long time!

4 1.6 per day 1.1 per day 0.8 per day 0.5 per day 0 to 11 yrs 12 to 17 yrs 18 to 29 yrs 30 + yrs *Number of milk drinks per day Daily Per Capita: Milk consumption declines as a person gets older

5 The Challenge o Steepest decline in milk consumption occurs at 16 or 17 years of age – and continues into adulthood o Curtail defection from milk o Making milk relevant so, it is considered by the target as beverage of choice Treating it like a brand!

6 It’s always been survival of the fittest. Drink milk.

7 Television 30 second ads to stop youth in their tracks with a clear message to choose milk. Secure programming that ranks high against the target market and is consistent with the creative message “Survival of the Fittest” ( i.e.: The Olympics, Survivor, The Apprentice, The Amazing Race, Fear Factor). Core Vision: First ever Jumbotron in downtown Vancouver at the hub of youth activity for shopping, meeting, going to schools, night clubs, etc.

8 Television

9 Theatre

10 Print and Full Motion Movie Theatre Advertising: To reach youth where they live and play Teens and young adults are regular movie-goers, attending movies on average, 2 times per month.

11 Out of Home

12 OOH: Resto-Bar Posters Place-based resto-bars at university campuses, restaurants, fitness centres and stadiums: 82% of the target went to a restaurant in the past 30 days. Place-based approach to reach youth when they’ve survived a grueling task (ie: fitness centers).

13 Print: Post Cards Collectable postcards distributed via post-secondary campus newspapers and Youthlink magazine. 81% of young adults are more likely to be enrolled in a post- secondary institution.

14 In-Store Floortalk C-stores: influence the consumer at point-of- purchase. Teens and young adults shop frequently at c-stores (11+ times in the past 30 days); 71% more likely to shop in c-stores than the base population.

15 Red Cat Klub Nights High school dances. Partnership includes place based posters, web presence, 3 minute exclusive video broadcast at the event and opportunity to sample via the “Fuel Bar” (martini- type drinks made from flavoured milk).

16 Integrated Campaign Extending the “Survival” message on the web and on the street.

17 Interactive youth- oriented website featuring a live caveman recently thawed (Second Chance Caveman). This fall, Second Chance Caveman will appear on two youth oriented dating sites (clubvibes and Website builds a strong fan base and site traffic is well above norms The average visit length: 4 minutes

18 Street-level Tactics: The Cold Crew


20 Awards Cassies New York Festival Bessies Advertiser of the Year (Marketing Awards) Digital Media Awards

21 Results Recall of the caveman ads at 78% (compared to beverage norms at 49%) Milk consumption occasion up 1% Pop consumption occassions down 5% AC Nielsen sales through retail outlet reports (52 weeks ending May 10) –Total milk+3% –Chocolate+9%

22 Thank You! Liz GurszkyJaimie Turkington Director of Communication Manager of Marketing and Market Developmentand Communication e. e.


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