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Parent Trust for Washington Children 2006 - 2007 Public Service Campaign.

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Presentation on theme: "Parent Trust for Washington Children 2006 - 2007 Public Service Campaign."— Presentation transcript:

1 Parent Trust for Washington Children 2006 - 2007 Public Service Campaign

2 Campaign Structure President Co-Chair Media Public RelationsFundraisingResearch Media Distribution TVRadioPrint Web Co-Chair Creative TV Production Director Editor Radio Production Print Production Brochures / Magnets Copywriters Designers Website

3 Campaign Timeline

4 Parent Trust for Washington Children

5 To create lasting change and hope for the future by promoting safe, healthy families and communities. Mission

6 Parent Trust for Washington Children provides: Resources for parenting and childhood development. 1.Resources and information for family and life management skills. 2.Various educational programs for parenting success. 3.Family Help Line for live support in child raising issues and concerns. Parent Trust for Washington Children

7 Campaign Objectives 1.To increase general awareness of Parent Trust among the target audience. 2.To increase the number of phone calls to the Parent Trust Help Line. 3.To increase the use of the web site for further information on Parent Trust and general family resource information. Campaign Objectives & Strategies

8 Research Objectives Define the Target Markets Define Potential Target Markets Determine Most Influential Media Market Research

9 Current Market Analysis 77% of clients are referred by State services -Child Protective Services -Adoption Services -Foster Care Focus Group (parenting class) Recommended by women New Parent Resources Seeking Reliable Information Stay Positive Market Analysis

10 Primary: Parents or guardians (age 25-50) of children under the age of 16 years, currently living in the counties of Washington State that contain a population of at least 100,000 people. Secondary: Hispanic families currently living in a county where at least 15 percent of the population is comprised of Spanish speaking residents. Target Markets

11 Zone Two ~ Eastern Washington Suburban/Rural 25.7% Hispanic Zone One ~ Western Washington Urban/Suburban 5.37% Hispanic Zone One & Zone Two Comprise 86% of Washington State’s Hispanic Population Target Audience Research

12 Fundraising

13 Logo

14 Magnet

15 Brochure

16 Banner Advertisement

17 Web site

18 Radio English 30 Second Radio Spot Spanish 30 Second Radio Spot

19 Television

20 Targets: Primary Target Market Television Distribution: 8 Local TV Stations NWCN 2 TV (NW Cable News) KOMO 4 TV (ABC) KING 5 TV (NBC) KONG 6 TV (Local) KIRO 7 TV (CBS) KSTW 11 TV (UPN) KSTW 13 TV (FOX) TV Media Distribution

21 Radio Media Distribution Spokane: 1.KAEP1057 AM: Adult alternative 2.KISC98.1 FM: Adult Contemporary 3.KKZX98.9 FM: Classic Rock Pasco/Yakima/Moses Lake/ Walla Walla: 1.KEYW98.3 FM: Hot AC 2.KONA610 AM: Info and soft hits 3.KHHK99.7 FM: Top 40 4.KATS94.5 FM: Rock Seattle: 1.KEXP90.3 FM Alternative 2.KUOW94.9 FM News

22 Brochure Distribution WA State Hospitals Pre-natal care facilities

23 Financials: Production Values & Costs Estimated Value per Media: 1.TV Production: Value $7500.00 Cost 0 2.Radio Production Value $3000.00 Cost 0 3.Brochure Production: Value $1500.00 Cost 0 4.Print Production: Value $500.00 Cost 0 5.Magnet Production: Value $500.00Cost 0 6.Website Production: Value $5000.00 Cost 0 Total Production Value: $18,000

24 Financials: Media Distribution & Costs Media Distribution Costs: TV Distribution Value $42,000Cost: $250 8 stations x 150 x $35= $43,750 Radio DistributionValue $35,000Cost: $300 10 stations x 250 x $35 = $35,000 Brochures 5,000ctValue $1500 Cost: $550 Print MediaValue $2,500 Cost: $500 Magnet 5,000ctValue = $1,875 Cost: $500 Total Media Distribution Value: $84,625 Total Cost: $2100

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