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AIXM 5 Implementation in Europe
This slide presents the planned AIXM 5 deployment, expected to start in Europe by 2009 for some parts of the static data and by 2012 for digital NOTAM.
Static Data Why Digital NOTAM Dynamic/temporary data
For digital aeronautical data, the “glaze” is the dynamic layer, containing the last minute information. This is currently published as text NOTAM and similar messages and is not suitable for computer processing. The static data is maybe available in digital format. But without the dynamic layer the digital representation of the world is truncated. On average, an impressive amount of some NOTAM messages are active world-wide at every moment in time. This continuously varying "delta" between the static information and the actual status of the route network and airport surfaces, for example, has a direct implication on the safety and efficiency of air navigation and of air traffic management.
Digital Aeronautical Data static static + dynamic
The dynamic layer makes the difference between a static airport map, which is never actual because there is always something happening in real life… work in progress, closed movement areas, snow on the runway, etc. Modelling the real world requires “digital NOTAM”.
Digital NOTAM can improve safety
Sometimes, the availability of the dynamic/temporary data in digital format could make the difference between a safe journey and a disaster…
Closed runway example Singapore Airlines Flight SQ006
“On October 31, 2000, at 15:17 UTC, 23:17 Taipei local time, 9V-SPK, a Boeing , attempted to take off from the wrong runway at Chiang Kai-Shek International Airport during heavy rain caused by Typhoon Xangsane. The crew attempted takeoff on runway 05R, which had been closed for repairs, instead of the assigned runway 05L (which runs parallel to 05R). Due to poor visibility in the heavy rain, the flight crew did not see that construction equipment had been parked on runway 05R. The aircraft collided with the machinery and broke up into pieces. A massive fire followed. 79 of 159 passengers and 4 of 20 crew members died in the accident. Source: See also: 05L 05R
!?! Work on the runway TWR ATIS PIB
The Excel Airways incident at Manchester, UK, in 2006 is one such example, where digital NOTAM could enable safety improvements. Extracted from the incident investigation report (AAIB Report No: 3/2006. Report on the serious incident to Boeing N, G-XLAG, at Manchester Airport on 16 July, “Runway 06L was in use but the flight crew were not aware that this runway was being operated at reduced length. This was due to work-in-progress to remove rubber deposits at the far end of the runway, which was out of sight from the 06L threshold end as the runway is built over a slight rise in the ground. Due to a difference in interpretation of information passed between Air Traffic Control (ATC) and the flight crew, the aircraft entered the runway from holding point AG, rather than the expected holding point A, and the takeoff was conducted using a reduced thrust setting calculated for the assumed normal runway length. As the aircraft passed the crest of the runway, the flight crew became aware of vehicles at its far end but, as they were now close to their rotation speed, they continued and carried out a normal takeoff.” “The crew of G-XLAG did not realise that Runway 06L was operating at reduced length due to work-in-progress at its far end, until their aircraft had accelerated to a speed approaching the rotate speed (VR), despite: Being in possession of a NOTAM concerning the work-in-progress The ATIS broadcast relating to the work-in-progress ATC passing information on the takeoff distance available At this point, the aircraft was approaching seven vehicles on the runway and was at a position which precluded an abort within the useable runway length remaining.”
Work on the runway 56 feet The aircraft passed within 56 ft of a 14 ft high vehicle. A similar incident took place recently in Singapore.
Developments/Projects that could prevent such events
On-board moving maps airport layout own ship position Graphically displayed taxi route/clearance Also needed actual operational status of airport movement area elements requires “digital NOTAM” © TUD
What is a “digital NOTAM”
Example - TWY closure Today, published as NOTAM A0874/03 NOTAMN Q) EBBU/QMXLC/IV/M/A/000/999/5054N00429E005 A) EBBR B) C) E) TAXIWAYS OUTER 7 AND E6 CLSD Digital NOTAM = Fully data modelled NOTAM intended for computers using the Aeronautical Information Exchange Model (AIXM) version 5 <OK for computers> <not OK for computers> To explain what is meant by “digital NOTAM”, let’s take as example a current NOTAM message, announcing TWY closures at an airport. Reading the E field, which is free text, it is not possible for a computer to identify automatically which TWY is closed NOTAM is intended to be read and understood by humans, not by machines; It’s unreliable to ask a computer to interpret the free text field - it is likely to work for 80% of the ‘simple’ NOTAM, but not for all! By digital NOTAM we mean a fully data modelled NOTAM, where all information is stored in a computer model that can be interpreted by computers. Basically, a digital NOTAM eliminates the free form text contained within a NOTAM and replaces the text with a series of structured facts about the affected aeronautical facility concerned. This is no longer presented as a “NOTAM message”. Instead, the information is exchanged in a format (text or even binary), which can be understood and used by computers. This new encoding is based on the Aeronautical Information Exchange Model (AIXM) - version 5.
What is a “digital NOTAM”
Instead of <text>TAXIWAYS OUTER 7 AND E6 CLSD</text> Use explicit feature properties For example… <taxiway> <name>OUTER 7</name> <status>CLOSED</status> </taxiway> <name>E6</name> This is a much more closer to a truly digital NOTAM … and also the goal of AIXM 5 In a digital NOTAM, the current NOTAM fields do no longer exist. Instead, the information is structured using the Extensible Markup Language (XML), according to a schema pre-defined by AIXM. Every feature, every property and every possible situation needs to be identified by specific codes. The challenge for AIXM version 5 is to model all these features and situations, knowing that the potential scope of NOTAM information is very wide. AIXM is a Specification for aeronautical data exchange that has been originally developed for the European AIS Database (EAD), which is currently using version 4.5. The next few slides will present in more detail the AIXM development and its evolution from an European Specification to a world-wide agreed standard.
What digital NOTAM could change
Improved Pre-flight Information Current text PIB AIXM Tempdelta Reduced TORA WIP If the NOTAM containing information about work in progress and reduced take-off run available (TORA) was a “digital” one, thus enabling computers to understand it, then it would be perfectly feasible: to structure the Pre-Flight Information Bulletin (PIB) by the criticality of the information, and use a structure, fonts and colours that facilitate the reading and give a better chance to the pilot to identify a NOTAM affecting his flight; to present the PIB graphically, showing on the airport map the location of the works and the reduced TORA;
What digital NOTAM could change
On-board applications AIXM Tempdelta Reduced TORA WIP Enable the on-board avionics to inform the pilot graphically about the event. Taxiway closures, runway closures and restricted area activations are the most frequent kind of information issued on short notice, through NOTAM. If ignored, such situations can lead to serious incidents or even accidents. Digital NOTAM will enable temporary and last minute information to be rapidly accessible and usable by the computers, therefore increasing the safety of the ATM system. As mentioned before, this is enabled by AIXM version 5. Screenshot from digital NOTAM trial using AIXM 5 (by TUD)
AMDB/xNOTAM Study Gap Analysis ED-99A – AIXM and Prototype AIXM 5 schema Validation of AIXM temporal model (xNOTAM) Validation of results in real scenario in flight simulator Use AIXM 5 message to announce temporary change Visualise change information on cockpit display “static” database One such trials took place in , in order to demonstrate the possibility of using digital NOTAM in AIXM format in order to update a moving map displayed in a cockpit simulator. The trial was run for EUROCONTROL by the Darmstadt University of Technology. Digital NOTAM Digital NOTAM Decoder
Procedure-xNOTAM Study
Objective: To demonstrate the technical possibilities of digital NOTAM for updating Terminal Procedure data in an onboard database From: T12:00:00Z Until: T23:59:00Z Due to temporary obstacles, minimum altitude raised to 4500 ft between RID and DF271. <AIXMMessage> … <gml:TimePeriod> <gml:beginPosition> T12:00:00Z </gml:beginPosition> <gml:endPosition> T23:59:00Z </gml:endPosition> </gml:TimePeriod> <aixm:interpretation>TEMPDELTA</aixm:interpretation> <aixm:lowerLimitAltitude uom="FT">4500</aixm:lowerLimitAltitude> … </aixm:AIXMMessage> Operational Change digital NOTAM Procedure DB 15
Prototype Application
Procedure xNOTAM Processor (PxP) Reads procedure data from DB including temporary changes Features an UI to interact with the displays Checks effectivity of procedure change Displays ND: plan view of approach channel PFD: 3D view of approach channel Procedure DB PxP Navigation Display (ND) Primary Flight Display (PFD) 16
Scenario 1 Procedure transition temporarily unavailable due to temporary restricted airspace 17
Scenario 2 Segment leg minimum altitude raised 18
Scenario 3 Temporarily Restricted Area affects RNAV procedure; different fixes are used 19
AIXM 5 Database - Analysis
TU Darmstadt Studies Watch the movies Read
short overviews of the simulation Read AIXM 5 Database Implementation Report AIXM 5 - Prototype Application Implementation Report Need More info? contact TUD - Christian Grothe
2008: EUROCONTROL Digital NOTAM Trial
Objectives xNOTAM (digital NOTAM) Trial – 2007
demonstrate the maturity of the “digital NOTAM” concept validate the AIXM 5 timeslice model to managing permanent and temporary changes check the completeness of (selected) AIXM 5 feature definitions involve AIS Offices from ECAC State as test digital NOTAM data providers identify potential digital NOTAM users and applications identify essential bottlenecks that could prevent early adoption of digital NOTAM to show that digital NOTAM can improve safety
Baseline (Static) Data
Providers and Users will not have to provide Baseline data Initial data exported from the EAD Static Database (SDO) Maintained by a constant feed of data from the SDO
xNOTAM Provider Interface
Providing data = xNOTAM Provider Interface It shall run In a Web browser Through a secured Internet (https) connection
xNOTAM Provider Interface
Workflow From origination to publication Start point is an already published NOTAM. The interface will not be used to create NOTAMs. It will encode them. List of real-world NOTAM, that are "to be processed" “Processed NOTAM" shall be "read-only" Performance Answering queries should be within 30 seconds
Getting Data 4 ways to get data: xNOTAM User Interface Subscription
Web Service (SOAP) Web Feature Service (WFS)
Web Feature Service (WFS)
Enable the visualisation of the xNOTAM database content with SkyView2
Scope Events Geographical coverage Duration
closure or limited use of airport, runway, taxiway activation of restricted airspace, ad-hoc restrictions, etc. closure/opening of conditional routes temporary obstacles Geographical coverage Europe … but may be extended if requested! Duration end January till end June 2008
xNOTAM Trial – application interface user management
The following slides present some screens of the GUI prototype (mock-up). Please note these are only draft versions, subject to modifications for the final version of the mock-up. To prepare the work several reference data must be managed, like Operators, Organisations, etc. draft
xNOTAM Trial – application interface event management
Once the reference data are ready, users will be able to manage Events. Information about such events are currently communicated by one or more NOTAMs. Search by text or by Status will allow finding the right Event. Add/Modify/Delete Event functions will be available, including copy/paste the NOTAM text from another tool when possible. draft
xNOTAM Trial – application interface select features affected by event
Once the right event is selected or created, users can create, search, take ownership, and attach the corresponding features (airports/heliports, runways, etc). draft
xNOTAM Trial – application interface search feature
To search thru the right features, the user will first choose the corresponding feature type. Each feature type chosen in the search zone will give access to a specific set of attributes to use as search criteria. draft
xNOTAM Trial – application interface view feature timeline
For the selected feature it will then be possible to visualise the different Time Slices, graphically, on a Time Line, in a selectable period. Each time slice type (baseline, temporary delta, etc) will be easily recognisable. Because the chosen period can be very long, in the bottom part of the Time Slices Viewer one or two "sliders" (clickable horizontal zones) will allow quick shift and access to the right snapshot (precise moment on the time line). draft
Interested to participate ?
Data Provider What area ? When ? Data User What data ? Which area ? What for ? (optional ) xNOTAM Workshop #2 20 & 21 November 2007 Training session for the trial participants Our primary goal this week is to introduce AIXM 5 technical concepts and gather feedback from the global aeronautical information community. Remember these working papers and recommendations are only draft and we encourage your comment and participation. There are a number of questions the attendees should be considering throughout the next two days: Are the AIXM 5 design decisions acceptable and do they lead to an open, forward thinking aeronautical standard Does the AIXM data model include the information you need to exchange? Have we demonstrated the safety and cost benefits? Do you understand how to adopt AIXM for your own system design and data exchange work? Not all questions will be answered in the meeting. We will make sure we collect your questions and try to answer them either during this meeting or afterwards. Following this design review will begin a public review period where we will invite public comments. We will discuss this is in more detail at the end of the two days. In addition, we have provided paper for comments and questions. Please feel free to write down questions and hand them in. We will consolidate the questions and try to address selected questions at the end of tomorrow.
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