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Is your company looking to increase the exposure of your new and existing products or services? Would you pay pennies on the ad dollar to reach a national.

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Presentation on theme: "Is your company looking to increase the exposure of your new and existing products or services? Would you pay pennies on the ad dollar to reach a national."— Presentation transcript:


2 Is your company looking to increase the exposure of your new and existing products or services? Would you pay pennies on the ad dollar to reach a national audience of over 200 million people? If the answer is yes…………

3 We invite you to consider the N EWS USA Advantage For over 15 years NewsUSA has been generating national exposure for some of the nation’s largest companies and most recognized brands, yielding billions of dollars in ad value for pennies on the ad dollar! Some of our 2,200 clients

4 N EWS USA Placing your marketing stories as editorials in: 10,250 newspapers 6,600 radio stations 18,640 web sites 1,000 TV stations For pennies on the ad dollar.

5 Who uses N EWS USA? B2C companies –New Products –New Uses for Products –New Services –Internet Resources National Associations National Charities

6 What does N EWS USA do? NewsUSA provides marketing support by promoting your company through a “national news campaign”of guaranteed editorial placements.

7 How does N EWS USA do it? Our team of award-winning journalists and production staff create a collection of news articles, radio scripts, and television features which we distribute to over 10,250 newspapers, 6,600 radio stations, 18,640 websites and over 1,000 television stations nationwide! Client gives sign-off approval on every story. Fast Feedback: We distribute, track placements and report on-line in real time, available 24 hours a day, 7days a week. Reports show where stories placed and estimated ad value equivalents and reach. Physical proof: Newspaper tearsheets, air checks, site links and Neilson Sigma tracking reports follow monthly.

8 E-mail - weekly Tabloid – twice a month CD-Rom - monthly Distribution Articles are sent to Editors via: In addition, all current and archived articles are available to editors on our website,

9 Editorial vs. Advertising Credible news A study by the Columbia University School of Journalism concluded: Advertisements in the form of news are four times more believable than traditional advertising methods. 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Advertising NewsUSA

10 Results!

11 100% Audited Audit reports and listing schedules -Proof of performance consists of tearsheets from newspapers compiled by independent clipping services and radio reports backed by air checks. -NewsUSA Clip Reports contain summary pages recapping the number of placements plus actual tearsheets and news clippings. Positive news articles and story placements with the messages you want the reader to remember - your messages. Verifiable results: 100% audited. 100% guaranteed.

12 Sample Tearsheet Features : Houston Chronicle Burrelle’s Clipping Service Client: American Institute of CPAs. Web Address: NewsUSA byline

13 Success !

14 Testimonials "It has been difficult to get physical proof for my board of directors and major investors of the success of any investor relations, public or marketing campaign. "You delivered the proof, covering our boardroom table with over 4,000 editorial placements in the first three months.“ -Tom Gilbert, CEO, "I am writing to express satisfaction with the total services provided by NewsUSA. NewsUSA has provided the optimum vehicle for ASME to increase public awareness.“ -ASME International “At the time when we needed our name known - and known fast - in order to achieve our revenue goals, NewsUSA assembled and distributed a campaign that yielded over 10,000 positive news placements in the first three months of our campaign. - Tariq Faridi, CEO

15 N EWS USA costs related to a typical advertising campaign. typical advertising campaign. NewsUSA’s total cost is often less than the production cost alone of a typical advertising campaign. No massive media placement costs. NewsUSA delivers 4 times greater credibility than advertising.

16 Guaranteed News Placements™ “If you promptly approve stories for distribution and allow time for our proven process to work, NewsUSA will guarantee your feature campaign, and meet our guarantee, or we’ll produce and distribute stories for free.” - Richard D. Smith, CEO NewsUSA Inc.

17 I’m ready to sign up, what do I do now?

18 Once an insertion order is signed the client will receive a welcome kit from our producers in Washington and be contacted within three business days by Will Watson our COO and Executive Producer, or Diana Duvall, our Managing Editor. Articles, radio scripts, and television features are produced by our award winning journalists and production staff and then sent back to the client for approval. The feature articles, radio and television scripts are then distributed to our network of over 10,250 newspapers, 6,600 radio stations, 1,000 television stations, and 18,640 websites. Clients can log into our website and begin viewing the success and number of clips our features have achieved within days. Within weeks they will start receiving hard copy clips and comprehensive reports showing the type, circulation, readership and listenership of the specific media channels that published / broadcast their features. Welcome!

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